185 research outputs found

    Tisak i digitalna tehnologija: Budućnost dnevnih novina

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    Novine ubrajamo u tiskane medije. Služe za informiranje ljudi o raznoraznim događajima koji se zbivaju u svijetu. Igraju veliku ulogu u modernom društvu, a suočavaju se sa nizom problema. Jedan od većih je razvoj tehnologije i interneta, zbog čega novine gube svoju ulogu u obavještavanju javnosti i gube čitatelje pa im padaju naklade i prihodi. Ljudi koji imaju svakodnevni pristup internetu preko bilo koje digitalne platforme, sve se više okreću informiranju služeći se web stranicama ili aplikacijama. Cilj ovog rada je dati pregled razvoja tiskanih novina te saznati kako se novine prilagođavaju današnjem razvoju tehnologije i na kraju pokušati dati odgovor na to hoće li dnevne novine preživjeti u ovom digitalnom okruženju

    Aminolysis of N-Acetylmuramic Acid Lactones by Amino Acid and Peptide Esters - A Synthetic Route to N-Acetylmuramoylamide Derivatives

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    Aminolysis of N-acetylmuramic acid (MurNAc) lactones, carrying different HO-6 substituents, with amino acid or peptide esters as nucleophiles was studied. The reaction of the protected (1-+ 6) linked GlcNAc-MurNAc lactone I with r.-alanine methyl ester, performed in dioxane in the presence of imidazole and tetra-n-hexylammonium benzoate (THAB), gives amoderate (42%) yield of the disaccharide-amide VI. This was converted into the 4-acetate VII, also prepared by coupling of the ~-(1-+6)-linked disaccharide acid V with Ala-OMe. Benzyl «-glycosides of HO-6 acetylated, tritylated and benzylated MurNAc lactones (IX, XI, XVIII) were used in aminolysis reactions with Ala-OMe and Ala-Gly-OBzl under various conditions. It is shown that the presence of imidazole and THAB, as well as the nature of the solvent, have a significant influence on the formation of the respective muramoylamides X, XII, XIII and XIX, resp.; conditions were elaborated to obtain these compounds in satisfactory (60- -800/0) yields, Additional evidence that the lactone ring-opening proceeds without epimerisation at C-4 is provided

    Vegetables in protected space

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    Povrće možemo uzgajati cijele godine, čak i zimi, kada su uvjeti za uzgoj inače nepovoljni. Međutim, u to vrijeme povrće možemo uzgajati u zaštićenom prostoru. Zaštićeni prostori su niski ili visoki tuneli, plastenici ili staklenici, već prema tome koji se materijal koristi kao zaštita.Vegetables can be cultivated during the entire year, even in wintertime when the cultivating conditions are mostly unfavorable. Still, at that time vegetables can be cultivated in protected space. Protected spaces are low or high tunnels, polythene greenhouses or hothouses, depending on the material used for protection

    Vegetable double cropping

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    Racionalnim korištenjem poljoprivrednih površina moguće je ostvariti veće prinose, a tu se uklapa postrni uzgoj povrća. Naime, nakon ubiranja kulture s poljoprivredne površine, ona u većini slučajeva ostaje prazna. Nakon berbe prve kulture moguć je uzgoj druge što osigurava veće prihode. Međutim, za postrni uzgoj povrća važno je navodnjavanje jer se druga kultura uglavnom uzgaja u ljetnim mjesecima kada ima malo oborina.Rational usage of agricultural land enables higher yields, and vegetable double cropping fits there. Namely, after harvesting a crop, agricultural land stays empty in most cases. After the harvest of the first crop, cultivation of the other is possible and that enables higher revenues. Still, irrigation is important for vegetable double cropping because the second crop is mostly cultivated during summertime when there is no enough precipitation

    Drupe fruit

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    Voćke se dijele u određene kategorije prema obliku ploda, a ovaj puta bit će riječi o koštičavom voću. U tu grupu voća ubraja se breskva, nektarina, marelica, šljiva, trešnja i višnja. Istoj grupi pripada i drijen, međutim, riječ je više o samonikloj voćnoj vrsti koja se najčešće uzgaja u kućnim, amaterskim voćnjacima. Sve koštičave voćke pripadaju porodici ružovki, Rosaceae. Iznimka je drijen koji pripada porodici drijenovki, Cornaceae. Upoznajmo se pobliže s navedenim voćnim vrstama.Fruit- trees are divided in certain categories according to shape of the fruit, and this time drupe fruits will be dealt with. This group of fruit counts in peach, nectarine, apricot, plum, cherry and sour cherry. It also counts in cornelian cherry, but it is more self- grown fruit species cultivated most frequently in amateur and home- orchards. All the drupe fruits belong to the rose family, Rosaceae. The exception is cornelian cherry, which belongs to the dogwood family, Cornaceae. Let us closely meet these fruit species

    Cultivation in vineyard, fertilization and protection of vineyard

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    Kako bi vinograd bio u dobroj formi, potrebno je redovito provoditi potrebne mjere njege nasada. Osnovna mjera njege vinograda je obrada tla u nasadu. Kako bi održali plodnost tla, potrebno je redovito gnojenje. Za gnojenje koristimo organska i mineralna gnojiva. Grožđe treba ubrati u pravo vrijeme i vrlo je važno odrediti vrijeme berbe. Kod određivanja berbe koristi se moštna vaga. Berbu treba obaviti prema određenim pravilima. Lozu je potrebno štititi od raznih bolesti i štetnika.In order for a vineyard to be in a good shape, it is necessary to conduct regularly required measures in plantations. Basic measure of vineyard care is cultivation in a plantation. In order to maintain fertility of the soil, regular fertilization is necessary. Organic and mineral fertilizers are used for fertilization. Grapes should be picked when the time is right, and it is very important to determine proper time for grape harvest. Wine must scale is used in determining grape harvest. Grape harvest should be done according to certain rules. Wine grape should be protected from different diseases and pests

    Fruit-trees fertilization

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    Gnojenje voćaka vrlo je važna agrotehnička mjera jer voćke za rast i razvoj plodova i vegetativnih organa (prirast drva, izboja i korijenja) izvlače iz tla ili troše velike količine hranivih tvari. Gnojenjem se, prema tome, mora podržavati potrebna razina hraniva u tlu i potrebna ravnoteža među pojedinim hranivim elementima. Osim toga, gnojenjem se mora tlo postupno obogaćivati hranivima radi povećanja plodnosti.Fruit-trees fertilization is a very important agrotechnical measure, since in order to grow and develop fruits and vegetative organs (roots, green shoots and branches) fruit-trees draw nutrients out of the soil and use big quantities of them. Fertilization thus preserves the necessary level of nutrients in the soil and the necessary balance among certain nutritious elements. Apart from that, through fertilization the soil will gradually be enriched with nutrients for the increase of fertility

    Warming glass or polythene greenhouses

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    Profesionalnim vrtlarima jedan je od većih proizvodnih troškova grijanje zaštićenog uzgojnog prostora, staklenika ili plastenika. Svaki profesionalni povrtlar dobro zna da bez zagrijavanja zaštićenog prostora nema ni proizvodnje, osobito u kontinentalnim krajevima, no ni u priobalju bez grijanja nebi išlo. Zaštićeni uzgojni prostor, staklenik ili plastenik, može se zagrijavati na različite načine, jednostavne i složene, jeftine i skupe, zapravo, bez obzira koji sistem se koristi, važno je da je funkcionalan, da zagrijava prostor. Koju metodu ćete izabrati, ovisi o više čimbenika: veličini staklenika ili plastenika, položaju, klimi, kulturi koja se uzgaja i dr.One of the biggest production costs for professional gardeners is warming the protected cultivation area - polythene or glass greenhouses. Every professional vegetable grower knows quite well that without warming the protected area, there is no production, neither in coastal, nor in continental areas. The protected cultivation area - polythene or glass greenhouse - can be warmed in various ways, simple or complex, cheap or expensive. In fact, no matter what system is used, it is important that it is functional, in other words, that it warms the area. The method chosen depends on various factors: the size of the greenhouse, position, climate, culture grown etc