481 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Dyslipidemia in Patients Receiving Health Checkups: A Hospital-Based Study

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    We used the dataset from one medical center in Taiwan to explore the prevalence of dyslipidemia, which included 2695 subjects receiving private health checkups in 2003-2004. The overall prevalence of hypercholesterolemia was 53.3% in men and 48.2% in women (P = 0.008). The overall prevalence of hypertriglyceridemia was 29.3% in men and 13.7% in women (P < 0.001). The overall prevalence of elevated LDL level was 50.7% in men and 37.9% in women (P < 0.001). The overall prevalence of low HDL level was 47.4% in men and 53% in women (P = 0.004)

    Sliding and pressure evaluation on conventional and V-shaped seats of reclining wheelchairs for stroke patients with flaccid hemiplegia: a crossover trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Reclining wheelchairs are commonly used to transport elderly stroke patients in Taiwan. However, there is concern that the patient's body in the wheelchair often slides forward when they return to a seated position, increasing the sitting pressure. Therefore, a novel reclining wheelchair with an ergonomic "V-Seat" was designed to prevent forward sliding and pressure sores. The use of these reclining chairs by stroke patients has not yet been studied. Thus, we investigated the effects of V-shaped and conventional seats in reclining wheelchairs on the extent of forward sliding and on the sitting pressure of stroke patients with flaccid hemiplegia and of able-bodied elders.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We recruited 13 able-bodied elders and 11 stroke patients with flaccid hemiplegia and performed 5 reclining cycles in both types of wheelchair. The amount of sliding along the backrest (BS) plane and the seat (SS) plane, the mean sitting pressure (MP), and the sacral peak pressure (SPP) of the subjects were recorded. We used the Wilcoxon signed-rank test to compare the BS, SS, MP, and SPP in wheelchairs with conventional and V-shaped seats, and we used the Wilcoxon rank sum test to compare the differences in BS and SS between stroke patients and able-bodied elders in both types of reclining wheelchair.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The BS, SS, and SPP of stroke patients were significantly lower in the wheelchairs with V-shaped seats than in conventional wheelchairs in most comparisons; however, the BS of able-bodied elders was higher in V-shaped seats than in conventional seats. The SS and SPP of stroke patients were significantly higher than those of able-bodied elders in both types of reclining wheelchair, and the BS of stroke patients was significantly higher than that of able-bodied elders only in conventional reclining wheelchairs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The use of V-shaped seats in reclining wheelchairs can help reduce the forward sliding and sacral peak pressure of stroke patients with flaccid hemiplegia. The back displacement of able-bodied subjects when using both conventional and V-shape seats in reclining positions differs from the back displacement of stroke patients with flaccid hemiplegia when using such seats. These results are of paramount value and should be considered when prescribing the use of reclining wheelchairs to subjects with flaccid hemiplegia.</p

    A quantitative analysis of monochromaticity in genetic interaction networks

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A genetic interaction refers to the deviation of phenotypes from the expected when perturbing two genes simultaneously. Studying genetic interactions help clarify relationships between genes, such as compensation and masking, and identify gene groups of functional modules. Recently, several genome-scale experiments for measuring quantitative (positive and negative) genetic interactions have been conducted. The results revealed that genes in the same module usually interact with each other in a consistent way (pure positive or negative); this phenomenon was designated as monochromaticity. Monochromaticity might be the underlying principle that can be utilized to unveil the modularity of cellular networks. However, no appropriate quantitative measurement for this phenomenon has been proposed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we propose the monochromatic index (MCI), which is able to quantitatively evaluate the monochromaticity of potential functional modules of genes, and the MCI was used to study genetic landscapes in different cellular subsystems. We demonstrated that MCI not only amend the deficiencies of MP-score but also properly incorporate the background effect. The results showed that not only within-complex but also between-complex connections present significant monochromatic tendency. Furthermore, we also found that significantly higher proportion of protein complexes are connected by negative genetic interactions in metabolic network, while transcription and translation system adopts relatively even number of positive and negative genetic interactions to link protein complexes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In summary, we demonstrate that MCI improves deficiencies suffered by MP-score, and can be used to evaluate monochromaticity in a quantitative manner. In addition, it also helps to unveil features of genetic landscapes in different cellular subsystems. Moreover, MCI can be easily applied to data produced by different types of genetic interaction methodologies such as Synthetic Genetic Array (SGA), and epistatic miniarray profile (E-MAP).</p

    Asteroid lightcurves from the Palomar Transient Factory survey: Rotation periods and phase functions from sparse photometry

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    We fit 54,296 sparsely-sampled asteroid lightcurves in the Palomar Transient Factory to a combined rotation plus phase-function model. Each lightcurve consists of 20+ observations acquired in a single opposition. Using 805 asteroids in our sample that have reference periods in the literature, we find the reliability of our fitted periods is a complicated function of the period, amplitude, apparent magnitude and other attributes. Using the 805-asteroid ground-truth sample, we train an automated classifier to estimate (along with manual inspection) the validity of the remaining 53,000 fitted periods. By this method we find 9,033 of our lightcurves (of 8,300 unique asteroids) have reliable periods. Subsequent consideration of asteroids with multiple lightcurve fits indicate 4% contamination in these reliable periods. For 3,902 lightcurves with sufficient phase-angle coverage and either a reliably-fit period or low amplitude, we examine the distribution of several phase-function parameters, none of which are bimodal though all correlate with the bond albedo and with visible-band colors. Comparing the theoretical maximal spin rate of a fluid body with our amplitude versus spin-rate distribution suggests that, if held together only by self-gravity, most asteroids are in general less dense than 2 g/cm3^3, while C types have a lower limit of between 1 and 2 g/cm3^3, in agreement with previous density estimates. For 5-20km diameters, S types rotate faster and have lower amplitudes than C types. If both populations share the same angular momentum, this may indicate the two types' differing ability to deform under rotational stress. Lastly, we compare our absolute magnitudes and apparent-magnitude residuals to those of the Minor Planet Center's nominal G=0.15G=0.15, rotation-neglecting model; our phase-function plus Fourier-series fitting reduces asteroid photometric RMS scatter by a factor of 3.Comment: 35 pages, 29 figures. Accepted 15-Apr-2015 to The Astronomical Journal (AJ). Supplementary material including ASCII data tables will be available through the publishing journal's websit

    POINeT: protein interactome with sub-network analysis and hub prioritization

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) are critical to every aspect of biological processes. Expansion of all PPIs from a set of given queries often results in a complex PPI network lacking spatiotemporal consideration. Moreover, the reliability of available PPI resources, which consist of low- and high-throughput data, for network construction remains a significant challenge. Even though a number of software tools are available to facilitate PPI network analysis, an integrated tool is crucial to alleviate the burden on querying across multiple web servers and software tools.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have constructed an integrated web service, POINeT, to simplify the process of PPI searching, analysis, and visualization. POINeT merges PPI and tissue-specific expression data from multiple resources. The tissue-specific PPIs and the numbers of research papers supporting the PPIs can be filtered with user-adjustable threshold values and are dynamically updated in the viewer. The network constructed in POINeT can be readily analyzed with, for example, the built-in centrality calculation module and an integrated network viewer. Nodes in global networks can also be ranked and filtered using various network analysis formulas, i.e., centralities. To prioritize the sub-network, we developed a ranking filtered method (S3) to uncover potential novel mediators in the midbody network. Several examples are provided to illustrate the functionality of POINeT. The network constructed from four schizophrenia risk markers suggests that EXOC4 might be a novel marker for this disease. Finally, a liver-specific PPI network has been filtered with adult and fetal liver expression profiles.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The functionalities provided by POINeT are highly improved compared to previous version of POINT. POINeT enables the identification and ranking of potential novel genes involved in a sub-network. Combining with tissue-specific gene expression profiles, PPIs specific to selected tissues can be revealed. The straightforward interface of POINeT makes PPI search and analysis just a few clicks away. The modular design permits further functional enhancement without hampering the simplicity. POINeT is available at <url>http://poinet.bioinformatics.tw/</url>.</p

    Secondary Metabolites from the Leaves of Aquilaria agallocha

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    Twelve compounds, including three flavonoids, 5-hydroxy-4¢,7- dimethoxyflavone (1) [22], luteolin-7,3¢,4¢-trimethyl ether (2) and 5,3¢- dihydroxy-7,4¢-dimethoxyflavone (3), five benzenoids, methylparaben (4), vanillic acid (5), p-hydroxybenzoic acid (6), syringic acid (7), and isovanillic acid (8) and four steroids, b-sitosterol (9), stigmasterol (10), b-sitostenone (11) and stigmasta-4,22-dien-3- one (12) were isolated from the leaves of Aquilaria agallocha (Thymelaeaceae). All of these compounds (1-12) were obtained for the first time from the leaves of this plant

    Asteroid Spin-Rate Study using the Intermediate Palomar Transient Factory

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    Two dedicated asteroid rotation-period surveys have been carried out using data taken on January 6-9 and February 20-23 of 2014 by the Intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (iPTF) in the RR~band with 20\sim 20-min cadence. The total survey area covered 174~deg2^2 in the ecliptic plane. Reliable rotation periods for 1,438 asteroids are obtained from a larger data set of 6,551 mostly main-belt asteroids, each with 10\geq 10~detections. Analysis of 1751, PTF based, reliable rotation periods clearly shows the "spin barrier" at 2\sim 2~hours for "rubble-pile" asteroids. We also found a new large-sized super-fast rotator, 2005 UW163 (Chang et al., 2014), and other five candidates as well. Our spin-rate distributions of asteroids with 3<D<153 < D < 15~km shows number decrease when frequency greater than 5 rev/day, which is consistent to that of the Asteroid Light Curve Database (LCDB, Warner et al., 2009) and the result of (Masiero et al., 2009). We found the discrepancy in the spin-rate distribution between our result and (Pravec et al., 2008, update 2014-04-20) is mainly from asteroids with Δm<0.2\Delta m < 0.2 mag that might be primarily due to different survey strategies. For asteroids with D3D \leq 3~km, we found a significant number drop at f=6f = 6 rev/day. The YORP effect timescale for small-sized asteroid is shorter that makes more elongate objets spun up to reach their spin-rate limit and results in break-up. The K-S test suggests a possible difference in the spin-rate distributions of C- and S-type asteroids. We also find that C-type asteroids have a smaller spin-rate limit than the S-type, which agrees with the general sense that the C-type has lower bulk density than the S-type.Comment: Submitted to ApJ (Jan, 2015). Accepted by ApJ (June, 2015). The whole set of the folded lightcurves will be available on the published articl

    313 new asteroid rotation periods from Palomar Transient Factory observations

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    A new asteroid rotation period survey have been carried out by using the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF). Twelve consecutive PTF fields, which covered an area of 87 deg2^2 in the ecliptic plane, were observed in RR band with a cadence of \sim20 min during February 15--18, 2013. We detected 2500 known asteroids with a diameter range of 0.5 km D\leq D \leq 200 km. Of these, 313 objects had highly reliable rotation periods and exhibited the "spin barrier" at 2\sim2 hours. In contrast to the flat spin rate distribution of the asteroids with 3 km D\leq D \leq 15 km shown by Pravec et al. (2008), our results deviated somewhat from a Maxwellian distribution and showed a decrease at the spin rate greater than 5 rev/day. One super-fast-rotator candidate and two possible binary asteroids were also found in this work.Comment: 18 pages, 20 figures and 2 very long table

    High pressure evolution of Fe2_{2}O3_{3} electronic structure revealed by X-ray absorption

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    We report the first high pressure measurement of the Fe K-edge in hematite (Fe2_2O3_3) by X-ray absorption spectroscopy in partial fluorescence yield geometry. The pressure-induced evolution of the electronic structure as Fe2_2O3_3 transforms from a high-spin insulator to a low-spin metal is reflected in the x-ray absorption pre-edge. The crystal field splitting energy was found to increase monotonically with pressure up to 48 GPa, above which a series of phase transitions occur. Atomic multiplet, cluster diagonalization, and density-functional calculations were performed to simulate the pre-edge absorption spectra, showing good qualitative agreement with the measurements. The mechanism for the pressure-induced phase transitions of Fe2_2O3_3 is discussed and it is shown that ligand hybridization significantly reduces the critical high-spin/low-spin pressure.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures and 1 tabl

    Be Stars in the Open Cluster NGC 6830

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    We report the discovery of 2 new Be stars, and re-identify one known Be star in the open cluster NGC 6830. Eleven H-alpha emitters were discovered using the H-alpha imaging photometry of the Palomar Transient Factory Survey. Stellar membership of the candidates was verified with photometric and kinematic information using 2MASS data and proper motions. The spectroscopic confirmation was carried out by using the Shane 3-m telescope at Lick observatory. Based on their spectral types, three H-alpha emitters were confirmed as Be stars with H-alpha equivalent widths > -10 Angstrom. Two objects were also observed by the new spectrograph SED-Machine on the Palomar 60 inch Telescope. The SED-Machine results show strong H-alpha emission lines, which are consistent with the results of the Lick observations. The high efficiency of the SED-Machine can provide rapid observations for Be stars in a comprehensive survey in the future.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, AJ in pres