14 research outputs found

    Random effects mean percent of hypertension by subgroup and sensitivity analyses.

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    <p>All subgroup and sensitivity analyses were done only for both sexes combined except for the subgroup ‘sex’.</p><p>*Himalayan & north-eastern – Uttaranchal, Himachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Mizoram & Sikkim, southern – Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu from mainland India & Andaman & Nicobar Islands, central – Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa & West Bengal.</p>†<p>Unknown – no information available.</p>‡<p>Special features include – consumption of large quantities of meat and milk products, prevalent use of alcohol containing drinks and/or tobacco, intake of large quantities of salt, salt tea or any other as stated by the authors.</p

    Random effects meta-regression analysis – effect of covariates on the prevalence of hypertension.

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    <p>Coefficient is for logit of proportion.</p><p>Dependent variable: prevalence of hypertension.</p><p>Reference categories of independent variables: decade 1981–1990, BP apparatus – digital, number of readings – single reading, cut-off used for hypertension −140/90 mm Hg, and status of acculturation – not acculturated.</p

    Characteristics of studies (subpopulations) included in the review.

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    <p>Letters within ‘{}’ indicate subpopulations from the same study.</p><p>ST – Scheduled Tribe, NA – no information available.</p><p>* - Prevalence of hypertension in both sexes combined unless otherwise specified.</p>†<p>- Study done exclusively in females.</p>‡<p>- Study done exclusively in males.</p

    Fig 2 -

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    Prevalence of anemia (a) and anemia with micronutrient deficiencies (b) among children aged 12–59 months across 30 states in India from Comprehensive National Nutritional Survey, 2016–2018. [Note: Anemia—Hemoglobin 5ng/ml), folate deficiency: erythrocyte folate: https://diva-gis.org/download which is free and open source. Software used to create Fig 2, QGIS (previously known as Quantum GIS), is a free and open source cross platform desktop geographic information system (GIS) application that supports viewing, editing and analysis of geospatial data].</p