41 research outputs found

    Prediction of Task-Related BOLD fMRI with Amplitude Signatures of Resting-State fMRI

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    Blood oxygen contrast-functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) signals are a convolution of neural and vascular components. Several studies indicate that task-related (T-fMRI) or resting-state (R-fMRI) responses linearly relate to hypercapnic task responses. Based on the linearity of R-fMRI and T-fMRI with hypercapnia demonstrated by different groups using different study designs, we hypothesized that R-fMRI and T-fMRI signals are governed by a common physiological mechanism and that resting-state fluctuation of amplitude (RSFA) should be linearly related to T-fMRI responses. We tested this prediction in a group of healthy younger humans where R-fMRI, T-fMRI, and hypercapnic (breath hold, BH) task measures were obtained form the same scan session during resting state and during performance of motor and BH tasks. Within individual subjects, significant linear correlations were observed between motor and BH task responses across voxels. When averaged over the whole brain, the subject-wise correlation between the motor and BH tasks showed a similar linear relationship within the group. Likewise, a significant linear correlation was observed between motor-task activity and RSFA across voxels and subjects. The linear rest–task (R–T) relationship between motor activity and RSFA suggested that R-fMRI and T-fMRI responses are governed by similar physiological mechanisms. A practical use of the R–T relationship is its potential to estimate T-fMRI responses in special populations unable to perform tasks during fMRI scanning. Using the R–T relationship determined from the first group of 12 healthy subjects, we predicted the T-fMRI responses in a second group of 7 healthy subjects. RSFA in both the lower and higher frequency ranges robustly predicted the magnitude of T-fMRI responses at the subject and voxel levels. We propose that T-fMRI responses are reliably predictable to the voxel level in situations where only R-fMRI measures are possible, and may be useful for assessing neural activity in task non-compliant clinical populations

    Consolidated Biochemical Profile of Subacute Stage Traumatic Brain Injury in Early Development

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) in general has varied neuropathological consequences depending upon the intensity and biomechanics of the injury. Furthermore, in pediatric TBI, intrinsic developmental changes add further complexity, necessitating a biochemical dimension for improved TBI characterization. In our earlier study investigating the subacute stage TBI metabolome (72 h post-injury) in a developmental rat model, significant ipsilateral brain biochemical changes occurred across 25 metabolite sets as determined by metabolite set enrichment analysis (MSEA). The broad metabolic perturbation was accompanied by behavioral deficits and neuronal loss across the ipsilateral hemisphere containing the injury epicenter. In order to obtain a consolidated biochemical profile of the TBI assessment, a subgrouping of the 190 identified brain metabolites was performed. Metabolites were divided into seven major subgroups: oxidative energy/mitochondrial, glycolysis/pentose phosphate pathway, fatty acid, amino acid, neurotransmitters/neuromodulators, one-carbon/folate and other metabolites. Subgroups were based on the chemical nature and association with critically altered biochemical pathways after TBI as obtained from our earlier untargeted analysis. Each metabolite subgroup extracted from the ipsilateral sham and TBI brains were modeled using multivariate partial least square discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) with the model accuracy used as a measurable index of TBI neurochemical impact. Volcano plots of each subgroup, corrected for multiple comparisons, determined the TBI neurochemical specificity. The results provide a ranked biochemical profile along with specificity of changes after developmental TBI, enabling a consolidated biochemical template for future classification of different TBI intensities and injury types in animal models

    Traumatic brain injury metabolome and mitochondrial impact after early stage Ru360 treatment

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    Ru360, a mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake inhibitor, was tested in a unilateral fluid percussion TBI model in developing rats (P31). Vehicle and Ru360 treated TBI rats underwent sensorimotor behavioral monitoring between 24 and 72 h, thereafter which 185 brain metabolites were analyzed postmortem using LC/MS. Ru360 treatment after TBI improved sensorimotor behavioral recovery, upregulated glycolytic and pentose phosphate pathways, mitigated oxidative stress and prevented NAD+ depletion across both hemispheres. While neural viability improved ipsilaterally, it reduced contralaterally. Ru360 treatment, overall, had a global impact with most benefit near the strongest injury impact areas, while perturbing mitochondrial oxidative energetics in the milder TBI impact areas

    Activation-induced spatiotemporal cerebral blood flow changes and behavioral deficit after developmental mTBI in rats can be favorably altered by facilitating mitochondrial calcium uptake

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    Mild to moderate traumatic brain injury (mTBI) leads to secondary neuronal loss via excitotoxic mechanisms, including mitochondrial Ca2+ overload. However in the surviving cellular population, mitochondrial Ca2+ influx and oxidative metabolism are diminished leading to suboptimal neuronal circuit activity and poor prognosis. Hence we tested the impact of boosting neuronal electrical activity and oxidative metabolism by facilitating mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake in a rat model of mTBI. In developing rats (P25-P26) sustaining an mTBI, we demonstrate post-traumatic changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF) in the sensorimotor cortex in response to whisker stimulation compared to sham using functional Laser Doppler Imaging (fLDI) at adulthood (P67-P73). Compared to sham, whisker stimulation-evoked positive CBF responses decreased while negative CBF responses increased in the mTBI animals. The spatiotemporal CBF changes representing underlying neuronal activity suggested profound changes to neurovascular activity after mTBI. Behavioral assessment of the same cohort of animals prior to fLDI showed that mTBI resulted in persistent contralateral sensorimotor behavioral deficit along with ipsilateral neuronal loss compared to sham. Treating mTBI rats with Kaempferol, a dietary flavonol compound that enhanced mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake, eliminated the inter-hemispheric asymmetry in the whisker stimulation-induced positive CBF responses and the ipsilateral negative CBF responses otherwise observed in the untreated and vehicle-treated mTBI animals in adulthood. Kaempferol also improved somatosensory behavioral measures compared to untreated and vehicle treated mTBI animals without augmenting post-injury neuronal loss. The results indicate that reduced mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake in the surviving populations affect post-traumatic neural activation leading to persistent behavioral deficits. Improvement in sensorimotor behavior and spatiotemporal neurovascular activity following kaempferol treatment suggests that facilitation of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake in the early window after injury may sustain optimal neural activity and metabolism and contribute to improved function of the surviving cellular populations after mTB