52 research outputs found

    Quorum sensing inhibition in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms: new insights through network mining

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    Quorum sensing plays a pivotal role in Pseudomonas aeruginosas virulence. This paper reviews experimental results on antimicrobial strategies based on quorum sensing inhibition and discusses current targets in the regulatory network that determines P. aeruginosa biofilm formation and virulence. A bioinformatics framework combining literature mining with information from biomedical ontologies and curated databases was used to create a knowledge network of potential anti-quorum sensing agents for P. aeruginosa. A total of 110 scientific articles, corresponding to 1,004 annotations were so far included in the network and are analysed in this work. Information on the most studied agents, QS targets and methods is detailed. This knowledge network offers a unique view of existing strategies for quorum sensing inhibition and their main regulatory targets and may be used to readily access otherwise scattered information and to help generate new testable hypotheses. This knowledge network is publicly available at http://pcquorum.org/This work was partially funded by the Research Grant 2014 of Anália Lourenço by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID), the INOU16-05 project from the Provincial Council of Ourense, the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/ REGPOT-2012-2013.1 [grant agreement number 316265], BIOCAPS, the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit, the FCT and the European Community fund FEDER, through Programme COMPETE, under the scope of the Project RECI/BBB- EBI/0179/2012 [FCOMP-010124-FEDER-027462]. SING group also thanks CITI (Centro de Investigación, Transferencia e Innovación) from University of Vigo for hosting its IT infrastructure. The authors also acknowledge FCT for the PhD Grant to Paula Jorge [grant number SFRH/BD/88192/2012]. M. Pérez-Pérez and G. Pérez Rodríguez were supported by pre-doctoral fellowships from the Xunta de Galicia and the University of Vigo

    Application of a risk-management framework for integration of stromal tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in clinical trials

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    Stromal tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (sTILs) are a potential predictive biomarker for immunotherapy response in metastatic triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). To incorporate sTILs into clinical trials and diagnostics, reliable assessment is essential. In this review, we propose a new concept, namely the implementation of a risk-management framework that enables the use of sTILs as a stratification factor in clinical trials. We present the design of a biomarker risk-mitigation workflow that can be applied to any biomarker incorporation in clinical trials. We demonstrate the implementation of this concept using sTILs as an integral biomarker in a single-center phase II immunotherapy trial for metastatic TNBC (TONIC trial, NCT02499367), using this workflow to mitigate risks of suboptimal inclusion of sTILs in this specific trial. In this review, we demonstrate that a web-based scoring platform can mitigate potential risk factors when including sTILs in clinical trials, and we argue that this framework can be applied for any future biomarker-driven clinical trial setting

    Application of a risk-management framework for integration of stromal tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in clinical trials

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    Pitfalls in assessing stromal tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (sTILs) in breast cancer

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    Application of a risk-management framework for integration of stromal tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in clinical trials

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    Stromal tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (sTILs) are a potential predictive biomarker for immunotherapy response in metastatic triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). To incorporate sTILs into clinical trials and diagnostics, reliable assessment is essential. In this review, we propose a new concept, namely the implementation of a risk-management framework that enables the use of sTILs as a stratification factor in clinical trials. We present the design of a biomarker risk-mitigation workflow that can be applied to any biomarker incorporation in clinical trials. We demonstrate the implementation of this concept using sTILs as an integral biomarker in a single-center phase II immunotherapy trial for metastatic TNBC (TONIC trial, NCT02499367), using this workflow to mitigate risks of suboptimal inclusion of sTILs in this specific trial. In this review, we demonstrate that a web-based scoring platform can mitigate potential risk factors when including sTILs in clinical trials, and we argue that this framework can be applied for any future biomarker-driven clinical trial setting

    CODI–A Web Application to Facilitate Live, Remote Programming Lab Sessions

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    This project focuses on higher education and industry training within the area of computer programming, specifically live instructor-led lab sessions. These sessions are currently run using a combination of different tools available on the market, such as video conferencing software, IDEs, screen sharing and file sharing. However, it’s this reliance on several tools which is resulting in productivity loss due to context switching. The solution explored through this project is a web application to facilitate synchronous remote coding lab sessions. It achieves this by combining a code editor, live communication, code sharing, displayed instructions, and help requests all into one web-based tool. This custom application will support educators by streamlining the running of these virtual sessions. It also aims to help improve learner engagement and motivation, by enabling the required 1:1 support and communication between educator and learner
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