20 research outputs found

    Empowering Users by Applying the Action Research Approach in E-Studies

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    One of the currently topical innovations in higher education is students’ involvement in active creation of knowledge. The aim of the article is to present a case where action research approach was used in an e-study course. The article includes an overview of the possibilities of using action research theory from the perspective of specific needs of e-studies and focuses on the practical opportunities for creating appropriate methodology and environment for e-studies. The article presents the results of implementating the e-study course “Business planning for open markets” in a bachelor’s programme in the department of computer science. Acquisition of new personal knowledge in this study course is suggested through project work – elaboration of the balance sheet of student’s business idea – his own enterprise. Living Theory approach is used for course acquisition with an aim of creating a personal knowledge, which affects the development of student’s interest and sustains it through the following stages of study course acquisition. The article analyses the methodology of the assessment and interpretation of the results to access the efficiency of the method

    Action Research for Creating Knowledge in an E-Learning Environment

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    The paper describes an action research during the implementation of an e-learning course on commercial studies in a bachelor’s programme. The action research study aims to: (1) determine the effectiveness of action research in a technologically-based learning environ-ment, and (2) establish how group work in e-learning environment affects students’ interest in, and need for, communication and discourse. Qualitative and statistical methods of data analysis were used in this mixed-methods study. The present paper analyses the experience of students working in three action phases to design their personal frames of reference for evaluation of the content and metacontent of business fundamentals. The study identified several possibilities for improving e-learning environment with techniques that make this form of learning more sustainable

    Empowering Users by Applying the Action Research Approach in E-Studies

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    One of the currently topical innovations in higher education is students’ involvement in active creation of knowledge. The aim of the article is to present a case where action research approach was used in an e-study course. The article includes an overview of the possibilities of using action research theory from the perspective of specific needs of e-studies and focuses on the practical opportunities for creating appropriate methodology and environment for e-studies. The article presents the results of implementating the e-study course “Business planning for open markets” in a bachelor’s programme in the department of computer science. Acquisition of new personal knowledge in this study course is suggested through project work – elaboration of the balance sheet of student’s business idea – his own enterprise. Living Theory approach is used for course acquisition with an aim of creating a personal knowledge, which affects the development of student’s interest and sustains it through the following stages of study course acquisition. The article analyses the methodology of the assessment and interpretation of the results to access the efficiency of the method

    Mobile Learning as a Tool to Raise Competency Levels

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    Objectives The goal of the paper is to research the educational options for a personalized, user sensitive mobile learning approach that may be employed “anytime and anyplace.” Mobile learning is usually applied to provide instructions for learning in the real context. The paper analyses how mobile terminals can be used to raise competency levels that can run the gamut from novice to expert Design and methods The Paper draws upon our experience in developing three m-learning objects that are flexible and may be adjusted to diverse learning levels and contexts. We studied the means by which competency levels could be upgraded for both explicit and tacit knowledge Results M-learning methods support upgrading of competence levels Conclusion M-learning objects offer invaluable assistance to meet everyday needs as well as for vocational training. The new m-learning technology is closely related to the development of student centred learning as a part of education for sustainable development of human resources

    User-friendly e-learning environment for educational action research

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    The study aims to bridge the newest information and communication technologies and action research which has come to be known as a modern inquiry driven learning method and also a learning strategy. To this end, the paper presents a research into the effectiveness of action research as an e-learning method, notably, identifies the basic principles of the e-learning environment, explores the importance of constructive supportive dialogue and discusses the creation of a model of interface for educational action research (EAR) in an e-learning environment. The paper analyses an experience from a Business course implemented in an e-learning environment at Riga Technical University over a two-year period. Statistical analysis of the characteristics of students’ activities and self-appraisal has been performed. The basic principles and the prototype of an interface developed in the course of the study take into consideration pedagogical theory and the previous experience of designing e-learning environments. Thus, the study: (1) discusses the advantages and disadvantages of EAR in an e-learning environment in the context of sustainable education and (2) evaluates the adequacy of the developed interface model to the user’s cognitive needs. The proposed methodology suggests new possibilities for creative cooperation in an e-learning environment for sustainable ubiquitous education. Partially article was presented in the 10th International JTEFS/BBCC Conference
"Sustainable Development. Culture. Education" University of Eastern Finland, Savonlinna, Finland

    Collaboration Trends during Action Research in an E-Learning Environment for Developing and Acquiring Effective Personal Knowledge

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    The present article is devoted to the experience of teaching a bachelor level business course at the Riga Technical University using the action research approach during student group work in an e-learning environment. The objective of the article is to identify the main trends of collaborative work in an e-learning environment: what effect the students’ involvement in the action research method which is based on creating personal knowledge via reflection has on acquiring the course (1); how to measure and assess the students’ creativity (2); how collaboration within the group influences the development of knowledge and creativity (3). The methods of statistical and qualitative analysis as well as systemic content analysis of the students’ work are used in the article. The research allowed identifying several new trends which help to improve the effectiveness of e-learning

    Action Reserch for Creating Knowledge and Promoting Discourse in E-Learning Environment

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    The study reviews the experience of educational action research during acquisition of an e-study course in a bachelor programme. The objectives of the study were to: (1) ascertain the effectiveness of action research in a technologically grounded learning environment and (2) determine how work in e-study environment affects students’ interest and need for communication and discourse. Using statistic and qualitative methods, the study explored the experience that students gained from a three-stage process of designing their personal frames of reference for evaluation of the content and metacontent of business fundamentals. Each stage of action research focused on the use of research participants’ personal knowledge and group-generated discourse to create their personal business theories. E-study environment was designed by integrating the e-study environment of Riga Technical University with the opportunities that Google docs affords for organisation of group work and summary of its results. The study revealed several possibilities for improving e-study environment with techniques that make it a more sustainable form of learning

    Izglītības darbības pētījums e-studiju vidē

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    Jāņa Kapenieka promocijas darbs Izglītības darbības pētījums (IDP) e-studiju vidē izstrādāts Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes Elektronikas un Telekomunikācijas fakultātes Tālmācības Studiju centrā doktorantūras programmas E-studiju tehnoloģijas un pārvaldība ietvaros kā transdisciplinārs pētījums augstskolu pedagoģijas apakšnozarē zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai. Promocijas darbs uzrakstīts uz 227 lapām, tas ietver 95 attēlus un 22 tabulas, promocijas darbam pievienoti 26 pielikumi. Promocijas pētījuma veikšanai izmantoti 194 literatūras avoti. Promocijas darbā aprakstītā pētījuma mērķis ir izstrādāt metodiku darbības pētījuma izmantošanai izglītojošiem mērķiem e-studiju vidē un izveidot šādas vides prototipu pedagoģiskā procesa ilgtspējības veicināšanai. Lai realizētu pētījuma mērķi, atrastas atbildes uz trim pētījuma jautājumiem: 1.Kā izglītības darbības pētījums (IDP) integrējams e-studiju vidē, balstoties uz pieejamajiem IT resursiem? Kā izmantot darbības pētījuma divējādo dabu - mācīšanās metode un stratēģija jaunu zināšanu radīšanai - studiju kursu īstenošanai augstskolā? 2.Kā darbības pētījuma metode ietekmē studējošos? Vai studējošo radošuma, interešu un vērtību attīstība atbilst nākotnes pieprasītāko zināšanās balstīto profesiju vajadzībām ? 3.Kā veidot darbības pētījumam atbilstošu vides dizainu un kādu studiju e-studiju vides prototipu izmantot studiju kursu apguvei augstskolā. Kādi grupas darba pamatprincipi jārespektē e-studiju vidē? Mērķa sasniegšanai pētījuma gaitā veikti sekojoši uzdevumi: •Analizēta filozofiskā, pedagoģiskā un e-izglītību izvērtējošā datorzinātņu literatūra. Padziļināti pētīta literatūra par darbības pētījuma būtību, tā izmantošanu personisko zināšanu radīšanai, darbības pētījuma dalībnieku izpratnes padziļināšanai par pētāmo objektu, informācijas tehnoloģiju izmantošanu zināšanu apguvei un mācībām sadarbojoties. •Analizēti pētījumi par Eiropas valstīs nepieciešamām profesijām nākotnē un tām atbilstošajām prasmēm un personiskajām īpašībām interešu, vērtību un radošuma kontekstā. •Izstrādāts izglītības darbības pētījuma variants pieejamo interneta resursu izmantošanai un e-studiju vides izveidošanai un pētīti zināšanu apguves un radīšanas rezultāti šajā vidē. •Izpētīta izglītības darbības pētījuma ietekme uz studējošo interesēm un vērtībām e-studiju vidē. Izvērtēta to atbilstība Eiropas darba tirgus prasībām. •Noskaidrotas izmantotās e-studiju vides nepilnības un izstrādāts uzlabotas e-studiju vides prototips izglītības darbības pētījumam. Pētījuma objekts ir pedagoģiskais process augstskolas e-studiju vidē. Pētījuma priekšmets: Izglītības darbības pētījuma izmantošana e-studiju vides prototipa izvēlei. Promocijas darbā aprakstītais pētījums strukturēts trīs nodaļās, kas atbilst trim pētījuma jautājumiem. Darba nobeigumā formulēti secinājumi un ieteikumi tā rezultātu izmantošanai augstskolā

    E-Learning Interface for Educational Action Research

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    The study aims to bridge the newest information and communication technologies and action research which has come to be known as a modern inquiry driven learning method and also a learning strategy. To this end, the paper presents a research into the effectiveness of action research as an e-learning method, notably, identifies the basic principles of the e-learning environment, explores the importance of constructive supportive dialogue and discusses the creation of a model of interface for educational action research (EAR) in an e-learning environment. The paper analyses an experience from a Business course implemented in an e-learning environment at Riga Technical University over a two-year period. Statistical analysis of the characteristics of students’ activities and self-appraisal has been performed. The basic principles and the prototype of an interface developed in the course of the study take into consideration pedagogical theory and the previous experience of designing e-learning environments. Thus, the study: (1) discusses the advantages and disadvantages of EAR in an e-learning environment in the context of sustainable education and (2) evaluates the adequacy of the developed interface model to the user’s cognitive needs. The proposed methodology suggests new possibilities for creative cooperation in an e-learning environment for sustainable ubiquitous education

    Piloting the eBig3: A Triple-screen e-Learning Approach

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    In this report / study we present our recent progress on multi-screen e-learning development entitled eBig3. It is a new approach to technology supported education encouraging involvement in lifelong learning education. The approach effectively integrates the popular technologies of television, Internet, and mobile phones. Here we present the results of ten course pilots offered in 2013 with the eBig3 media formats. The target group for the courses was the general public. And the three-pronged approach worked; the response showed a radical increase of registration for eBig3 courses compared to traditional registration for online courses. The course delivery formats were also more successful than blended learning formats. Our results showed that the new approach significantly increased the availability of eCourses and that users felt encouraged to stay the duration of the course. Moreover, the results indicated that the approach helped to close the gap between expectations and actual achievements for life-long-learning in general