25 research outputs found

    Entre identitĂ© et rationalité : controverse sur l’existence d’une philosophie africaine

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    Un dĂ©bat sur l’existence d’une philosophie africaine occupe les intellectuels du continent et de ses diasporas depuis 1947. Aux tenants de la thĂšse d’une philosophie endogĂšne, solidaire des cultures africaines, s’opposent ceux qui ne conçoivent la philosophie que rapportĂ©e aux critĂšres de sa constitution comme discipline autonome, avec une histoire qui lui est propre et qui vient des Grecs, hĂ©ritĂ©e par le monde occidental. Ce cas de « conflit de vĂ©rité » divise les « ethno-philosophes » et les « euro-philosophes », ainsi que se qualifient mutuellement leurs tenants. À partir d’observations menĂ©es dans deux classes terminales Ă  Dakar, l’article propose d’observer comment, dans un cours de philosophie, ces « vĂ©ritĂ©s en conflit » peuvent ĂȘtre prĂ©sentĂ©es et soumises Ă  des exercices de rĂ©flexion, par la discussion et la recherche de solutions de dĂ©passement.A debate on the existence of an African philosophy has occupied the intellectuals of the continent and its diaspora since 1947. Supporters of the notion of an endogenous, connected philosophy of African cultures are countered by those who conceive philosophy only in relation to the criteria of its constitution as an autonomous discipline, with a history of its own and deriving from the Greeks, inherited by the Western world. This case of “conflicting truth” divides the “ethno-philosophers” from the “Euro-philosophers”, as their followers call each other. Based on observations in two final-year classes in Dakar, this article seeks to observe how, in a philosophy class, these “conflicting truths” can be presented and submitted to reflective exercises through discussion and the search for solutions to move beyond this opposition.Un debate sobre la existencia de una filosofĂ­a africana ocupa a los intelectuales del continente y a sus diĂĄsporas desde 1947. Frente a los partidarios de la tesis de una filosofĂ­a endĂłgena, solidaria de las culturas africanas, se oponen los que no conciben la filosofĂ­a fuera de los criterios de su constituciĂłn como disciplina autĂłnoma, con una historia propia y que procede de los Griegos, heredada por el mundo occidental. Este caso de “conflicto de verdad” divide a los “etno-filĂłsofos” y a los “euro-filĂłsofos”, nombres respectivos que se dan los partidarios de las dos aproximaciones. A partir de unas observaciones llevadas a cabo en dos clases de bachillerato en Dakar, el artĂ­culo propone observar cĂłmo, en una clase de filosofĂ­a, estas “verdades en conflicto” pueden ser presentadas y sometidas a unos ejercicios de reflexiĂłn, por la discusiĂłn y la bĂșsqueda de soluciones de superaciĂłn

    Directives pédagogiques et soubassement idéologique

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    L’auteur propose une rĂ©flexion sur trois gĂ©nĂ©rations de manuels d’apprentissage du français, langue d’enseignement et d’administration au SĂ©nĂ©gal, Ă  travers deux axes, historique et didactique. L’approche historique aborde la question de la pĂ©riode coloniale Ă  nos jours. Au plan didactique, l’auteur examine en particulier l’intĂ©rĂȘt portĂ© par les concepteurs des manuels aux aspects formels des textes littĂ©raires sĂ©lectionnĂ©s pour l’étude de la langue, ainsi que les motifs politiques ou idĂ©ologiques liĂ©s aux programmes et rĂ©formes de l’enseignement de la langue par la littĂ©rature, Ă  l’école primaire et au lycĂ©e.The author presents thoughts on three generations of textbooks for learning French, the language of education and administration in Senegal, from two points of view: historical and didactic. The historical approach looks at the colonial period right through to today. From a didactic perspective, the author particularly examines the interest paid by manual designers to formal aspects of the literary texts selected for studying French, as well as the political or ideological reasons associated with curricula and reforms of teaching the language through literature, at primary school and lycĂ©e (upper secondary school).El autor propone una reflexiĂłn en torno a tres generaciones de manuales de aprendizaje del francĂ©s –la lengua de la enseñanza y de la administraciĂłn en Senegal– a travĂ©s de dos ejes, el histĂłrico y el didĂĄctico. La aproximaciĂłn histĂłrica aborda el tema del perĂ­odo colonial hasta nuestros dĂ­as. En el plano didĂĄctico, el autor examina en particular el interĂ©s dedicado por los creadores de manuales a los aspectos formales de los textos literarios seleccionados para el estudio de la lengua, asĂ­ como a los motivos polĂ­ticos o ideolĂłgicos vinculados con los programas y las reformas de la enseñanza del idioma a travĂ©s de la literatura, en la escuela primaria y secundaria

    La Fraternité réveillée

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    La Fraternité réveillée est un ouvrage collectif composé de treize textes dus à : Sophie Wahnich, Robert Damien, Georges Navet, Pierre Crétois, Laurence Cornu, Jordi Riba, Patrice Vermeren, Angel Puyol, Laura Llevadot, GeneviÚve Fraisse, BérengÚre Kolly et Marc Thomassin. Il comprend des contributions nouvelles et des commentaires notamment sur les thÚses de Saint-Just, J.-P. Sartre, Pierre Leroux, Miguel Abensour, Derrida. Quatre entrées pour une lecture transversale de cet ouvrage Si le con..

    The future of trade unionism in industrialised market economies: synthesis report

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    Les accords de partenariats Ă©conomiques, Ă  l’épreuve des relations entre l’Afrique et l’Union europĂ©enne

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    Constituant un vĂ©ritable tournant dans les relations entre l’Afrique et l’Europe, la dĂ©cision de l’UE de privilĂ©gier le multilatĂ©ralisme dans ses rapports avec le continent africain met Ă  nu les Ă©conomies africaines. Les pourparlers sur la libĂ©ralisation des produits et sur la suppression des barriĂšres tarifaires font partie du dispositif du futur accord de partenariat Ă©conomique. Suscitant remous et controverses, les discussions sont ardues et complexes. Pourtant, en dĂ©pit de ces Ă©cueils, l’Afrique et l’Europe progressent dans la dĂ©finition d’un nouvel instrument commercial.Kane Elimane Mamadou. Les accords de partenariats Ă©conomiques, Ă  l’épreuve des relations entre l’Afrique et l’Union europĂ©enne. In: Recherches Internationales, n°85, 2009. L’Afrique et le Monde. pp. 67-87

    A Comparative Study of Approximate Joint Diagonalization Algorithms for Blind Source Separation in Presence of Additive Noise

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    International audienceA comparative study of approximate joint diagonalization algorithms of a set of matrices is presented. Using a weighted least-squares criterion, without the orthogonality constraint, an algorithm is compared with an analogous one for blind source separation (BSS). The criterion of the present algorithm is on the separating matrix while the other is on the mixing matrix. The convergence of the algorithm is proved under some mild assumptions. The performances of the two algorithms are compared with usual standard algorithms using BSS simulations results. We show that the improvement in estimating the separating matrix, resulting from the relaxation of the orthogonality restriction, can be achieved in presence of additive noise when the length of observed sequences is sufficiently large and when the mixing matrix is not close to an orthogonal matri

    A comparative economic analysis of industrial fisheries targeting small pelagic fish in Mauritanian waters: Free license versus charter regime

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    International audienceAbstract Industrial fisheries targeting small pelagic fish have significant socio‐economic implications for North West African countries. This study examines the economic performance of fleets operating in Mauritania's exclusive economic zone under the free license and chartering systems. Using national production data from 1989 to 2010 and economic indicator ratios from European pelagic fishing vessels, we assess the economic performance of pelagic fisheries over one decade. Our findings show that vessel characteristics have rapidly evolved, with free‐licenced vessels having a higher average fishing capacity than chartered vessels. The nominal number of free licenses increased from under 8% in 1995; the year of free licencing began in Mauritania, to over 80% in 2010. The estimated average economic output for 2000–2010 was US231million,withfreelicensescontributingover80 231 million, with free licenses contributing over 80% of the total turnover (US 187 million). Vessels operating under free licenses made a greater contribution to wealth creation than the chartering regime. Foreign ship owners generated US40.7million(22 40.7 million (22%) in income, while chartering yielded US 3.6 million (8%). However, the chartering regime was more fiscally advantageous, contributing over 68% of pelagic fisheries tax revenues (estimated at over US$ 29 million). The small pelagic fishery has been subject to a system of total allowable catches and fishing quotas since 2015. This study provides insights into the economic dynamics of the small pelagic fishery, informing decision‐making and potential strategies to enhance the sector's performance and overall economic impact

    Accords de pĂȘche UE-ACP : le rĂŽle de la compensation financiĂšre et des coalitions dans le partage de la rente halieutique

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    Since the late 1970s, the fishing agreements between the EU fleets and ACP (African, Caribbean, Pacific) countries include a monetary compensation for the fishing access rights. Unfortunately, these agreements are far from being profitable for the less developed countries (LDCs) because of a too large dependence regarding EU funds. A classical game theory approach (fishwar model ; Levhari-Mirman 1980) is revisited to take into consideration the macroeconomic dependence of ACP countries and analyse the role of coalitions and negotiation procedures in the rent-sharing process. In a 3-player game (two LDCs and the EU), the impact of a LDC coalition is analysed in terms of welfare gain/loss outcomes and re-allocation of catches between countries. A « small-step » negotiation procedure is first used to solve the cases of failure, before, in case of a new failure, using a multi-country mediation out of the coalition. One of the main results lies in the low incentives for LDCs to join the coalition in spite of the bilateral or multilateral mediations, as long as the LDCs do not have the same interest to harvest their own resources.