290 research outputs found

    Challenges of Population Dynamics in Nigeria: Implications for Household’s Portfolio Choices

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    This research study attempts to quantify and examine how changes in Population dynamics affect household portfolio choices (expenditure on food, monetary transactions, goods and services and non-cash expenditure) in Nigeria given the fact that Nigeria is going through a demographic transition. Previous efforts to assess impacts of Population growth have ignored the household expenditure responses, which has been far from being definitive on the transmission net effects on household portfolio choices. This study focuses on Nigeria with the aim of overcoming these defects and obtaining reliable information. The study establishes a link between demographic variables and household expenditure components using the Vector Error Correction Methodology. Next, the estimated equations are used to project the pattern of the different components of expenditure income based on three population scenarios generated from different assumptions on changes in fertility. Nonetheless, several counterfactual simulations were examined to enhance our understanding of the effects of Population dynamics on contingent choices. The results suggest that population dynamics in Nigeria can produce significant effects on the economy via the expenditure profiles of households. The results also suggest that other factors such as real per capita income, ratio of other expenditure categories to total expenditure influence growth of household expenditure components. The results of the study have some important implications for policy: • Pursuit of prudent macroeconomic policy has significant payoffs, as it avoids further constraints on household’s provision of essential social services, such as health services; • The rate of urbanization in Nigeria affects many categories of household expenditure, and therefore government policy of directing policies that would improve household expenditure on monetary transactions is likely to have significant payoffs in terms of easing the rate of pressure on households. • The results show how changes in age structure could be extremely relevant to the process of economic growth. Finally, there must be a sustainable momentum to boost monetary transactions among the people as a means of revitalizing the weakened social pillar. Doing so calls for a population rights approach to development planning that places people at the centre of developmental efforts. This will help in achieving the objectives envisaged for the social charter in the “NEEDS” framework. The determination for an appropriate mix of policies for managing Nigeria’s development requires prescriptions that recognize the structural linkages between the sectors. Such prescriptions must uniquely isolate, define and determine the nature and magnitude of the change variables that drive the development process. The necessity of such prescriptions should form the building blocks of national development planning and resource management. This entails reconciling planning with implementation and carrying out regular analysis of the challenges of population dynamics that underpins the NEEDS programme.


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    Contingent Valuation Methods (CVM) Willingness To Pay (WTP) Tobit (censored) model Quasi-deregulation

    Common fixed point theorems for weakly compatible non-self mappings in metric spaces of hyperbolic type

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    In this paper, we establish common fixed point theorems for a pair of weakly compatible nonself mappings satisfying generalized contractive conditions in metric space of hyperbolic type. The results generalize and extend some results in literature

    Fixed Point Results for Generalized Weakly C- contractive Mappings in Ordered G-partial Metric Spaces

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    We introduced the class of generalized weakly C-contractive mappings in G-partial metric spaces by combining the characteristics of Hardy and Rogers maps with weak contraction maps. The existence and uniqueness of �xed point for those maps in ordered G-partial metric spaces are established. Examples are given to support the validity of our results. Our results generalize some results in the literature

    Christian Missionaries and Civilization in Southern Nigeria, 1841-1960: Implications for Contemporary Christians

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    The history of Christian missionary enterprise in the southern part of Nigeria especially since the nineteenth century reveals the contributions of various missionary bodies to the civilization and development of the area. From the 1840’s various Christian missionary bodies have done a lot to evangelize different parts of southern Nigeria, and also had brought about civilization and development of various forms in the area. It is a fact that meaningful missionary enterprise which had yielded enormous result in national development began in the 1840’s in Yorubaland (1842), moved to the Efikland by 1846 under the Church of Scotland Mission and then to the Igbo heart land in 1857 spearheaded by the Methodist, the Anglican and the Roman Catholic Churches. This paper has therefore traced the history of the civilizing mission of the various missionary bodies that have been operating in southern Nigeria since the nineteenth century and has highlighted the enormous contributions made by these missionary bodies towards the development and civilization of the area.UJAH: Unizik Journal of Arts and Humanities vol 14 (2) 201

    Fixed Point Theorems For Multivalued Contractive Mappings In G-Symmetric Spaces

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    In this paper, we proved some fixed point theorems for multivalued contraction maps and the existence of common fixed points for a pair of occasionally weakly compatible maps satisfying some multivalued contractive conditions in G-symmetric spaces. The results extend and generalize some results in the literature. Keywords: Common fixed points; Multivalued contractive mappings; Occasionally weakly compatible maps; G-symmetric space

    Common Fixed Point Results of Weakly Compatible Maps in G-metric Spaces

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    We prove the existence of a unique common fixed point for two weakly compatible maps satisfying f - conditions in G-metric spaces. Our result extends and generalizes some results in the literatur

    Efficiency of Capital-Labor in Nigeria’s Mining Sector: A Cobb-Douglas Framework

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    The productivity in the Nigeria’s mining sector presents significance challenges, especially in view of its prospect in diversifying the national economy. The need to uncover the efficiency by way of estimating two major production functions (i.e. capital and labor) cannot be minimized. However, this paper uses econometric technique to estimates the Cobb-Douglas production function of mining sector between 1980 and 2011 periods in Nigeria. To avoid a spurious series, unit root test was conducted based on Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) to test for the stationarity or otherwise of the variables in the model. The outcome reveals that the substitution parameters α and β (substitution parameters for capital and labor) confirms the a priori expectation that the pair of α and β are positive values. Despite labor is the most significant factor of production, the study also found that other inputs such as innovations and technology are positively significant in this period of modern mining production processes in view of the global economic outlook. The study amongst others recommends strong political will of government, transparency and accountability to drive efficient and effective mining sector reform, increased capital investment in innovations, technology, and raw materials

    A Review of the Macroeconomic Policy Frameworks adopted by the BRICS countries (2000-2015)

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    Recent development in the practice of macroeconomic policy has increased the importance of monetary and fiscal policy. Monetary policy within BRICS countries has shifted towards the setting of interest rates as the key monetary instrument, along with the adoption of inflation targets as key monetary policy objectives. It is well accepted that there is no one set of macroeconomic policies that guarantees sustained growth and development in the economy. However, the BRICS countries have been following a similar trend with regard to the exchange rate policy. This is shown by the fact that the BRICS countries have moved away from using a pegged exchange rate regime towards a managed floating exchange rate regime which is in contrast with the recommendations of the Washington Consensus. On the fiscal side, the BRICS countries agreed to spend only what is necessary in order to avoid the ballooning local government debt. Summarily, the BRICS countries have performed well economically and socially although there are still some room for improvement. However, there are still other BRICS members who have government debt that are well above half of their Gross Domestic Product. Alignment of policy regimes would strengthen the macroeconomic base of the BRICS. It is recommended that all BRICS members need prioritise inclusive governance that would checkmate social ills such as poverty, inequality and unemployment, while promoting social inclusion
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