40 research outputs found

    Report on the state of UK-based research on Latin America and the Caribbean

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    This report looks at how the UK is responding to and engaging with new developments in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). It addresses in detail the importance of carrying out research on the LAC area, new developments affecting Latin American and Caribbean studies in the UK and the scope and patterns of the research being carried out. The size and composition of the research community are profiled, along with institutional affiliations and research concentrations. Findings are presented on the shifting institutional commitments to research into Latin America and the Caribbean and the challenges faced by the LAC research community, including trends in funding for LAC research, the impact of research assessment exercises and constraints on dissemination and publication

    Political Change in Cuba: Before and After the Exodus

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    El proceso político en Cuba y la cuestión de la reforma

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    RESUMEN: ?El autor trata de dar respuesta a la continua evolución de la estructura política cubana a partir de los cambios acaecidos en 1989 e incluso remontándose al mismo momento de la victoria de la revolución en 1959, enfatizando los debates y condicionantes internos. En este sentido, identifica los principales factores que pueden determinar el futuro de la Isla: 1) los éxitos o fracasos de la economía, a nivel macro pero también a nivel doméstico; 2) el nivel y la eficacia de las presiones ejercidas desde Washington; 3) la participación de Fidel Castro en la estructura y el proceso de determinar las decisiones; 4) la eficacia de los sistemas de participación; y 5) el papel a jugar por las Fuerzas Armadas de la Revolución (FAR).ABSTRACT: This article analyzes the interna] conditionants of the evolution of the Cuban political structure from the 1959 revolution. It identifies the main factors affecting the Cuban future: 1) the successes and failures of the economy; 2) the level and efficency of the pressures exercised by Washington; 3) the role of Fidel Castro in the decisionmaking process; 4)the efficiency of the participatory processes, and 5) the role played by the Armed Forces

    Reading the Revolution: Where Has the Literature Taken Us in Understanding Cuba?

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    – Cuba. A New History, by Richard Gott. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2004. – The Cuban Revolution. Past, Present and Future Perspectives, by Geraldine  Lievesley. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. – People’s Power. Cuba’s Experience with Representative Government, by Peter  Roman. (Updated edition) Lanham, Boulder, New York, Toronto, Oxford:  Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc.  – Cuba. A Revolution in Motion, by Isaac Saney. Black Point, Nova Scotia: Fernwood Books; London: Zed Books, 2003. 

    Reading the Revolution: Where Has the Literature Taken Us in Understanding Cuba?

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    – Cuba. A New History, by Richard Gott. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2004. – The Cuban Revolution. Past, Present and Future Perspectives, by Geraldine  Lievesley. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. – People’s Power. Cuba’s Experience with Representative Government, by Peter  Roman. (Updated edition) Lanham, Boulder, New York, Toronto, Oxford:  Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc.  – Cuba. A Revolution in Motion, by Isaac Saney. Black Point, Nova Scotia: Fernwood Books; London: Zed Books, 2003