22,130 research outputs found

    Adjacency labeling schemes and induced-universal graphs

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    We describe a way of assigning labels to the vertices of any undirected graph on up to nn vertices, each composed of n/2+O(1)n/2+O(1) bits, such that given the labels of two vertices, and no other information regarding the graph, it is possible to decide whether or not the vertices are adjacent in the graph. This is optimal, up to an additive constant, and constitutes the first improvement in almost 50 years of an n/2+O(log⁥n)n/2+O(\log n) bound of Moon. As a consequence, we obtain an induced-universal graph for nn-vertex graphs containing only O(2n/2)O(2^{n/2}) vertices, which is optimal up to a multiplicative constant, solving an open problem of Vizing from 1968. We obtain similar tight results for directed graphs, tournaments and bipartite graphs

    Exact Vacuum Energy of Orbifold Lattice Theories

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    We investigate the orbifold lattice theories constructed from supersymmetric Yang-Mills matrix theories (mother theories) with four and eight supercharges. We show that the vacuum energy of these theories does not receive any quantum correction perturbatively.Comment: 14 pages, no figure, LaTeX2e, typos corrected, errors in references corrected, comments adde

    Renormalization of the Three-Body System with Short-Range Interactions

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    We discuss renormalization of the non-relativistic three-body problem with short-range forces. The problem becomes non-perturbative at momenta of the order of the inverse of the two-body scattering length, and an infinite number of graphs must be summed. This summation leads to a cutoff dependence that does not appear in any order in perturbation theory. We argue that this cutoff dependence can be absorbed in a single three-body counterterm and compute the running of the three-body force with the cutoff. We comment on relevance of this result for the effective field theory program in nuclear and molecular physics.Comment: 5 pages, RevTex, 4 PS figures included with epsf.sty, some clarifying comments added, version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Dispersion interactions from a local polarizability model

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    A local approximation for dynamic polarizability leads to a nonlocal functional for the long-range dispersion interaction energy via an imaginary-frequency integral. We analyze several local polarizability approximations and argue that the form underlying the construction of our recent van der Waals functional [O. A. Vydrov and T. Van Voorhis, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 063004 (2009)] is particularly well physically justified. Using this improved formula, we compute dynamic dipole polarizabilities and van der Waals C_6 coefficients for a set of atoms and molecules. Good agreement with the benchmark values is obtained in most cases

    The Magnificent Seven: Magnetic fields and surface temperature distributions

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    Presently seven nearby radio-quiet isolated neutron stars discovered in ROSAT data and characterized by thermal X-ray spectra are known. They exhibit very similar properties and despite intensive searches their number remained constant since 2001 which led to their name ``The Magnificent Seven''. Five of the stars exhibit pulsations in their X-ray flux with periods in the range of 3.4 s to 11.4 s. XMM-Newton observations revealed broad absorption lines in the X-ray spectra which are interpreted as cyclotron resonance absorption lines by protons or heavy ions and / or atomic transitions shifted to X-ray energies by strong magnetic fields of the order of 10^13 G. New XMM-Newton observations indicate more complex X-ray spectra with multiple absorption lines. Pulse-phase spectroscopy of the best studied pulsars RX J0720.4-3125 and RBS 1223 reveals variations in derived emission temperature and absorption line depth with pulse phase. Moreover, RX J0720.4-3125 shows long-term spectral changes which are interpreted as due to free precession of the neutron star. Modeling of the pulse profiles of RX J0720.4-3125 and RBS 1223 provides information about the surface temperature distribution of the neutron stars indicating hot polar caps which have different temperatures, different sizes and are probably not located in antipodal positions.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Astrophysics and Space Science, in the proceedings of "Isolated Neutron Stars: from the Interior to the Surface", edited by D. Page, R. Turolla and S. Zan

    The Long and Short of Nuclear Effective Field Theory Expansions

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    Nonperturbative effective field theory calculations for NN scattering seem to break down at rather low momenta. By examining several toy models, we clarify how effective field theory expansions can in general be used to properly separate long- and short-range effects. We find that one-pion exchange has a large effect on the scattering phase shift near poles in the amplitude, but otherwise can be treated perturbatively. Analysis of a toy model that reproduces 1S0 NN scattering data rather well suggests that failures of effective field theories for momenta above the pion mass can be due to short-range physics rather than the treatment of pion exchange. We discuss the implications this has for extending the applicability of effective field theories.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, references corrected, minor modification

    Matrix formulation of superspace on 1D lattice with two supercharges

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    Following the approach developed by some of the authors in recent papers and using a matrix representation for the superfields, we formulate an exact supersymmetric theory with two supercharges on a one dimensional lattice. In the superfield formalism supersymmetry transformations are uniquely defined and do not suffer of the ambiguities recently pointed out by some authors. The action can be written in a unique way and it is invariant under all supercharges. A modified Leibniz rule applies when supercharges act on a superfield product and the corresponding Ward identities take a modified form but hold exactly at least at the tree level, while their validity in presence of radiative corrections is still an open problem and is not considered here.Comment: 25 page

    Lattice Gauge Theory -- Present Status

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    Lattice gauge theory is our primary tool for the study of non-perturbative phenomena in hadronic physics. In addition to giving quantitative information on confinement, the approach is yielding first principles calculations of hadronic spectra and matrix elements. After years of confusion, there has been significant recent progress in understanding issues of chiral symmetry on the lattice. (Talk presented at HADRON 93, Como, Italy, June 1993.)Comment: 11 pages, BNL-4946
