2 research outputs found

    Qualitative And Quantitative Phytochemical Screening Ofcola Nuts (Cola Nitida And Cola Acuminata)

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    A study was carried out to evaluate the phytochemical constituent ofaqueous and methanol nut extracts of Colanitida and Colaacuminata. The phytochemical screening which involves both the qualitative and quantitative analysis revealed the presence of secondary metabolites; alkaloid, tannins, glycoside, steroids and saponins glycoside with higher contain in methanol and aqueous extracts. The saponins content is higher in the aqueous extract  and not detected in the methanol extract of the two species. Flavonoids expressed strong presence in methanol extract of C.nitida and not detected in the aqueous extract as well as the aqueous and methanol extracts of C. acuminata. For cardiac glycoside and volatile oil, they show moderate and trace presence in the methanol and aqueous extracts respectively. Anteraquinones are not detected in all the extracts of the two species. The quantitative result shows that, there were significant differences (p<0.05) in glycoside, tannins, saponins and alkaloid content of C. acuminata compared to C.nitida, withC. acuminata having the highest percentage of alkaloid (1.00%) while C. nitidahad (0.80%) alkaloid content,C. acuminatahad (0.80%) saponins, with C. nitida having (0.40%), more over the tanninscontent of C. acuminatawas higher (0.89%) compared to C. nitidawith (0.77%) while the glycoside content of C. acuminatawas (0.53%) and that of C. nitida was (0.43%). The results as indicated above disclose the scientific basis for the traditional uses of cola nut. Finally, the study  recommend the isolation of these metabolites using highly purify methods in other  to obtain their maximum therapeutic potentials. Keywords:Colanitida, Cola acuminate,Qualitative and Quantitative PhytochemicalScreening

    Rice Farmers’ Perception of Climate Change and its Effects on Rice Production and Livelihoods in Kura Local Government Area of Kano State, Nigeria

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    This study examined the perception of rice farmers’ on climate change, its pattern of change and how it affects rice production and livelihoods in Kura Local Government Area in Kano State, Nigeria. A survey research design was employed using semi structured questionnaire. Four hundred (400) respondents were selected randomly from the selected 10 wards based on their availability for the study. The data obtained was analyzed using descriptive statistic in the SPSS version 20.0. The study revealed that rice farmers in the area have very good knowledge on climate change, its pattern of change and effects on rice yield. The study further revealed that the existence of climate change due to its effects on rice yield in the area makes farmers in the area to have a positive perception on the changing pattern of climate change and their effects on rice production. Also the study established that the farmers’ positive perception on the presence of changing pattern of climatic variables in the area affects the growing yield of rice in the inputs and the outputs. The study recommends that Kano state government and non-governmental organizations should gear up towards motivating the farmers to actively adopt mitigating measures of climate change for sustainable rice farming system and sustenance of livelihood options in the area. The rice farmers association and the agric department of the local government in collaboration with government at both state and federal should put more efforts in providing drought resistance seedling to farmers and adopt effective mitigation measures through early warning to control loss of farm products during harvesting. Creating awareness on effects of climate change and crop management practices to control dreadful crop loss in the area was also recommended