6 research outputs found
The formulation of this research problems are 1.) What are the types of affix and 2.) What is the meaning of affix forming verb Tialo language? This research aims to describe the type and meaning of affix verbs form Tialo language include affix, prefix,suffix,simulfiks. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. Data collection is done by: 1.) techniques refer and 2.) record technique. Analysis of data used through: 1.) tapping techniques, 2.) techniques refer engaged, competent. 3.) recording technique and 4.) record technique. The method used to analyze the data is the distribution method and the method of matching using smallest element description technique and extension technique. Based on the results of research have found affix formers verbs Tialo language yhat includes: (1) prefix: {moN-}, {noN-} and {poN}, (2) infix: {in-}, (3) suffix: {in} and {a’a}. Affix Combination: {moN-a’a} and {noN-a’a}. The meaning of the affix of the Tialo language verb forming: (1) will do the deed, (2) is doing the deed, (3) has done the deed, (4) command, (5) take action for others and (6) has finished doing deed for others
The problem of this reseach are: 10 how is the existence of oral literaly ecolagy in Dondo Sub-district Tolitoli regency? 2) How is the form of oral literature (its relation to the environment) ekolagy in Dondo Sub-district Tolitoliregency? This reseach intenst to discribe the existence of oral literature ecology and form of oral literature. The reseach result of the existece of oral literaly in ethnic Dondo relate to the environment reveals that there are several literaly-styl stories in the form of legens: legend of Toga lake, legen of tando Tugan, legen of Sanjangan lake, epik of lanoni. Myth: Nunue (Bayan Tree), Antulan and Karampua, prohibition in trowing oil to the soil or hot water to the ground, cooking vegetables that have segmens, and wash laundry of menstruation to the rive. Literature that is not a story sad funeral song, chid cradle singing, customary rule of Ogo Menambu (draw water), and Mesusian (Petition), legesan (poem), and tatangki (Puzzel)
The problem of this research is novel ecranization of Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck to the movie that include varying shrink, addition and changes. This research aims to describe the novel ecranization of Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck by Hamka into the movie of Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck by Sunil Soraya. This research is expected to provide understanding for reader and writer about novel ecranization of Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck to the movie Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck which includes varying shrinkage, additions and changes. The method used in this research was descriptive method using literature study approach. Sources of data from this research were the script or the novel text of the Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck ship and scene film Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck. Data collection technigues are done by reading novels, watching movies and taking scene on film. The data analysis technique used a flow model proposed by Miles and Huberman. The results show that there were 82 aspects of sharinkage, 64 aspects of addition, and 38 aspects of varied changes that occurred after the novel ecranization process into the movie
Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini, apakah kemampuan membaca teks percakapan siswa kelas V SD Imanuel Palu dapat ditingkatkan melalui metode latihan? Tujuannya adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca teks percakapan siswa kelas V SD Imanuel Palu melalui metode latihan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif, teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi dan evaluasi, sedangkan teknik pelaksanaan penelitian yaitu melalui perencanaan, pelaksanaan, orservasi, dan refleksi. Jenis data yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu: Data kualitatif diperoleh melalui hasil observasi dan data kuantitatif diperoleh melalui hasil evaluasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: nilai rata-rata pada pratindakan yaitu 57,2. Kemudian pada siklus pertama diketahui bahwa siswa yang dinyatakan tuntas sebanyak 12 orang (48%), dan siswa yang belum tuntas sebanyak 13 orang (52%) dan nilai rata-rata 67,8. Persentase ketuntasan dan nilai rata-rata pada siklus pertama belum mencapai indikator ketuntasan yang dijadikan acuan dalam penelitian ini. Setelah dilakukan siklus kedua diketahui bahwa siswa yang tuntas sebanyak 25 orang (100%) dengan nilai rata-rata 80. Perolehan persentase ketuntasan dan nilai rata-rata pada siklus kedua telah mencapai indikator kinerja yang dijadikan acuan dalam penelitian ini, sehingga tidak dilanjutkan pada siklus berikutnya.      Kata kunci: Peningkatan, Kemampuan, Membaca Teks Percakapa
The objective of this research was to describe of hegenomy in the novel trilogi by Ahmad Tohari. The theory was used that theory of hegenomy based on the an opinion by Marxis and Gramsci. This research was a qualitative research, which have descriptive character’s and used lierature sosciology approach. The data analysis was used interactive model by Miles and Huberman, it was done by some ways, they were mark, clarification, and conclude the result analysis of hegenomy description in the social daily of Trilogi novel by Ahmad Tohari. The result of the research showed that there were seven description in the Trilogi Novel by Ahmad Tohari, it were include (1) Religion Hegenomy, it described conviction nitizen of Dukuh Paruk centered on Ki Secamenggala who was a representation of animism reliance, (2) Culture Tradition Hegenomy, it described the thinking and behavior of Dukuh paruk nitizen which bounded by the habits of his ancestors which considered kind and right, (3) Charismatic/authority hegenomy, it described about srintil as a paid dancing who has bewitch was able to controlled and influenced other people, (4) capitalist hegenomy, it described a priayi who reputed have authorization to the Dukuh Paruk Nitizen’s, (5) Materialism Hegenomy, it reflected the life’s of Dukuh Pruk nitizen who always consider as important material, (6) Militarism Hegenomy, it described the power of military as a hand of king goverment in handled a society, (7) politics hegenomy, it described a daily of Dukuh Paruk nitizen’s under authorization politics of the country in year 1965 which took in the adversity and destruction by the physycally or emotionally.
Sastra lisan Totoli
Buku Sastra Lisan Totoli ini merupakan salah satu basil Proyek Pembinaan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah tahun 1992/1993 yang pelaksanaannya dipercayakan kepada tim peneliti dari Universitas Tadulako, Sulawesi Tengah