116 research outputs found

    Comment on bunmaprasert et al. reducible nonunited type II odontoid fracture with atlantoaxial instability: Outcomes of two different fixation techniques. Int. J. Environ. Res. public health 2021, 18, 7990 comment

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    I read with great interest the paper of Bunmaprasert et al. [1]. They operated on 21 patients with atlantoaxial instability and compared the outcomes of two different fixation techniques. In the mentioned study, the neurological status of patients after the procedures was not evaluated. I think that this is an important issue. I congratulate the authors, because they achieved a good result, and the bony fusion rate was 100% in both groups. The postoperative radiological view may have been good, but this does not always show that everything is going well. The patient’s clinical condition, such as postoperative chronic pain, disability, and ability to return to his or her previous job is also importan

    Atipik fasial ağrı ile birlikte primer orbita osteoması: olgu sunumu ve literatürün gözden geçirilmesi

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    Osteoma yüzün orta bölümündeki kavite ve kemiklerden oluşan paranasal sinüslerin en sık görülen iyi huylu yavaş büyüyen bir tümörüdür (3). Nadir olarak orbitadan primer olarak köken alır. Bu lezyonlar çoğunlukla hayatın dört ve beşinci dekadlarında gelişir ve özellikle erkeklerde görülür. İngilizce literatürde günümüze kadar sfenoid kemikten orijin alan üç tane primer orbita osteoması bildirilmiştir. Biz atipik fasial ağrı ile birlikte olan diğer bir primer orbita osteomasını sunup literatür eşliğinde tartışıyoruz.Osteoma is a benign, slowly growing tumor that mainly occurs in the bones and cavities of the middle third of the face, representing the most frequent benign tumor of the paranasal sinuses (3). It rarely originates primarily from the orbit. Most of these lesions develop in the fourth to fifth decades of life, and are more commonly encountered in males. In the English literature, there are so far three reported cases of primary osteoma of the orbit that originated from the sphenoid bone. Here we present another case of a primary osteoma of the orbit presenting with atypical facial pain and discuss the relevant literature

    Introducing a new risk factor for Lumbar Disc Herniation in females : vertical angle of the sacral curvature

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    Kanat, Ayhan/0000-0002-8189-2877WOS: 000313134700003PubMed: 23323164Objective : To characterize the importance of the vertical angle of the sacral curvature (VASC) in lumbar disc herniations. Methods : Morphological data derived from lumbar sagittal MRI imaging. the statistical significance of the findings are discussed. the angles of 60 female patients with lumbar disc herniations (LDH) were compared with the 34 female patients without LDH. Results : 128 of the 185 patients met our inclusion criteria. the vertical angle of sacral curvature is statistically significantly bigger in females with lumbar disc herniations when compared to subjects in control group, 28.32 and 25.4, respectively. (p=0.034<0.05). Same difference was not seen in males. Conclusion : the vertical angle of sagittal sacral curvature may be another risk factor in females with lumbar disc herniations

    Jeden z gigantów neurochirurgii odszedł od nas ponad dekadę temu, a w literaturze neurochirurgicznej nie poświęcono mu większej uwagi

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    One of the giants of neurological surgery left us over a decade ago. Charles George Drake died September 15, 1998 in London, Ontario after an extended bout with lung cancer. Although he will always be identified with taking posterior fossa aneurysm surgery from the realm of the daring to the domain of the routine, his contributions were much broader. Clinical neurosciences have been blessed in the past century by the life and works of Drake. In the neurosurgical world, the achievements of Drake are very well known and have been well recorded. Unfortunately, in the past decade since his passing, only one paper has been published about him and his contributions to neurosurgery. This is a historical paper regarding Charles George Drake that attempts to (1) remember Drake as a pioneer; (2) to evaluate lessons that we have learned from him; and (3) to address the question ‘What made him great?’. As per Drake's teachings, this paper is meant to articulate the unique perspectives Charlie provided with respect to how we learn our craft, maintain the integrity of reporting, and implement suggestions as to how we may progress into the future. In conclusion, it is our hope that this paper will bring to life the unique character of Drake and his unprecedented blend of genius, creativity, technical skill, introspection, and ever-present humility for all international neurosurgeons to appreciate.Charles George Drake, jeden z gigantów neurochirurgii, zmarł przed ponad 10 laty. Chociaż jego nazwisko będzie zawsze kojarzone z wprowadzeniem do praktyki chirurgicznego leczenia tętniaków tylnego dołu czaszki, wkład Drake'a w neurochirurgię jest znacznie szerszy. Niestety, w ciągu dekady od jego odejścia opublikowano tylko jeden artykuł poświęcony jego życiu i wkładowi w neurochirurgię. Niniejszy historyczny artykuł dotyczący Charlesa George'a Drake'a podejmuje próbę upamiętnienia go jako pioniera, poddania ocenie pozostawionej przez niego spuścizny i odpowiedzi na pytanie, co uczyniło go wielkim. Mamy nadzieję, że artykuł ten przybliży środowisku neurochirurgów wyjątkowy charakter Drake'a i cechujące go bezprzykładne połączenie geniuszu, kreatywności, sprawności technicznej, wglądu i nieodłącznej skromności

    Sciatic nerve injury following analgesic drug injection in rats: a histopathological examination

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    OBJECTIVE: Sciatic nerve neuropathy can be observed following intramuscular gluteal injections. The histopathological examination of sciatic nerve damage following intramuscular injection in the gluteal region for acute pain treatment is not feasible in humans due to the inability to dissect and examine the nerve tissue. To overcome this issue, we used a rat model for demonstrating damage to the sciatic nerve tissue after the application of commonly used drug injections. METHODS: We investigated possible damage following the intramuscular injection of diclofenac, lornoxicam, morphine, and pethidine in a rat model based on histopathological characteristics such as myelin degeneration, axon degeneration, epineurium degeneration, fibrosis, epineurium thickening, perineurium thickening, lymphocyte infiltration, vacuolization, and edema. RESULTS: All the analgesic drugs used in our study induced histopathological changes in the sciatic nerve. Anti-S100 positivity, showing nerve damage, was found to be the lowest in the group treated with diclofenac. Neurotoxic effects of diclofenac on the sciatic nerve were greater than those of the other drugs used in the study. Lornoxicam induced the least histopathological changes in the nerve. CONCLUSION: Diclofenac induced severe nerve damage not only after direct injection in the sciatic nerve but also after injection in the area around the nerve. Thus, we recommend restricting the use of intramuscular gluteal injections of diclofenac. Intramuscular use of morphine and pethidine should also be overviewed

    Central Sagittal Angle of the Sacrum as a New Risk Factor for Patients with Persistent Low Back Pain after Caesarean Section

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    Study DesignRetrospective.PurposeThis study investigated the possible association of persistent low back pain (LBP) with caesarean section (CS) under spinal anesthesia.Overview of LiteratureMany women suffer from LBP after CS, which is commonly performed under spinal anesthesia. However, this type of LBP is poorly understood, and there is poor consensus regarding increased risk after spinal anesthesia.MethodsWe examined two groups of patients who underwent cesarean delivery under spinal anesthesia. Group I included patients who presented to a neurosurgical clinic complaining of LBP for at least 6 months. Group II was a control group with patients without LBP. We analyzed clinical and sagittal angle parameters, including age, body mass index, parity, central sagittal angle of the sacrum (CSAS), and sacral slope (SS).ResultsFifty-three patients participated in this study: 23 (43.1%) in Group I and 30 (56.9%) in Group II. Non-parametric Mann–Whitney U-tests showed that age, parity, and CSAS significantly differed between the two groups at 6 months.ConclusionsAge, parity, and CSAS appear to be associated with increased risk for LBP after CS under spinal anesthesia. Future prospective studies on this subject may help validate our results

    Shunt dependency following aSAH

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    WOS: 000453373600033PubMed: 29775145[No abstract available

    Letter to the editor regarding “Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage in Covıd-19 patients: a case series”

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    Mektup: Dodd ve arkadaşlarının makalesini büyük bir ilgiyle okudum. 1 Büyük ölçüde anevrizmal olmayan subaraknoid kanamalı (SAK) sadece birkaç vaka raporu olduğundan ve bugüne kadar bildirilen sadece 1 anevrizmal SAK olduğundan bahsettiler