19 research outputs found

    Extent of trial of improved designs of lobster traps

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    The mean extent of trial of an improved design of lobster trap by 45 fishermen was 26.46. The cost of local traps and number of seasons used were both significantly negatively associated with the extent of trials; its relationship with the annual catch by indigenous trap approached significance. These three variables accounted for 59% of the variance in the extent of trial

    Effect of demonstration in transferring fish processing technology

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    A group of 28 fisherwomen who attended demonstration on three subjects, namely, preparation of fish wafers, fish pickles and fish soup powder showed significant knowledge and skill gain for all the three messages. The total knowledge and skill gain was maximum for preparation of fish wafers followed by that for preparation of fish soup powder and fish pickles

    Relative retentivity of knowledge in fish processing by fisherwomen

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    Retention of knowledge in the preparation of fish pickle, fish wafers and fish soup powder for an experimental group of 20 fisherwomen selected from three fishing villages was studied. The knowledge retention immediately after exposure and also at intervals of 15 days and 30 days after exposure differed significantly

    Canning of smoked eel

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    On an average about 5000metric tons of marine eels are landed every year in India. Even though it is a quality fish with high protein content as any other popular species, many fish eaters decline to prefer it to other low quality fish. One way to utilise this fish is to convert it into various products like smoked and canned eel fillets. As this product is likely to secure a foreign market also, investigations were carried out with a view to suggesting a proper method for its preparation. The data collected on this line are presented here, applying which an excellent smoked and canned product from eel can be turned out

    A proforma for assessment of the levels of sanitation in fish processing establishments

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    Over the past 15 years of its development, the fish processing industry in India has shown considerable improvement in maintenance of hygiene during handling of the raw material, processing and marketing of the finished product. This is best manifested in the lowering of upper limits of bacterial loads in factory environs and in processed products (Pillai, 1971). More care and attention is given by the processors in recent years in the scientific cleaning and sanitizing of utensils and equipment, chlorination of water supplies and personnel hygiene. An example of sanitation score form is given to help scientists and technologists to evaluate the hygienic status of the processing units

    Seasonal variation in the chemical composition of pomfrets. Pt. 1. Black pomfret (Parastromateus niger)

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    Seasonal variations in proximate composition of the different parts such as head, middle, tail and skin of black pomfret (Parastromateus niger) are reported over three years on monthly basis. The lean and fatty conditions of fish are discussed on the basis of spawning period, food and feeding activity, size group appearance and the gonadal maturity of the pomfret

    Studies on the storage behaviour of laminated and commercial Bombay duck

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    A modified method for the preparation of laminated Bombay duck is presented. Investigation was carried out to find out an effective chemical to control the discoloration of dried laminated Bombay duck. Among various chemicals tried, NDGA and BHT were found to have considerably retarded the discoloration and extended the storage life of the product. Attempt was also made to suggest the optimum humidity level for the proper storage of the commercially dried fish. It was found that a level of about 65% R. H. provided maximum storage life to commercial product

    Seasonal variation in the chemical composition of pomfret - 2. Silver Pomfret (Pampus argenteus)

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    Seasonal variation in the proximate composition of different body regions of Pampus argenteus is reported. The fat content of the fish is high during winter whereas during summer the fish becomes lean. A comparison of average values of proximate composition and energy values of silver pomfret and black pomfret (Parastromateus niger) is given

    Study of the relative effectiveness of extension methods in educating fisherwomen

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    Three experimental groups from three different fishing villages were selected and administered with three extension treatments on two messages, namely, production of fish wafers and fish pickles. There was a significant knowledge gain in the subjects taught through different extension methods. It was observed that lecture aided with slides induced maximum knowledge followed by lecture aided with charts and lecture alone. Among all, the young and highly educated women gained maximum knowledge

    Some aspects of curing of sharks and rays

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    A simple method for eliminating urea almost completely from elasmobranch muscle consists in desalting the initially salted muscle in 5% brine. The initial salting removes about 58% of the urea, which occurs to the extent of 5.8 to 7.5% D.W.B. in the fresh muscle, and the desalting further reduces the urea content to negligible quantities (0.2%)