45,798 research outputs found

    Study of 0-Ï€\pi phase transition in hybrid superconductor-InSb nanowire quantum dot devices

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    Hybrid superconductor-semiconducting nanowire devices provide an ideal platform to investigating novel intragap bound states, such as the Andreev bound states (ABSs), Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) states, and the Majorana bound states. The competition between Kondo correlations and superconductivity in Josephson quantum dot (QD) devices results in two different ground states and the occurrence of a 0-π\pi quantum phase transition. Here we report on transport measurements on hybrid superconductor-InSb nanowire QD devices with different device geometries. We demonstrate a realization of continuous gate-tunable ABSs with both 0-type levels and π\pi-type levels. This allow us to manipulate the transition between 0 and π\pi junction and explore charge transport and spectrum in the vicinity of the quantum phase transition regime. Furthermore, we find a coexistence of 0-type ABS and π\pi-type ABS in the same charge state. By measuring temperature and magnetic field evolution of the ABSs, the different natures of the two sets of ABSs are verified, being consistent with the scenario of phase transition between the singlet and doublet ground state. Our study provides insights into Andreev transport properties of hybrid superconductor-QD devices and sheds light on the crossover behavior of the subgap spectrum in the vicinity of 0-π\pi transition

    Body shape preferences: Associations with rater body shape and sociosexuality

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    Copyright @ 2013 Price et al.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.There is accumulating evidence of condition-dependent mate choice in many species, that is, individual preferences varying in strength according to the condition of the chooser. In humans, for example, people with more attractive faces/bodies, and who are higher in sociosexuality, exhibit stronger preferences for attractive traits in opposite-sex faces/bodies. However, previous studies have tended to use only relatively simple, isolated measures of rater attractiveness. Here we use 3D body scanning technology to examine associations between strength of rater preferences for attractive traits in opposite-sex bodies, and raters' body shape, self-perceived attractiveness, and sociosexuality. For 118 raters and 80 stimuli models, we used a 3D scanner to extract body measurements associated with attractiveness (male waist-chest ratio [WCR], female waist-hip ratio [WHR], and volume-height index [VHI] in both sexes) and also measured rater self-perceived attractiveness and sociosexuality. As expected, WHR and VHI were important predictors of female body attractiveness, while WCR and VHI were important predictors of male body attractiveness. Results indicated that male rater sociosexuality scores were positively associated with strength of preference for attractive (low) VHI and attractive (low) WHR in female bodies. Moreover, male rater self-perceived attractiveness was positively associated with strength of preference for low VHI in female bodies. The only evidence of condition-dependent preferences in females was a positive association between attractive VHI in female raters and preferences for attractive (low) WCR in male bodies. No other significant associations were observed in either sex between aspects of rater body shape and strength of preferences for attractive opposite-sex body traits. These results suggest that among male raters, rater self-perceived attractiveness and sociosexuality are important predictors of preference strength for attractive opposite-sex body shapes, and that rater body traits -with the exception of VHI in female raters- may not be good predictors of these preferences in either sex.This study is funded by the Brunel University School of Social Sciences and made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund

    Extracting information from short messages

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    Much currently transmitted information takes the form of e-mails or SMS text messages and so extracting information from such short messages is increasingly important. The words in a message can be partitioned into the syntactic structure, terms from the domain of discourse and the data being transmitted. This paper describes a light-weight Information Extraction component which uses pattern matching to separate the three aspects: the structure is supplied as a template; domain terms are the metadata of a data source (or their synonyms), and data is extracted as those words matching placeholders in the templates

    High-Energy Forward Scattering and the Pomeron: Simple Pole versus Unitarized Models

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    Using the largest data set available, we determine the best values that the data at t=0 (total cross sections and real parts of the hadronic amplitudes) give for the intercepts and couplings of the soft pomeron and of the rho/omega and a/f trajectories. We show that these data cannot discriminate between a simple-pole fit and asymptotic log square s and log s fits, and hence are not sufficient to reveal the ultimate nature of the pomeron. However, we evaluate the existing evidence (factorization, universality, quark counting) favouring the simple-pole hypothesis. We also examine the range of validity in energy of the fits, and show that one cannot rely on such fits in the region sqrt(s)<9 GeV. We also establish bounds on the odderon and the hard pomeron.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures. Predictions of Table 4 corrected and acknowledgements adde

    CentralNet: a Multilayer Approach for Multimodal Fusion

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    This paper proposes a novel multimodal fusion approach, aiming to produce best possible decisions by integrating information coming from multiple media. While most of the past multimodal approaches either work by projecting the features of different modalities into the same space, or by coordinating the representations of each modality through the use of constraints, our approach borrows from both visions. More specifically, assuming each modality can be processed by a separated deep convolutional network, allowing to take decisions independently from each modality, we introduce a central network linking the modality specific networks. This central network not only provides a common feature embedding but also regularizes the modality specific networks through the use of multi-task learning. The proposed approach is validated on 4 different computer vision tasks on which it consistently improves the accuracy of existing multimodal fusion approaches

    Modulation of the Curie Temperature in Ferromagnetic/Ferroelectric Hybrid Double Quantum Wells

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    We propose a ferromagnetic/ferroelectric hybrid double quantum well structure, and present an investigation of the Curie temperature (Tc) modulation in this quantum structure. The combined effects of applied electric fields and spontaneous electric polarization are considered for a system that consists of a Mn \delta-doped well, a barrier, and a p-type ferroelectric well. We calculate the change in the envelope functions of carriers at the lowest energy sub-band, resulting from applied electric fields and switching the dipole polarization. By reversing the depolarizing field, we can achieve two different ferromagnetic transition temperatures of the ferromagnetic quantum well in a fixed applied electric field. The Curie temperature strongly depends on the position of the Mn \delta-doped layer and the polarization strength of the ferroelectric well.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. B (2006) minor revision: One of the line types is changed in Fig.

    Probing Majorana neutrinos in rare K and D, D_s, B, B_c meson decays

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    We study lepton number violating decays of charged K, D, D_s, B and B_c mesons of the form M^+\to {M'}^-\ell^+\ell^+, induced by the existence of Majorana neutrinos. These processes provide information complementary to neutrinoless double nuclear beta decays, and are sensitive to neutrino masses and lepton mixing. We explore neutrino mass ranges m_N from below 1 eV to several hundred GeV. We find that in many cases the branching ratios are prohibitively small, however in the intermediate range m_\pi < m_N < m_{B_c}, in specific channels and for specific neutrino masses, the branching ratios can be at the reach of high luminosity experiments like those at the LHC-b and future Super flavor-factories, and can provide bounds on the lepton mixing parameters.Comment: 25 page

    Triple sign reversal of Hall effect in HgBa_{2}CaCu_{2}O_{6} thin films after heavy-ion irradiations

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    Triple sign reversal in the mixed-state Hall effect has been observed for the first time in ion-irradiated HgBa_{2}CaCu_{2}O_{6} thin films. The negative dip at the third sign reversal is more pronounced for higher fields, which is opposite to the case of the first sign reversal near T_c in most high-T_c superconductors. These observations can be explained by a recent prediction in which the third sign reversal is attributed to the energy derivative of the density of states and to a temperature-dependent function related to the superconducting energy gap. These contributions prominently appear in cases where the mean free path is significantly decreased, such as our case of ion-irradiated thin films.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figures, submitted Phys. Rev. Let

    Soft Pomeron and Lower-Trajectory Intercepts

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    We present a preliminary report on the determination of the intercepts and couplings of the soft pomeron and of the rho/omega and f/a trajectories from the largest data set available for all total cross sections and real parts of the hadronic amplitudes. Factorization is reasonably satisfied by the pomeron couplings, which allows us to make predictions on gamma gamma and gamma p total cross sections. In addition we show that these data cannot discriminate between fits based on a simple Regge pomeron-pole and on an asymptotic log^2s-type behaviour, implying that the effect of unitarisation is negligible. Also we examine the range of validity in energy of the fit, and the bounds that these data place on the odderon and on the hard pomeron.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, 14 figures. Presented by K. Kang at a 4th Workshop on Quantum Chromodynamics, June 1 - 6, 1998, The American University of Paris, Paris, France, and at the 4th Workshop on Small-x and Diffractive Physics, September 17 - 20, 1998, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, I
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