9 research outputs found

    Compatibility of Millet and Legume under Relay Cropping Condition

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    Double-cropping millet and legumes is a popular cropping system in the Upper East region (UER) of Ghana. For improved production efficiency, suitable millet-legume combinations with short life cycles that permit extension of the growing season to facilitate double-cropping need to be explored. The objective of this study was therefore to use performance data to identify millet-legume combinations compatible for relay cropping within the UER. Three early millet cultivars (Bongo Shorthead, Arrow Millet and Bristled Millet) were factorially relayed by three legumes namely cowpea, groundnut and soybean. Bongo Shorthead followed by cowpea in a relay cropping system has the greatest prospect of accounting for superiority in grain and stover/straw yield while Bongo Shorthead followed by groundnut in a relay will provide the least suitable combination for relay cropping within the Upper East Region of Ghana. Keywords: double cropping, millet, legumes, compatible combination, savannah zone

    Soil amendments and rotation effects on soybean and maize growths and soil chemical changes in northern Ghana

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    A four-year field trial was conducted at Bonia in the Upper East Region of Ghana to evaluate soybean-maize rotation amendment systems. The treatments included soybean without amendment, inoculated soybean, inoculated soybean with fertisol, inoculated soybean with phosphorus and potassium (P, K), inoculated soybean with P, K and fertisol, inoculated soybean with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (N, P, K), and continuous maize. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Inoculation negatively affected yields by 2% and 14% in 2013 and 2015, respectively. Soil amendments with P, K or N, P, K increased yields within 45–51%, fertisol increased by 95%, and integration of P, K and fertisol recorded 76% increment of inoculated soybean. Yields of maize increased by 1%, 20%, 25%, 43%, 44%, and 46% under inoculated soybean, inoculated soybean with N, P, K, inoculated soybean with P, K, inoculated soybean with fertisol, soybean without amendment, and inoculated soybean with P, K and fertisol, respectively. Maize after inoculated soybean with fertisol and maize after inoculated soybean with P, K and fertisol consistently scored higher benefit-cost ratio across the two years of experimentation. Thus, the two systems are conceivable for recommendation to the farmers in northern Ghana

    Enhancing farmers’ access to technology for increased rice productivity in Ghana

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    A two-year emergency rice (Oryza sativa L.) initiative was launched in 2009 in response to the globalrice crises in 2008. The objective of this initiative in Ghana was to increase rice productivity in order toimprove food security. Project activities included planning sessions, demonstrations, training coursesand community seed production. The project made remarkable progress in enhancing access to qualityseed and fertilizer for over 12,600 farmers while expanding knowledge of best-bet productiontechnologies. Farmers produced 28,663 Mt of paddy which was 16,841 Mt above what they normallyproduced without project intervention. Average yield increased by 92% and also 4,093 women farmersconstituting about 32.4% of the total number of participating farmers benefited directly from the project.Seed fairs, rural radios and audio-visual broadcasts on improved rice production technologies wereused to reach non-participating farmers. The combination of methods that stimulated adoption ofimproved rice production technology was effective in achieving both increased paddy yields andhousehold income. We conclude that investment in rice technology transfer and production effortsduring the two-year period was well justified

    Performance of maize populations under different nitrogen rates in northern Ghana

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    This study evaluated grain yield performance, stability and agronomic nitrogen-use efficiency (AE) of twelve maize populations under three nitrogen (N) rates at two locations in the Guinea and Sudan savannah zones of Ghana in 2014 and 2015. The N rates used were 0, 30, and 90 kg N ha−1. Computations were made for grain yield and AE. Populations × nitrogen interactions were significant for grain yield and AE at the three N rates. The mean yield of the populations under 0, 30, and 90 kg N ha−1 were 1.42, 4.12, and 6.80 t ha−1, respectively. Mean AE of the populations under low-N and high-N was 90.34 and 59.73 kg kg−1, respectively. Populations LNP-Syn-W, TZPB-LN-Syn and IWD-C2-Syn-F2 were efficient under both low-N and high-N inputs and produced 229.17 kg ha−1 and 572.5 kg ha−1 more grains than the average yield of all the populations under low-N and high-N, respectively. The results of this study indicated that the highest response to selection of N-efficient maize populations is achieved under low-N when the grain yield reduction at low-N is 39% of those of high-N environments. Keywords: Grain yield stability, Low soil nitrogen, Nitrogen use efficiency, Genotype × nitrogen interactio

    Partnership for improved access to agro-inputs and technology: Some experiences from the emergency rice initiative project in Ghana

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    A two-year emergency rice (Oryza sativa L.) initiative project was launched in 2009 in response to the global rice crisis in 2008. The objective of this initiative in Ghana was to increase rice productivity in order to improve food security. Project activities included seed fairs, dissemination of information on improved production technologies using videos and rural radios, training of agro-input dealers,extension officers and farmers as well as promotion of best-bet practices through field demonstrations.The project made progress in strengthening the ability of agro-input dealers to create business linkages with input suppliers and extend their retail networks to rice farmers. Overall, 34 agro-input dealers were trained, in collaboration with the Ghana Agro-dealer Development project, on agro-input business management, product knowledge and rice production. Thirteen agro-input dealers were assisted to access credit for business development. Better financed, trained agro-dealers were then able to provide over 12,600 rice farmers with improved seed, mineral fertilizers, technical advice on agro-input use and the promotion of improved agronomic practices through field demonstrations. Some agro-input dealers even provided free inputs for the conduct of demonstrations on new products and good agronomic practices. On average, fertilizer application in demonstration trials increased paddy yields by 68 to 80%over the farmer practice of no fertilizer application. For the participating farmers, there were significant increases in rice paddy yields, reductions in the cost of operations and improvements in the contribution of rice to household incomes. The results suggest that a holistic and multi-stakeholder partnership is an efficient way to improve the access by small-holder resource-poor farmers to agro-inputs and technology and also an effective way to grow the rural agro-input marke