949 research outputs found

    The Nucleon Anapole Form Factor in Chiral Perturbation Theory to Sub-leading Order

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    The anapole form factor of the nucleon is calculated in chiral perturbation theory to sub-leading order. This is the lowest order in which the isovector anapole form factor does not vanish. The anapole moment depends on counterterms that reflect short-range dynamics, but the momentum dependence or the form factor is determined by pion loops in terms of parameters that could in principle be fixed from other processes. If these parameters are assumed to have natural size, the sub-leading corrections do not exceed ~ 30% at momentum Q ~ 300 MeV.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, epsf.sty, submitted to Phys. Lett

    The mass insertion approximation without squark degeneracy

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    We study the applicability of the mass insertion approximation (MIA) for calculations of neutral meson mixing when squark masses are not degenerate and, in particular, in models of alignment. We show that the MIA can give results that are much better than an order of magnitude estimate as long as the masses are not strongly hierarchical. We argue that, in an effective two-squark framework, m_q=(m_1+m_2)/2 is the best choice for the MIA expansion point, rather than, for example, m_q^2=(m_1^2+m_2^2)/2.Comment: 7 pages, revtex

    Influences of neutron star parameters on evolutions of different types of pulsar; evolutions of anomalous X-ray pulsars, soft gamma repeaters and dim isolated thermal neutron stars on the P-\.{P} diagram

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    Influences of the mass, moment of inertia, rotation, absence of stability in the atmosphere and some other parameters of neutron stars on the evolution of pulsars are examined. It is shown that the locations and evolutions of soft gamma repeaters, anomalous X-ray pulsars and other types of pulsar on the period versus period derivative diagram can be explained adopting values of B<1014<10^{14} G for these objects. This approach gives the possibility to explain many properties of different types of pulsar.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur

    Evidence for a Binary Companion to the Central Compact Object 1E 1207.4-5209

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    Unique among neutron stars, 1E 1207.4-5209 is an X-ray pulsar with a spin period of 424 ms that contains at least two strong absorption features in its energy spectrum. This neutron star has been identified as a member of the radio-quiet compact central objects in supernova remnants. It has been found that 1E 1207.4-5209 is not spinning down monotonically suggesting that this neutron star undergoes strong, frequent glitches, contains a fall-back disk, or possess a binary companion. Here, we report on a sequence of seven XMM-Newton observations of 1E 1207.4-5209 performed during a 40 day window in June/July 2005. Due to unanticipated variance in the phase measurements beyond the statistical uncertainties, we could not identify a unique phase-coherent timing solution. The three most probable timing solutions give frequency time derivatives of +0.9, -2.6, and +1.6 X 10^(-12) Hz/s (listed in descending order of significance). We conclude that the local frequency derivative during our XMM-Newton observing campaign differs from the long-term spin-down rate by more than an order of magnitude, effectively ruling out glitch models for 1E 1207.4-5209. If the long-term spin frequency variations are caused by timing noise, the strength of the timing noise in 1E 1207.4-5209 is much stronger than in other pulsars with similar period derivatives. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that the spin variations are caused by the same physical process that causes timing noise in other isolated pulsars. The most plausible scenario for the observed spin irregularities is the presence of a binary companion to 1E 1207.4-5209. We identified a family of orbital solutions that are consistent with our phase-connected timing solution, archival frequency measurements, and constraints on the companions mass imposed by deep IR and optical observations.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. To be published in the proceedings of "Isolated Neutron Stars: from the Interior to the Surface" (April 24-28, 2006) - eds. D. Page, R. Turolla & S. Zan

    Clustering transitions in vibro-fluidized magnetized granular materials

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    We study the effects of long range interactions on the phases observed in cohesive granular materials. At high vibration amplitudes, a gas of magnetized particles is observed with velocity distributions similar to non-magnetized particles. Below a transition temperature compact clusters are observed to form and coexist with single particles. The cluster growth rate is consistent with a classical nucleation process. However, the temperature of the particles in the clusters is significantly lower than the surrounding gas, indicating a breakdown of equipartition. If the system is quenched to low temperatures, a meta-stable network of connected chains self-assemble due to the anisotropic nature of magnetic interactions between particles.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    A numerical reinvestigation of the Aoki phase with N_f=2 Wilson fermions at zero temperature

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    We report on a numerical reinvestigation of the Aoki phase in lattice QCD with two flavors of Wilson fermions where the parity-flavor symmetry is spontaneously broken. For this purpose an explicitly symmetry-breaking source term hψˉiγ5τ3ψh\bar{\psi} i \gamma_{5} \tau^{3}\psi was added to the fermion action. The order parameter was computed with the Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm at several values of (β,κ,h)(\beta,\kappa,h) on lattices of sizes 444^4 to 12412^4 and extrapolated to h=0h=0. The existence of a parity-flavor breaking phase can be confirmed at β=4.0\beta=4.0 and 4.3, while we do not find parity-flavor breaking at β=4.6\beta=4.6 and 5.0.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Revised version as to be published in Phys.Rev.

    The prediction of preference for unfamiliar urban places

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    Preferences for unfamiliar urban environments were studied as a function of urban categories, viewing time, and four predictor variables: complexity, coherence, identifiability, and mystery. A nonmetric factor analysis of the preference ratings for the longest viewing-time condition yielded five dimensions: Contemporary Life, Alley/Factory, Urban Nature, Unusual Architecture, and Older Buildings. The five categories differed significantly in preference, with Urban Nature by far the most preferred and Alley/Factory distinctly disliked. The combination of low coherence and high complexity characterizes the least liked Alley/Factory category, while the role of mystery in the urban setting is highlighted by the most preferred Urban Nature category. The results point to various ways in which the urban environment could be more responsive to people's preferences.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43513/1/11111_2005_Article_BF01359051.pd

    Dicyclic Horizontal Symmetry and Supersymmetric Grand Unification

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    It is shown how to use as horizontal symmetry the dicyclic group Q6SU(2)Q_6 \subset SU(2) in a supersymmetric unification SU(5)SU(5)SU(2)SU(5)\otimes SU(5)\otimes SU(2) where one SU(5)SU(5) acts on the first and second families, in a horizontal doublet, and the other acts on the third. This can lead to acceptable quark masses and mixings, with an economic choice of matter supermultiplets, and charged lepton masses can be accommodated.Comment: 10 pages, LaTe

    Lattice Study of the Massive Schwinger Model with a θ\theta term under L\"uscher's "Admissibility" condition

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    We present a numerical study of the massive two-flavor QED in two dimensions with the gauge action proposed by L\"uscher, which allows only ``admissible'' gauge fields. We find that the admissibility condition does not allow any topology changes by the local updation in Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm so that the configurations in each topological sector can be generated separately. By developing a new method to sum over different topological sectors, we investigate θ\theta vacuum effects. Combining with domain-wall fermion action, we obtain the fermion mass dependence and θ\theta dependence of the meson masses, which are consistent with the analytic results by mass perturbation in the continuum theory.Comment: 3 pages, Lattice2003(chiral

    Staggered versus overlap fermions: a study in the Schwinger model with Nf=0,1,2N_f=0,1,2

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    We study the scalar condensate and the topological susceptibility for a continuous range of quark masses in the Schwinger model with Nf=0,1,2N_f=0,1,2 dynamical flavors, using both the overlap and the staggered discretization. At finite lattice spacing the differences between the two formulations become rather dramatic near the chiral limit, but they get severely reduced, at the coupling considered, after a few smearing steps.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, v2: 1 ref corrected, minor change