3 research outputs found

    Diagnostic Efficacy of Abdominal Contrast-Enhanced Computed Tomography in Acute Abdominal Conditions: A Retrospective Study"

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    This study's objective was to evaluate the diagnostic value of abdominal contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) in people who had sudden abdominal symptoms. Methods: From eligible patients between the ages of 18 and 75, clinical data including demographics, clinical history, and laboratory findings were gathered. Using a standardised imaging technique, abdominal CECT was performed on all patients. To find acute abdominal diseases and check for consequences, seasoned radiologists analysed the CECT pictures. To assess the effectiveness of CECT, sensitivity, specificity, and other diagnostic measures were calculated. Results: For a variety of acute abdominal diseases, including appendicitis, diverticulitis, bowel obstructions, ischemia, and traumatic injuries, abdominal CECT consistently showed sensitivity and specificity above 90%. Appendicitis was the most prevalent condition, followed by diverticulitis and intestinal obstructions, according to the distribution of diagnoses. In a small number of patients, complications such the development of abscesses, perforations, and thickening of the gut wall were noted. Conclusion: Abdominal contrast-enhanced computed tomography is an essential technique for identifying specific pathologies and potential complications early on, providing high diagnostic accuracy for the diagnosis of acute abdominal disorders. These results underline how crucial it is to incorporate CECT into the diagnosis process for patients presenting with acute abdominal symptoms, eventually improving patient treatment and outcome


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    Some authors have observed a higher prevalence of AITDs in BC patients compared to age-matched controls; thus, this association is not new. Some studies have found that the presence of TPO antibodies is associated with a significantly better outcome among BC patients and that this improvement is comparable to that seen with other prognostic indices such as axillary node status and tumor size, though the exact significance of this association is unclear.Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess TD with BC in relation to the female population. All cases that meet the inclusion criteria will be considered after receiving approval from the IEC. The demographic characteristics, clinical, medical, social, and family H/O were documented using a semi-structured, standardized, and pre-validated case record. In addition, a comprehensive and systematic evaluation was conducted on all patients diagnosed with breast cancer. This evaluation included clinical, radiological, and laboratory screenings, involving a total of 69 patients. In our study, we found that the occurrence of abnormal TFT results was more frequently linked to cases of BC in comparison to the control group. The data was analyzed using the Chi-square test, which yielded a highly statistically significant result with a p-value of 0.0006. The findings of our study demonstrate a substantial correlation between BC and TD. Further investigation is necessary to validate this correlation

    Comparison of Conventional Sutures Versus Cyanoacrylate Glue in Clean Operative Wound Closure

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the efficiency and results of cyanoacrylate glue and traditional sutures in the closure of clean surgical wounds. Methods: This randomized controlled experiment was conducted between December 2020 and June 2022, enrolling 100 patients who met strict inclusion criteria. To close wounds, patients were given a random choice between using cyanoacrylate glue or traditional sutures. Wound healing, infection rates, patient satisfaction surveys, and cosmetic evaluations were all included of the postoperative assessments. Results: There were no appreciable differences between the two closure techniques in the rates of infection or wound healing. Patients in the cyanoacrylate glue group expressed considerably greater levels of satisfaction with their postoperative discomfort and pain reduction. Cosmetic assessments showed better results in the cyanoacrylate glue group, with lower ratings for scarring, erythema, and uneven skin texture. Conclusion: For a clean surgical wound closure, both traditional sutures and cyanoacrylate glue work well. Cyanoacrylate glue has benefits in terms of improved cosmetic results and patient comfort. The selection of the closure technique should take into account the unique characteristics and desires of the patient, highlighting the significance of patient-centered care in surgical decision-making. It is necessary to do additional study with larger sample numbers and long-term follow-up to validate these findings and investigate their relevance in various clinical setting