14 research outputs found

    Dynamic behavior of 110mAg in sheep tissues.

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    The transfer coefficient of 110mAg to a range of sheep tissues and its biological half-life in these tissues has been determined. Liver was shown to be the major site of 110mAg deposition and retention, with a transfer coefficient of Ff 7.1 d kg-1 and a biological half-life of 79 d. These results also suggest that previous estimates of the transfer of silver to muscle were too high, although further work would be required to confirm this. There is a need for accurate data which can be used to predict the transfer of 110mAg to food-producing animals

    The identification of areas vulnerable to radiocaesium deposition in Hungary

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    Radiocaesium is an important and persistent environmental contaminant that can be deposited f o l l o w i n g nuclear accidents. It became apparent after the Chernobyl accident that some regions were vulnerable to radiocaesium deposition. Prior identification of vulnerable areas using spatial models that incorporate variation i n radiocaesium soil-to-plant transfer as a function of soil properties would allow post-accident management options to be prioritised and effectively implemented. In this paper, an assessment of the influence of different input soil property data sets for Hungary upon spatial model predictions of cow milk 1 3 7Cs activity concentrations and the identification of vulnerable areas is presented. Although predictions of cow m i l k 1 3 7Cs activity concentrations after Chernobyl made using the three input soil property data sets are all broadly similar and i n reasonable agreement w i t h national monitoring data, the identification of vulnerable areas is greatly influenced by the input soil property data set used. Our results suggest that using soil property databases derived f r om amalgamation of soil properties into broad soil categories w i l l lead to vulnerable areas not being identified. The findings presented i n this paper have important implications for the use of spatial models i n the prediction of radiocaesium transfer, identification o f vulnerable areas and management o f contaminated areas

    Application of biosphere models in the BIOMOSA project: A comparative assessment of five European radioactive waste disposal sites.

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    The BioMoSA (Biosphere Models for Safety Assessment of Radioactive Waste Disposal) project was part of the EC fifth framework research program. The main goal of this project was the improvement of the scientific basis for the application of biosphere models in the framework of long-term safety studies of radioactive waste disposal facilities. Another aim of the project was to provide operators and regulatory bodies with guidelines for performance assessments of repository systems. The study focused on the development and application of site-specific models and a generic biosphere tool BIOGEM (BIOsphere GEneric Model), using the experience from National programs and the IAEA BIOMASS reference biosphere methodology. The models were applied to 5 typical locations in Europe, resulting in estimates of the annual individual doses to the critical groups and the ranking of the importance of the pathways for each of the sites. The results of the site-specific and generic models were then compared. Uncertainty in the results was estimated by means of stochastic calculations which allowed a comparison of the overall model uncertainty with the variability across the different sites considered

    Application of a generic biosphere model for dose assessment to five European sites.

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    The BIOMOSA (BIOsphere MOdels for Safety Assessment of radioactive waste disposal) project was part of the EC fifth framework research programme. The main goal of this project was to improve the scientific basis for the application of biosphere models in the framework of long-term safety studies of radioactive waste disposal facilities and to enhance the confidence in using biosphere models for performance assessments. The study focused on the development and application of a generic biosphere tool BIOGEM (BIOsphere GEneric Model) using the IAEA BIOMASS reference biosphere methodology, and the comparison between BIOGEM and five site-specific biosphere models. The site-specific models and the generic model were applied to five typical locations in Europe, resulting in estimates of the annual effective individual doses to the critical groups and the ranking of the importance of the exposure pathways for each of the sites. Uncertainty in the results was also estimated by means of stochastic calculations based on variation of the site-specific parameter values. This paper describes the generic model and the deterministic and stochastic results obtained when it was applied to the five sites. Details of the site-specific models and the corresponding results are described in two companion papers. This paper also presents a comparison of the results between the generic model and site-specific models. In general, there was an acceptable agreement of the BIOGEM for both the deterministic and stochastic results with the results from the site-specific models. © 2006 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Validation of 131I ecological transfer models and thyroid dose assessments using Chernobyl fallout data from the Plavsk district, Russia

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    Within the project "Environmental Modelling for Radiation Safety" (EMRAS) organized by the IAEA in 2003 experimental data of 131I measurements following the Chernobyl accident in the Plavsk district of Tula region, Russia were used to validate the calculations of some radioecological transfer models. Nine models participated in the inter-comparison. Levels of 137Cs soil contamination in all the settlements and 131I/137Cs isotopic ratios in the depositions in some locations were used as the main input information. 370 measurements of 131I content in thyroid of townspeople and villagers, and 90 measurements of 131I concentration in milk were used for validation of the model predictions. A remarkable improvement in models performance comparing with previous inter-comparison exercise was demonstrated. Predictions of the various models were within a factor of three relative to the observations, discrepancies between the estimates of average doses to thyroid produced by most participant not exceeded a factor of ten. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd