330 research outputs found

    Support for third parties under plurality rule electoral systems: A public choice analysis of Britain, Canada, New Zealand and South Korea.

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    Why do parties other than major parties survive or even flourish under plurality rule electoral systems, when according to Duverger's law we should expect them to disappear. Why should rational voters support third parties, even though their chances of being successful are often low . Using an institutional public choice approach, this study analyses third party voting as one amongst a continuum of choices faced by electors who pay attention both to the ideological proximity of parties, and to their perceived efficacy measured against a community-wide level of minimum efficacy. The approach is applied in detailed case study chapters examining four different third parties. Two of the cases cover long-established and relatively successful third parties - the British Liberal Democrats; the Canadian NDP. The other two cases cover shorter-lived third parties - the New Zealand Social Credit; and the UNP in South Korea. In each case the study examines the party's specific history and dynamics, looks at the social base of its support and its ideological positioning, explores the party's perceived efficacy, and analyses the articulation of the third party's strategy. Two key themes emerge. First, plurality rule electoral systems impose severe constraints on third parties, but also create niches (such as one-party safe seats or regions, or unoccupied ideological space) within which a long-term third party can become established, flourish and develop strategies to partially overcome its lower perceived efficacy. Second, third party voting under plurality rule is not an isolated behaviour, but part of an integrated spectrum of choices (encompassing abstention, protest voting, tactical voting, and positive party support) which citizens make. People respond both to the ideological positioning and to the perceived efficacy of the competing political parties, within a specific voting context and using a collectively defined sense of what constitutes efficacious political behaviour

    Dysprosium and Gadolinium Double Doped Bismuth Oxide Electrolytes for Low Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

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    Herein, we developed a novel double dopant bismuth oxide electrolyte system with dysprosium (Dy) and gadolinium (Gd). The effect of the co-dopants on phase stability and electrical properties was investigated. Phase transformation from cubic to rhombohedral was observed as Gd dopant concentration increased and consequently resulted in conductivity degradation. The stabilization of high temperature cubic phase was achieved with a total dopant concentration as low as ∼12 mol% with 8 mol% Dy and 4 mol% Gd double dopant composition (8D4GSB) and this composition showed one of the highest total conductivity reported at this low temperature regime. In addition, the long-term stability of DGSB electrolytes was investigated.1

    Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma Presenting as Prevesical Mass Mimicking Urachal Tumor

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    Endometrial stromal sarcoma (ESS) is a mesenchymal neoplasm that usually occurs as a primary tumor of the uterine corpus, but rarely arises in other sites, such as the ovary, pelvic cavity, mesentery, omentum and intestine. Herein, we present a rare case of low-grade ESS presented as prevesical mass. A 60-yr-old woman who had undergone total hysterectomy for endometriosis eleven years ago was presented with incidentally detected prevesical pelvic mass. Since malignant transformation of urachal remnants was possible, the mass was suspected to be a urachal tumor. Extraction of the mass was performed, and the histopathologic diagnosis was low-grade ESS. In summary, prevesical tumor is rare but in patients with endometriosis, we suggest endometriosis and its possible malignant changes should be taken into account in the differential diagnosis of prevesical mass

    Magnetic Characteristics of Mn-Implanted GaN Nanorods Followed by Thermal Annealing

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    We have investigated the magnetic and optical properties of dislocation-free vertical GaN nanorods with diameters of 150 nm grown on (111) Si substrates by radio-frequency plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy followed by Mn ion implantation and annealing. The GaN nanorods are fully relaxed and have a very good crystal quality characterized by extremely strong and narrow photoluminescence excitonic lines near 3.47 eV. For GaMnN nanorods, it can be concluded that the ferromagnetic property of GaMnN nanorod with a Curie temperature over 300 K is associated with the formation of Mn 4 Si 7 magnetic phase which results from the effects of magnetic and structural disorder introduced by a random incorporation and inhomogeneous distribution of Mn atoms in the porous layer between the nanorods that form precipitates in the Si substrate before or during the annealing step amongst the GaN nanorods

    Measuring Complex Refractive Indices of a Nanometer-Thick Superconducting Film Using Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy with a 10 Femtoseconds Pulse Laser

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    Superconducting thin films are widely applied in various fields, including switching devices, because of their phase transition behaviors in relation to temperature changes. Therefore, it is important to quantitatively determine the optical constant of a superconducting material in the thin-film state. We performed a terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, based on a 10 femtoseconds pulse laser, to measure the optical constant of a superconducting GdBa2Cu3O7-x (GdBCO) thin film in the terahertz region. We then estimated the terahertz refractive indices of the 70 nm-thick GdBCO film using a numerical extraction process, even though the film thickness was approximately 1/10,000 times smaller than the terahertz wavelength range of 200 mu m to 1 mm. The resulting refractive indices of the GdBCO thin film were consistent with the theoretical results using the two-fluid model. Our work will help to further understand the terahertz optical properties of superconducting thin films with thicknesses under 100 nm, as well as provide a standard platform for characterizing the optical properties of thin films without the need of Kramers-Kronig transformation at the terahertz frequencies

    Successful mobilization using a combination of plerixafor and G-CSF in pediatric patients who failed previous chemomobilization with G-CSF alone and possible complications of the treatment

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    Peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) mobilization, which uses plerixafor (AMD 3100), a newly developed specific inhibitor of the CXCR4 receptor, in combination with granulocyte-colony stimulating factor(G-CSF), has been shown to enhance the stem cell mobilization in adult patients, but pediatric data are scarce. We documented our experience with this drug in 6 Korean pediatric patients who had failed in chemomobilization, using G-CSF, alone. All patients were mobilized CD34+ cells (median, 11.08 × 106/kg: range, 6.34-28.97 × 106/kg) successfully within 2 to 3 cycles of apheresis, without complications. A total of 7 autologous transplantations were performed, including 1 tandem transplantation. However, 2 patients with brain tumors showed severe pulmonary complications, including spontaneous pneumomediastinum. This is the first study of PBSC mobilization with plerixafor in Asian pediatric patients. Furthermore our study suggests that mobilization with plerixafor may be effective in Korean pediatric patients, who have previously been heavily treated and have failed PBSC mobilization with classical chemomobilization, using G-CSF. However, further studies are needed to examine the possible complications of autologous transplantation, using a mobilized plerixafor product in children

    Aberrant phenotypes of transgenic mice expressing dimeric human erythropoietin

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dimeric human erythropoietin (dHuEPO) peptides are reported to exhibit significantly higher biological activity than the monomeric form of recombinant EPO. The objective of this study was to produce transgenic (tg) mice expressing dHuEPO and to investigate the characteristics of these mice.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A dHuEPO-expressing vector under the control of the goat beta-casein promoter, which produced a dimer of human EPO molecules linked by a 2-amino acid peptide linker (Asp-Ile), was constructed and injected into 1-cell fertilized embryos by microinjection. Mice were screened using genomic DNA samples obtained from tail biopsies. Blood samples were obtained by heart puncture using heparinized tubes, and hematologic parameters were assessed. Using the microarray analysis tool, we analyzed differences in gene expression in the spleens of tg and control mice.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A high rate of spontaneous abortion or death of the offspring was observed in the recipients of dHuEPO embryos. We obtained 3 founder lines (#4, #11, and #47) of tg mice expressing the <it>dHuEPO </it>gene. However, only one founder line showed stable germline integration and transmission, subsequently establishing the only transgenic line (#11). We obtained 2 F1 mice and 3 F2 mice from line #11. The dHuEPO protein could not be obtained because of repeated spontaneous abortions in the tg mice. Tg mice exhibited symptoms such as short lifespan and abnormal blood composition. The red blood cell count, white blood cell count, and hematocrit levels in the tg mice were remarkably higher than those in the control mice. The spleens of the tg mice (F1 and F2 females) were 11- and -21-fold larger than those of the control mice. Microarray analysis revealed 2,672 spleen-derived candidate genes; more genes were downregulated than upregulated (849/764). Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) were used for validating the results of the microarray analysis of mRNA expression.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In conclusion, dHuEPO tg mice caused excessive erythrocytosis that led to abnormal blood composition, short lifespan, and abnormal splenomegaly. Further, we identified 2,672 genes associated with splenomegaly by microarray analysis. These results could be useful in the development of dHuEPO-producing tg animals.</p

    Loss of Autophagy Diminishes Pancreatic β Cell Mass and Function with Resultant Hyperglycemia

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    SummaryAutophagy is a cellular degradation-recycling system for aggregated proteins and damaged organelles. Although dysregulated autophagy is implicated in various diseases including neurodegeneration, its role in pancreatic β cells and glucose homeostasis has not been described. We produced mice with β cell-specific deletion of Atg7 (autophagy-related 7). Atg7 mutant mice showed impaired glucose tolerance and decreased serum insulin level. β cell mass and pancreatic insulin content were reduced because of increased apoptosis and decreased proliferation of β cells. Physiological studies showed reduced basal and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and impaired glucose-induced cytosolic Ca2+ transients in autophagy-deficient β cells. Morphologic analysis revealed accumulation of ubiquitinated protein aggregates colocalized with p62, which was accompanied by mitochondrial swelling, endoplasmic reticulum distension, and vacuolar changes in β cells. These results suggest that autophagy is necessary to maintain structure, mass and function of pancreatic β cells, and its impairment causes insulin deficiency and hyperglycemia because of abnormal turnover and function of cellular organelles

    Hemorrhage from a jejunal polypoid hemangioma: single incisional laparoscopic approach

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    Bleeding lesions in the small bowel are a much more significant challenge in terms of detection and treatment than those of the stomach or the large bowel, and require extensive gastrointestinal evaluation before a diagnosis can be made. The authors report the case of an 81-year-old female patient who underwent small bowel segmental resection by single incisional laparoscopic approach for distal jejunalhemangioma, which caused severe anemia. An abdominal computed tomography scan demonstrated a highly enhancing polypoid tumor in the distal ileum. During the single incisional laparoscopic exploration using a 2 cm sized skin incision, jejuno-jejunal intussusceptions and a jejunal tumor were noted. Single incisional laparoscopy was performed to assist the jejunal segmental resection. Pathologic reports confirmed the lesion to be a jejunalhemangioma. The authors report an unusual case of jejunalhemangioma caused by intussusception and gastrointestinal hemorrhage, which was treated by single incisional laparoscopic surgery