134 research outputs found

    Release of endogenous amino acids with putative neurotransmitter function from the rat spinal dorsal horn in vitro--modulation by neuropeptides

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    The in vitro rat spinal dorsal horn slice--dorsal root ganglion (DRG) preparation and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were used to examine the release of nine endogenous amino acids (glutamate, aspartate, glutamine, asparagine, glycine, [gamma]-aminobutyric acid, serine, threonine and alanine) from the spinal dorsal horn, in response to electrical or chemical activation of different categories of primary afferent fibers (PAF). In addition, a possibility of modulation of the basal and the dorsal root stimulation-evoked release of the nine endogenous amino acids by substance P (SP), neurokinin A (NKA), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), opioid peptides, and by the activation of GABA[subscript] B receptors, has been examined;Selective activation of the low-threshold (A[beta]) PAF resulted in a two- to three-fold increase in the outflow of endogenous aspartate (ASP) and glutamate (GLU) into the spinal superfusate. Activation of both the low- and the high-threshold (A + C) PAF elicited a greater increase in the outflow of GLU and ASP and a marked increase in ASP/GLU outflow ratio. Superfusion of the DRG with capsaicin or resiniferatoxin produced a prolonged two- to three-fold increase in the outflow of both GLU and ASP into the superfusate;Low concentrations (0.2 [mu]M) of SP caused a selective increase in the basal outflow of GLU, whereas higher concentrations (1-5 [mu]M), in addition to GLU, evoked an increase in ASP. The enhancement of the basal outflow of GLU by SP persisted in the absence of external Ca[superscript]2+ but it was blocked by (D-Arg[superscript]1, D-Pro[superscript]2, D-Trp[superscript]7,9, Leu[superscript]11)-SP, a claimed antagonist of synthetic SP. CGRP (10[superscript]-7) caused a significant increase in the basal outflow of GLU and ASP and a decrease in asparagine. This effect was Ca[superscript]2+-independent. Neonatal capsaicin treatment prevented the SP-induced release of GLU whereas the effect of CGRP was not significantly modified. SP and CGRP enhanced, whereas DAGO and baclofen (agonists at [mu]-opioid and GABA[subscript] B receptors, respectively), reduced the evoked release of GLU and ASP;Our results have provided further evidence in support of contention that Glu and Asp act as excitatory neurotransmitters of the PAF. In addition, the results indicate that tachykinins and CGRP may enhance the basal and evoked release of endogenous GLU and ASP, whereas opioid peptides acting at [mu]-receptors, and the activation of GABA[subscript] B receptors, suppress the evoked release of the two amino acids in the spinal dorsal horn

    Riječ zahvale na skupu u čast mojeg 80. rođendana

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    Riječ zahvale na skupu u čast mojeg 80. rođendana

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    Eine Erinnerung an Eugen Fink: Zum 100. Geburtstag von Eugen Fink (1905-2005)

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    U Freiburgu je, u prosincu 2005., održan filozofski skup posvećen Eugenu Finku, jednom od najznačajnijih filozofa našeg vremena. O Finku kao filozofu, ali i kao prijatelju, govorio je i autor ovog članka, ističući Finkov interes i doprinos filozofskim zbivanjima na našim prostorima; kao predavača, sudionika u radu poznate "Korčulanske ljetne škole" i kao člana Redakcijskog savjeta časopisa "Praxis".Im Freiburg fand im Dezember 2005 ein philosophisches Symposium sttat, das Eugen Fink, einem der bedeutendsten Philosophen unserer Zeit, gewidmet war. Über Fink als Philosophen, aber auch als Freund sprach bei dieser Gelegenheit auch der Verfasser dieses Artikles und unterstrich dabei Finks Interesse und den Beitrag, den dieser Denker zum hiesigen philosophischen Geschehen geleistet hat. Fink war als Vortragsredner, als Mitwirkender der bekannten "Korčulaner Sommerschule" und als Mitglied das Redaktionsrates der Fachzeitschrift "Praxis" tätig gewesen

    Eine Erinnerung an Eugen Fink: Zum 100. Geburtstag von Eugen Fink (1905-2005)

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    U Freiburgu je, u prosincu 2005., održan filozofski skup posvećen Eugenu Finku, jednom od najznačajnijih filozofa našeg vremena. O Finku kao filozofu, ali i kao prijatelju, govorio je i autor ovog članka, ističući Finkov interes i doprinos filozofskim zbivanjima na našim prostorima; kao predavača, sudionika u radu poznate "Korčulanske ljetne škole" i kao člana Redakcijskog savjeta časopisa "Praxis".Im Freiburg fand im Dezember 2005 ein philosophisches Symposium sttat, das Eugen Fink, einem der bedeutendsten Philosophen unserer Zeit, gewidmet war. Über Fink als Philosophen, aber auch als Freund sprach bei dieser Gelegenheit auch der Verfasser dieses Artikles und unterstrich dabei Finks Interesse und den Beitrag, den dieser Denker zum hiesigen philosophischen Geschehen geleistet hat. Fink war als Vortragsredner, als Mitwirkender der bekannten "Korčulaner Sommerschule" und als Mitglied das Redaktionsrates der Fachzeitschrift "Praxis" tätig gewesen

    Factor analysis of association of lipid, inflammatory, cardiac and renal biomarkers with long-term 30-year cardiovascular risk classification

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    U kliničkoj praksi koristi se nekoliko skorova za procenu kratkoročnog (10-godišnjeg) rizika od pojave različitih oblika kardiovaskularnih bolesti (KVB) koji se zasnivaju na multivarijabilnim regre- sionim jednačinama izvedenim iz rezultata praćenja različitih kohortnih grupa. Međutim, pošto je starost promenljiva kojoj se dodeljuje najveći broj poena u modelima 10-godišnjeg rizika, mnoge osobe sa zna čajnim opterećenjem faktorima rizika imaju kratko- ročni rizik daleko ispod granice koja uslovljava inten- zivan tretman, iako njihov dugoročni (30-godišnji) rizik može biti značajan. Takođe, drugi biomarkeri mogu da identifikuju osobe sa većim kardiovasku- larnim rizikom od onog izračunatog primenom skoro- va kratkoročnog rizika. Cilj rada bio je da se analizira priroda uticaja ispitivanih biomarkera na kardiovas- kularni rizik i njihovo grupisanje, kao i povezanost dobijenih faktora sa kategorizacijom 30-godišnjeg rizika faktorskom analizom. Pomoću interaktivnog kalkulatora »30-year risk of cardiovascular disease« izračunavan je dugoročni 30-godišnji rizik za pojavu »kompletne« KVB (sve manifestacije KVB) i »teške« KVB (potencijalno fatalne komplikacije KVB). Analiza glavnih komponenti je korišćena za ispitivanje grupisanja markera inflamacije [visoko-osetljivi C- reaktivni protein (hsCRP), serumski amiloid A (SAA), fibrinogen, a1-kiseli glikoprotein (A1AGP), haptoglo- bin, C3 i C4 komponente komplementa], metabo-lizma lipida [non-HDL i LDL holesterol, trigliceridi, apolipoprotein A-I (apo A-I), apolipoprotein B (apo B), lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a))], bubrežne [kreatinin, mokraćna kiselina, cistatin C (Cys-C)] i srčane funk- cije [N-terminalni pro-natriuretički peptid tip B (NT- proBNP), visoko-osetljivi srčani troponin T (hs-cTnT)], dobijenih analizom uzoraka seruma 242 zdrave oso- be. Faktorskom analizom identifikovano je 5 klastera, kojima je objašnjeno je 67,4% ukupne varijacije, ras- poređene na sledeći način 1) 29,7% »sistemska infla- macija« (hsCRP, fibrinogen, SAA, A1AGP, haptoglo- bin, C3 i C4 komponenta komplementa); 2) 12,5% »aterogena dislipidemija« (LDL i non-HDL holesterol, apo B i trigliceridi); 3) 11,0% »kardiorenalni faktor« (kreatinin, mokraćna kiselina, Cys-C i hs-cTnT); 4) 7,6% »hemodinamski faktor« (NT-proBNP) i 5) 6,7% »lipoproteinski faktor« [apo A-I, Lp(a)]. Prediktivne vrednosti u proceni 30-godišnjeg rizika za »komplet- nu KVB« i »tešku KVB« su bile značajne za četiri fak- tora (OR 1,892–5,590; P<0,0001 i OR 2,183– 5,931; P<0,0001, redom), a »hemodinamski fak- tor« nije imao statistički značajan prediktivni potenci- jal za vrednosti iznad optimalnih/normalnih za odgo- varajući pol i starost (P>0,05). Površine ispod ROC krivih (AUC) modela sa pet faktora u predikciji povećanog 30-godišnjeg rizika za »kompletnu KVB« i »tešku KVB« iznosile su 0,881 i 0,888, redom, i nisu bile statistički značajno različite od multivarijabilnog logističkog modela od 18 polaznih parametara (0,892 i 0,901; P>0,05; redom). Sistemska inflama- cija, aterogena dislipidemija, kardiorenalna funkcija i lipoproteinski status nezavisno doprinose dugo- ročnom, 30-godišnjem riziku iznad normalnog/opti- malnog kako za ozbiljne komplikacije KVB, tako i za sve vrste kardiovaskularnih komplikacija.Several risk score algorithms for short-term (10- year) cardiovascular risk assessment based on multi- variable regression equations derived from different cohorts are being used in clinical practice. However, since the age is variable with the strongest influence on short-term risk, many individuals with moderate increase of other traditional risk factors would have a 10-year risk below cutoff for intensive treatment, but a significant long-term (30-year) risk. Also, other bio- markers might identify persons with higher actual cardiovascular risk compared with calculated using short-term risk scores. The aim of this study was to analyze the nature of influence of examined biomark- ers on cardiovascular risk and their clustering, as well as relations of identified factors with long-term 30- year risk categorization, using factor analysis. Interactive calculator »30-year risk of cardiovascular disease« was used for long-term 30-year risk calcula- tion, for both »full CVD« (all manifestations of cardio- vascular disease) and »hard CVD« (serious manifesta- tions of CVD). Principal component analysis was used to investigate clustering of markers of inflammation [high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP), serum amyloid A (SAA), fibrinogen, a1-acid glycoprotein (A1AGP), haptoglobin, C3 and C4 complement components], lipid metabolism [non-HDL and LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, apolipoprotein A-I (apo A- I), apolipoprotein B (apo B), lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a))], renal [creatinine, uric acid, cystatin C (Cys-C)] and cardiac function [N-terminal pro-natriuretic peptide type B (NT-proBNP), high sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT)], obtained from 242 apparently healthy individuals. Factor analysis identified five clusters, which explained 67.4% of the total variance distrib- uted as follows: 1) 29.7% »systemic inflammation« (hsCRP, fibrinogen, SAA, A1AGP, haptoglobin, C3, C4); 2) 12.5% »atherogenic dyslipidemia«, (LDL and non-HDL cholesterol, apo B, triglycerides); 3) 11.0% »cardiorenal factor« (creatinine, uric acid, Cys-C, hs- cTnT); 4) 7.6% »hemodynamic factor« (NT-proBNP); and 5) 6.7% »lipoprotein factor« [apo A-I, Lp(a)]. When estimating 30-year risk from both »full CVD« and »hard CVD«, predictive values were significant for four factors (OR 1.892–5.590, P<0.0001 and OR 2.183–5.931, P<0.0001, respectively), and »hemodynamic factor« had no statistical significance in predicting potential for values above optimal/nor- mal for corresponding gender and age (P>0.05). The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUCs) of the five factor model in predicting increased 30-year risk for »full CVD« and »hard CVD« were 0.881 and 0.888, respectively, which were not statistically significantly different from AUCs of the multivariable logistic model of 18 original parameters (0.892 and 0.901, P>0.05, respectively). Long- term, 30-year risk above normal/optimal for hard CVD complications and for all kinds of cardiovascular complications was independently contributed by sys- temic inflammation, atherogenic dyslipidemia, car- diorenal function and lipoprotein status

    Referentni interval ukupnog kapaciteta vezivanja gvožđa određivanog 'metodom izračunavanja' na analizatoru Olympus AU2700

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    Total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) values are determined on Olympus AU2700 automated chemistry analyzer as the sum of serum iron and unsaturated iron-binding capacity (UIBC) - (calculated TIBC, TIBCcal). Considering that Olympus AU2700 automated analyzer was recently brought in function and TIBC values calculated from serum iron and UIBC values were significantly lower than those obtained by a direct and fully automated TIBC assay, it was necessary to determine the reference interval for TIBC, according to the recommendation that every laboratory should have its own reference ranges. The "calculation method" of TIBC determination showed satisfactory accuracy (p > 0.001) and precision, with CV values ranging from 0.91% to 1.63% within-run and from 2.30% to 2.80% day-to-day. The correlation between the TIBC values obtained with the "calculation method" using Olympus AU2700 analyzer (y) and those obtained with the direct method (x) was: y = 0.919x + 2.319 mmol/L (r = 0.980; Sy,x = 1.814; p lt 0.001; N = 85). The reference interval for TIBC was determined using sera collected from 125 healthy individuals of both sexes, 15 to 80 years old. Since the values did not depend on sex, the reference interval calculated for the whole studied population ranged between 42.0 mmol/L and 64.3 mmol/L.Ukupni kapacitet vezivanja gvožđa (TIBC) se određuje na analizatoru Olympus AU2700 kao zbir serumskog gvožđa i slobodnog kapaciteta za vezivanje gvožđa (UIBC) - (izračunat TIBC, TIBCcal). S obzirom da je analizator Olympus AU2700 nedavno uveden u rad i da rezultati istraživanja poslednjih godina pokazuju da se "metodom izračunavanja" dobijaju vrednosti TIBC-a koje su značajno niže od onih dobijenih direktnim i potpuno automatizovanim metodama, bilo je neophodno da se odredi referentni interval za TIBC, a prema preporuci da svaka laboratorija treba da utvrdi svoje referentne vrednosti. "Metoda izračunavanja" TIBC-a je pokazala zadovoljavajuću tačnost (p > 0,001) i preciznost, sa koeficijentima varijacije od 0,91% do 1,63% pri određivanju u seriji i od 2,30% do 2,80% pri određivanju iz dana u dan. Korelacija između vrednosti TIBC-a dobijenih "metodom izračunavanja" na analizatoru Olympus AU2700 (y) i onih dobijenih direktnom metodom (x) predstavljena je sledećim parametrima: y = 0,919x + 2,319 mmol/L (r = 0,980; Sy,x = 1,814; p lt 0,001); N = 85). Referentni interval je određivan u uzorcima seruma 125 zdravih osoba oba pola, starosti između 15 i 80 godina. Pošto je utvrđeno da vrednosti TIBC-a ne zavise od pola, određen je jedinstven referentni interval za celu ispitivanu populaciju i nalazi se u rasponu od 42,0 mmol/L do 64,3 mmol/L

    Pancreatic Elastase Levels in Feces As A Marker of Exocrine Pancreatic Function in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus

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    Objective: The measurement of pancreatic elastase (PE) in feces is used widely to screen for pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. The aim of our study was to evaluate the relationship of PE with residual beta cell secretion and metabolic control in patients with diabetes mellitus. Method: We determined the presence of PE in specimens via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), whereas serum fasting glucose, C-peptide, amylase, lipase, triglycerides, total 25(OH)-vitamin D, C-reactive protein (CRP), and hemoglobin A(1c) (HbA(1c)) concentrations were assayed using routine laboratory tests. Results: PE values in 48 patients with diabetes were significantly lower than in 24 healthy volunteers (P = .001). In one-third of participants with diabetes mellitus, PE were less than 200 mu g per g, indicating pancreatic functional insufficiency. Among the patients in the cohort, PE correlated positively with C-peptide levels (P = .04), lipase (P = .009), CRP (P = .04), sex (P = .03), and BMI (P = .02) but not significantly with duration of diabetes (P = .81) or levels of HbA(1c) (P = .87), amylase (P = .06), total 25(OH)-vitamin D (P = .16), or triglycerides (P = .52). Conclusion: Our results demonstrated a strong association of diabetes with low PE levels

    Poređenje tri različite metode za određivanje 25(OH)-vitamina D i statusa vitamina D u opštoj populaciji - srpsko iskustvo

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    Determination of 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] represents a unique challenge, considering its lipophilic nature. Considering the widespread prevalence of vitamin D deficiency, which leads to increasing number of requests for 25(OH)D determination, immunoassay measurements adjusted to automated analyzers are being developed. Because of the variability among assays, it is often difficult to monitor vitamin D status and supplementation. The aim of this study was to compare the results of two immunoassays with high performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection (HPLC-UV). Also, the aim was to estimate vitamin D status, since up to date the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in Serbia was not examined. We have evaluated analytical characteristics of two automated immunoassays for 25(OH)D determination, from Roche (Cobas® e601) and Abbott (Architect). For comparison studies we used HPLC analysis of 25-(OH)-Vitamin D3/D2 from Chromsystems (Waters isocratic system). In order to estimate vitamin D status in general population, we have searched the database of the laboratory information system and analyzed the data from 533 patients whose 25(OH)D was determined together with intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH). For imprecision assessment, four serum pools were prepared with following 25(OH)D concentrations: 35 nmol/L, ?50 nmol/L, ?75 nmol/L and ?125 nmol/L. Obtai ned CVs for Roche method were 1.5-2.8% for within-run and 4.0-6.7% for between-run imprecision. For Abbott method, CVs were 0.7-4.4% for withinrun and 3.8-7.2% for between-run imprecision. Inaccuracy was analyzed with commercial control sera. Obtained deviations from target value were 2.1% for Roche assay and 1.3-1.5% for Abbott method, and were not statistically significant (P>0.05). Comparison of Roche and HPLC-UV methods using Passing-Bablok regression analysis gave the following equation for the regression line y=0.937x+9.518 (r=0.739; n=97) and the regression line equation from the comparison of Abbott and HPLC-UV methods was y=0.745x+10.343 (r=0.793; n=97). Mean difference and SD for Bland-Altman plot were -4.5 nmol/L and 21.75 nmo/L, respectively for Roche method and 6.4 nmol/L and 18.8 nmol/L, respectively for Abbott. Statistical analysis (Chi-square test) of frequency distribution among different vitamin D status categories ( lt 25 nmol/L severe deficiency, 25-50 nmol/L deficiency, 50-75 nmol/L insufficiency and >75 nmol/L sufficiency) showed that the frequency distribution obtained with Abbott method was significantly different from the distribution of the HPLC results, in contrast to Roche results frequency distribution which did not differ significantly. Also, statistical analysis of the agreement between the three methods for each vitamin D status category showed that results of both Roche and Abbott methods were significantly higher than HPLC in the two deficiency categories (P=0.005 for Roche, P=0.0407 for Abbott), and in the sufficiency category Abbott method significantly underestimated concentration of 25(OH)D compared to HPLC results (P lt 0.0001). Median population values of 25(OH)D and iPTH were 41.8 nmol/L and 76.6 ng/L, respectively. ANOVA analyses showed significant (P lt 0.05) decrease in iPTH and Ca2+ concentrations across the 25(OH)D concentration categories. Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis indicated independent correlation of iPTH with 25(OH)D concentration (b=-0.290, P=0.0008). Also, one-way ANOVA with Student-Newman-Keuls test demonstrated that 25(OH)D concentrations measured in summer and autumn were significantly (P lt 0.001) higher compared to those determined in winter and spring. Despite acceptable imprecision and inaccuracy of both examined methods, results obtained with them did not correlate well with HPLC-UV (r lt 0.9), which was used as a reference. However, methods showed satisfactory ability to classify patients into vitamin D status categories, which is important for diagnosis of vitamin D deficiency and therapy follow-up. About two thirds (68.5%) of the examined population had vitamin D deficiency (25(OH)D lt 50 nmol/L) and only 8% had sufficient 25(OH)D concentration (>75 nmol/L).Određivanje 25-hidroksivitamina D [25(OH)D] predstavlja jedinstven izazov, s obzirom da je visoko lipofilno jedinjenje. Visoka prevalencija deficijencije vitamina D uzrok je povećanja broja zahteva za određivanjem 25(OH)D, zbog čega se razvijaju imunohemijske metode prilagođene automatizovanim sistemima. Često je teško pratiti status vitamina D i suplementaciju zbog varijabilnosti između testova. Cilj ove studije bio je da se uporede rezultati dve imunohemijske metode sa tečnom hromatografijom visoke efikasnosti sa detekcijom u ultraljubičastom delu spektra (HPLC-UV). Takođe, cilj je bio i procena statusa vitamina D, pošto do sada nije ispitivana prevalencija deficijencije vitamina D u Srbiji. Ispitivane su karakteristike dve imunohemijske metode za određivanje 25(OH)D, proizvođača Roche (analizator Cobas® e601) i Abbott (na analizatoru Architect). Metode su poređene sa rezultatima HPLC analize korišćenjem 25-(OH)-Vitamin D3/D2 reagenasa firme Chromsystems (Waters izokratski sistem). Da bi se procenio status vitamina D u opštoj populaciji, pretražena je baza podataka laboratorijskog informacionog sistema i analizirani su rezultati 533 pacijenata kojima je određen 25(OH)D zajedno sa intaktnim paratiroidnim hormonom (iPTH). Pripremljena su četiri serumska pool-a sa koncentracijama 25(OH)D ? 35 nmol/L, ?50 nmol/L, ?75 nmol/L i ?125 nmol/L za procenu nepreciznosti imunohemijskih određivanja. Dobijeni koeficijenti varijacije za Roche metodu su se kretali u opsegu 1,5-2,8% u seriji i 4,0-6,7% između serija. Za Abbott metodu su koficijenti varijacije iznosili 0,7-4,4% u seriji i 3,8-7,2% između serija. Netačnost je ispitivana pomoću komercijalnih kontrolnih uzoraka. Dobijena odstupanja od deklarisane vrednosti su iznosila 2,1% za Roche i 1,3-1,5% za Abbott, i nisu bila statistički značajna (P>0,05). Poređenjem Roche i HPLC-UV metoda pomoću Passing-Bablok regresione analize dobijena je sledeća regresiona jednačina y=0,937x+9,518 (r=0,739; n=97), dok regresiona jednačina dobijena poređenjem Abbott i HPLC-UV metoda glasi y=0,745x+10,343 (r=0,793; n=97). Srednja vrednost razlika na Bland-Altman dijagramu razlika i standardna devijacija su iznosile -4,5 nmol/L i 21,75 nmo/L, redom, za Roche metodu i 6,4 nmol/L i 18,8 nmol/L, re dom, za Abbott metodu. Statistička analiza (Chi-kvadrat test) distribucije frekvencija među različitim kategorijama statusa vitamina D ( lt 25 nmol/L teška deficijencija, 25-50 nmol/L deficijencija, 50-75 nmol/L insuficijencija i >75 nmol/L preporučena koncentracija) je pokazala da je distribucija frekvencija dobijena Abbott metodom značajno različita od distribucije HPLC rezultata, za razliku od ras po dele frekvencija dobijene Roche metodom koja se nije značajno razlikovala. Takođe, statistička analiza slaganja između ispitivane tri metode u svakoj od kategorija statusa vitamina D je pokazala da su rezultati i Roche i Abbott metoda značajno veći od HPLC-UV u kategorijama deficijencije vitamina D (P=0,005 za Roche; P=0,0407 za Abbott), i u kategoriji sa preporučenom koncentracijom vitamina D Abbott metoda je značajno potcenjivala koncentraciju 25(OH)D u poređenju sa HPLC rezultatima (P lt 0,0001). Medijana za 25(OH)D u ispitivanoj populaciji bila je 41,8 nmol/L, i 76,6 za iPTH. ANOVA analiza je pokazala značajan pad (P lt 0,05) koncentracija iPTH i jonizovanog kalcijuma između kategorija koncentracija 25(OH)D. Multiplomlinearnom regresionom analizom utvrđena je ne zavisna korelacija između koncentracija iPTH i 25(OH)D (b =-0,290; P=0,0008). Takođe, ANOVA za jedan kriterijum klasifikacije sa Student-Newman-Keuls testom je pokazala da su koncentracije 25(OH)D određene u leto i jesen značajno više (P lt 0,001) u poređenju sa onima određenim u zimu ili proleće. Uprkos prihvatljivoj nepreciznosti i netačnosti obe ispitivane imunohemijske metode, dobijeni rezultati nisu u zadovoljavajućoj korelaciji sa HPLC-UV metodom (r lt 0,9), koja je korišćena kao referentna u ovom slučaju. Uprkos ovoj činjenici, metode su pokazale zadovoljavajuću sposobnost klasifikacije pacijenata u kategorije statusa vitamina D, što je važno za dijagnozu deficijencije vitamina D i praćenje terapije. Oko dve trećine (68,5%) ispitivane populacije je imalo deficijenciju vitamina D (25(OH)D lt 50 nmol/L) i samo 8% je imalo preporučenu koncentraciju 25(OH)D (>75 nmol/L)