2,591 research outputs found

    Numerical Study of Photo-Induced Dynamics in Double-Exchange Model

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    Photo-induced spin and charge dynamics in double-exchange model are numerically studied. The Lanczos method and the density-matrix renormalization-group method are applied to one-dimensional finite-size clusters. By photon irradiation in a charge ordered (CO) insulator associated with antiferromagnetic (AFM) correlation, both the CO and AFM correlations collapse rapidly, and appearances of new peaks inside of an insulating gap are observed in the optical spectra and the one-particle excitation spectra. Time evolutions of the spin correlation and the in-gap state are correlated with each other, and are governed by the transfer integral of conduction electrons. Results are interpreted by the charge kink/anti-kink picture and their effective motions which depend on the localized spin correlation. Pump-photon density dependence of spin and charge dynamics are also studied. Roles of spin degree of freedom are remarkable in a case of weak photon density. Implications of the numerical results for the pump-probe experiments in perovskite manganites are discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figure

    Modeling near-field tsunami observations to improve finite-fault slip models for the 11 March 2011 Tohoku earthquake

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    The massive tsunami generated by the 11 March 2011 Tohoku earthquake (M_w 9.0) was widely recorded by GPS buoys, wave gauges, and ocean bottom pressure sensors around the source. Numerous inversions for finite-fault slip time histories have been performed using seismic and/or geodetic observations, yielding generally consistent patterns of large co-seismic slip offshore near the hypocenter and/or up-dip near the trench, where estimated peak slip is ~60 m. Modeling the tsunami generation and near-field wave processes using two detailed rupture models obtained from either teleseismic P waves or high-rate GPS recordings in Japan allows evaluation of how well the finite-fault models account for the regional tsunami data. By determining sensitivity of the tsunami calculations to rupture model features, we determine model modifications that improve the fit to the diverse tsunami data while retaining the fit to the seismic and geodetic observations

    Rank-Ordering Statistics of Extreme Events: Application to the Distribution of Large Earthquakes

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    Rank-ordering statistics provides a perspective on the rare, largest elements of a population, whereas the statistics of cumulative distributions are dominated by the more numerous small events. The exponent of a power law distribution can be determined with good accuracy by rank-ordering statistics from the observation of only a few tens of the largest events. Using analytical results and synthetic tests, we quantify the systematic and the random errors. We also study the case of a distribution defined by two branches, each having a power law distribution, one defined for the largest events and the other for smaller events, with application to the World-Wide (Harvard) and Southern California earthquake catalogs. In the case of the Harvard moment catalog, we make more precise earlier claims of the existence of a transition of the earthquake magnitude distribution between small and large earthquakes; the bb-values are b2=2.3±0.3b_2 = 2.3 \pm 0.3 for large shallow earthquakes and b1=1.00±0.02b_1 = 1.00 \pm 0.02 for smaller shallow earthquakes. However, the cross-over magnitude between the two distributions is ill-defined. The data available at present do not provide a strong constraint on the cross-over which has a 50%50\% probability of being between magnitudes 7.17.1 and 7.67.6 for shallow earthquakes; this interval may be too conservatively estimated. Thus, any influence of a universal geometry of rupture on the distribution of earthquakes world-wide is ill-defined at best. We caution that there is no direct evidence to confirm the hypothesis that the large-moment branch is indeed a power law. In fact, a gamma distribution fits the entire suite of earthquake moments from the smallest to the largest satisfactorily. There is no evidence that the earthquakes of the Southern California catalog have a distribution with tw

    Elastic wave velocities of Apollo 12 rocks at high pressures

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    New results of P- and S-wave velocity measurements on two Apollo 12 rocks, 12052 and 12065, under pressures up to 10 kbars are presented. These rocks are basalt-like crystalline rocks with a bulk density of about 3.26 g/cm^3 and a mean atomic weight of 24.5. Like the Apollo 11 rocks, the velocities and the wave transmission efficiency are surprisingly low at low pressures despite their relatively tight texture; at pressures below 200 bars, Q is estimated to be less than 100. The velocities increase very rapidly with pressure and approach 7.0 km/sec (P wave) and 3.9 km/sec (S wave) towards 10 kbars. No evidence is found for an increase of Q at 1 MHz with a reduction of the ambient pressure to 3 x 10^(-3) torr

    The 25 October 2010 Mentawai tsunami earthquake (M_w 7.8) and the tsunami hazard presented by shallow megathrust ruptures

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    The 25 October 2010 Mentawai, Indonesia earthquake (M_w 7.8) ruptured the shallow portion of the subduction zone seaward of the Mentawai islands, off-shore of Sumatra, generating 3 to 9 m tsunami run-up along southwestern coasts of the Pagai Islands that took at least 431 lives. Analyses of teleseismic P, SH and Rayleigh waves for finite-fault source rupture characteristics indicate ∌90 s rupture duration with a low rupture velocity of ∌1.5 km/s on the 10° dipping megathrust, with total slip of 2–4 m over an ∌100 km long source region. The seismic moment-scaled energy release is 1.4 × 10^(−6), lower than 2.4 × 10^(−6) found for the 17 July 2006 Java tsunami earthquake (M_w 7.8). The Mentawai event ruptured up-dip of the slip region of the 12 September 2007 Kepulauan earthquake (M_w 7.9), and together with the 4 January 1907 (M 7.6) tsunami earthquake located seaward of Simeulue Island to the northwest along the arc, demonstrates the significant tsunami generation potential for shallow megathrust ruptures in regions up-dip of great underthrusting events in Indonesia and elsewhere

    Efficiently Modeling 3D Scenes from a Single Image

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    Dynamical coupling and separation of multiple degrees of freedom in a photoexcited double-exchange system

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    We present a theory of ultrafast photo-induced dynamics in a spin-charge coupled system, motivated by pump-probe experiments in perovskite manganites. A microscopic picture for multiple dynamics in spin and charge degrees is focused on. Real-time simulations are carried out by two complimentary methods. Our calculation demonstrates that electron motion governs a short-time scale where charge and spin dynamics are combined strongly, while, in a long-time scale controlled by spin relaxation, charge sector does not follow remarkable change in spin sector. Present results are in contrast to a conventional double-exchange picture in equilibrium states.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Exact Analysis of ESR Shift in the Spin-1/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnetic Chain

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    A systematic perturbation theory is developed for the ESR shift and is applied to the spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain. Using the Bethe ansatz technique, we exactly analyze the resonance shift in the first order of perturbative expansion with respect to an anisotropic exchange interaction. Exact result for the whole range of temperature and magnetic field, as well as asymptotic behavior in the low-temperature limit are presented. The obtained g-shift strongly depends on magnetic fields at low temperature, showing a significant deviation from the previous classical result.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures,to be published in Phys. Rev. Let
