2 research outputs found

    Environmental and Technical Approach In the Selection of Fishing Gear Featured in WPP 571 Aceh

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    Fishery management area 571 (WPP 571) Aceh is fertile waters and become a major fishing ground for fishermen who settled along the north coast of Aceh. The research aimed to analyze the condition of the waters around fishing ground and fish production in WPP 571 Aceh, and to determine the fishing gear featured for environmental and technical aspects in WPP 571 Aceh

    Sea turtle landing and distribution in aceh jaya district

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    The research in Aceh Jaya District identified nine turtle nesting beaches: Babah Kuala, Patek, Babah Ngom, Kuala Doe, Rigaih, Alue Piet, Nisero, Aroen Meubanja, and Seunebok Padang. Olive Ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) and Leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) turtles inhabit these coastal areas. Nisero beach, Kuta Tuha Village, Panga Sub-District, recorded the highest nest count (12 nests) with both Leatherback and Olive Ridley turtles. Seunebok Padang beach, Seunebok Padang Village, Teunom Sub-District, had the lowest count (2 Olive Ridley turtle nests). Aroen Meubanja beach is the only one with protected status, while the remaining eight face the threat of egg poaching. Unprotected beaches are at high risk, emphasizing the importance of conservation for sea turtle survival and the local economy, particularly through tourism development. Beyond Aceh Jaya, Indonesia features other significant sea turtle nesting sites, like Pangumbahan beach in West Java and Wairundi Island and Venu Island in West Papua Province. The study evaluates various beach characteristics, including width and slope, influencing sea turtle nesting activities. Sediment analysis reveals predominant medium sand textures in Aceh Jaya District, contributing to suitable nesting conditions and emphasizing the need for targeted conservation efforts