15 research outputs found

    Zatorska goose - a subject of parasitological research

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    The aim of the study was to determine the level of gastrointestinal parasites in a native breed of geese – Zatorska goose – based on coproscopic testing. Faecal samples were collected from 90 young geese in three age groups (5, 7 and 9 weeks old) in 2014. The geese were kept indoors on deep litter and pastured from spring to autumn. The area of the pastures around the buildings where the geese grazed was about 1 hectare, divided into quarters for different age groups. Before grazing, the birds were dewormed with fenbendazole (Fenbenat powder 4%, Naturan). As additional treatment for coccidiosis, coccidiostats were added to the feed. The study was conducted using the McMaster quantitative method with centrifugation (flotation liquid: NaCl and glucose). The birds were shown to be infected with coccidia and nematodes. The prevalence of Eimeria sp. infection (mean 40%) and the number of oocysts per gram of faeces (reaching 5,300 OPG) were highest in the youngest age group of geese. The level of Amidostomum anseris infection was similar in the three age groups, with prevalence from 40% to 50% (nematode egg output ranged from 50 to 350 eggs per gram of faeces, EPG). Capillaria anatis was observed only in 5- and 7-week-old geese

    Changes in unused blue moor grass meadows near Bukowno (Wyżyna Olkuska)

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    Główny celem tej pracy była ocena wpływu zaprzestania działalności rolniczej na łąkach z zespołem Molinietum caeruleae. Przedmiotem badań były łąki położone w okolicach Bukowna. Do badań wybrano łąki z różną częstotliwością koszenia. Pierwszy typ stanowiły łąki koszone nieregularnie (1 - 3 lata). Drugim typem były łąki koszone sporadycznie (3 - 5 lat). Trzeci typ reprezentowany był przez łąki niekoszone od co najmniej 5 lat. Na wybranych łąkach wykonano 30 zdjęć fitosocjologicznych ( po 10 na każdej z wyróżnionych powierzchni badawczych), w czasie dwóch okresów wegetacyjnych (w latach 2010 i 2011). Na podstawie otrzymanych wyników scharakteryzowano proces sukcesji wtórnej. Zaprzestanie użytkowania rolniczego spowodowało spadek różnorodności gatunkowej, zmiany w ilościowości i stopniach stałości gatunków.The main aim of this work was to determine the effect abandonment of agricultural activity on the meadows Molinietum caeruleae. The subject of the study were meadows located in the area of Bukowno. To the study meadows with varying frequency of mowing were selected. The first type were meadows mowed irregularly (1 - 3 years). The second type were meadows mowed occasionally (3 - 5 years). The third type was represented by meadows not mowed for at least 5 years. In the meadows 30 releves (10 in each of distinguished meadow type) according to Braun – Blanquet methods were made, during two growing seasons (in 2010 and 2011). Based on the results the process of secondary succession was observed. Cessation of agricultural use caused a decrease in the diversity of species and significant, changes in the abundance and frequency of species

    Applicability of anatid and galliform microsatellite markers to the genetic diversity studies of domestic geese (<it>Anser anser domesticus</it>) through the genotyping of the endangered zatorska breed

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    Abstract Background The lack of a sufficient number of molecular markers seriously limits the cognition of genetic relationships within and between populations of many species. Likewise, the genetic diversity of domestic goose (Anser anser domesticus), with a great number of breeds throughout the world, remains poorly understood at the molecular level. Findings Thirty-five goose, seventeen duck and eight chicken microsatellite primer pairs were screened for their utility in the cross-species amplification on DNA from 96 individuals of Zatorska breed of domestic geese. Twenty-seven of 42 amplifying primer pairs revealed length-polymorphic products, but three of them were difficult to score. Fifteen primer pairs amplifying the same length product across all individuals. One polymorphic microsatellite locus was assigned by genotyping of known sex individuals to the Z-chromosome. Conclusions We present a set of 24 polymorphic microsatellite markers useful for population genetic studies of the domestic goose. Another 15 markers were classified as monomorphic, but they might also be suitable for the assessment of genetic diversity in geese.</p

    Prevention of product nonconformities in the production company – case-study

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    Głównym celem badań jest identyfikacja i ocena poziomu jakości w procesie produkcji form odlewniczych oraz przedstawienie sposobów zapobiegania niezgodnościom. W artykule wykorzystano dwa tradycyjne narzędzia zarządzania jakością, tj. diagram Pareto-Lorenza oraz diagram Ishikawy. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań przy użyciu diagramu Pareto-Lorenza wyszczególniono główne niezgodności badanego produktu. Kolejnym etapem było wykorzystanie diagramu Ishikawy do analizy czynników powodujących najczęściej występującą niezgodność (niezgodność krytyczną). Do każdej niezgodnosci zaproponowano działania korygujące i zapobiegawcze.The main goal of the research is the identification and assessment of the quality level in the production process of molds and the presentation of methods to prevent nonconformities. The article uses two traditional quality management tools, such as Pareto-Lorenz diagram and Ishikawa diagram. As a result of the research carried out using the Pareto-Lorenz diagram, the main nonconformities was specified for the product under test. The next step was to use of the Ishikawa diagram to analyze the factors that cause the most common nonconformity. Corrective and preventive actions have been proposed for each nonconformities

    Preliminary Studies on Genetic Diversity of Selected Polish Local Chicken Varieties

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    The study was aimed at evaluation of the applicability of selected microsatellite markers in examining genetic diversity in five Polish local chicken varieties (two groups of native crested chickens, crestless native chickens from Subcarpathian region and two groups of native miniature chickens) and reveal their genetic relationships to five purebreds (Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, Sussex, Greenleg Partridge, Minorca). About 22.8% (overall FST = 0.228) of the genetic variation was explained by differences between breeds and varieties. The DA genetic distances between five Polish native varieties and five purebreds varied between 0.154 and 0.440. The results obtained in this study indicate the great value of the collection and suggest the need for formal protection of these local Polish chicken varieties

    Fatty acid composition of goose meat depending on genotype and sex

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