244 research outputs found

    Symmetric Extensions of Dihedral Quandles and Triple Points of Non-orientable Surfaces

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    Quandles with involutions that satisfy certain conditions, called good involutions, can be used to color non-orientable surface-knots. We use subgroups of signed permutation matrices to construct non-trivial good involutions on extensions of odd order dihedral quandles. For the smallest example of order 6 that is an extension of the three-element dihedral quandle, various symmetric quandle homology groups are computed, and applications to the minimal triple point number of surface-knots are given.Comment: Error in quandle table repaired, and spurious figures remove

    The Construction Of A Business Model For Intellectually Disabled Workers

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    The Japanese welfare system has undergone rapid change. A law has been enacted that requires the handicapped to work in order to be independent from government assistance. However, it is difficult for the intellectually disabled (ID) to earn a living wage because of a lack of understanding with respect to their ability and communication skills. Our organization conducts business with ID individuals such as those with autism. The business model for the income of our organization and the ID individuals concerned was successfully constructed through an understanding and application of the characteristics of ID individuals. This paper shows the current environment affecting the ID and presents our strategic and successful business model that is designed to enable them to achieve a realistic livelihood

    Validity and reliability of a smartphone application for self-measurement of active shoulder range of motion in a standing position among healthy adults

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    [Background] Shoulder range of motion (ROM) is one of the most important indicators of shoulder disease severity, function, and physical assessment. A universal goniometer (UG) was used as a gold standard for ROM measurement. Recently, smartphone applications for ROM measurement have attracted attention as alternatives to UG. This study aimed to investigate the validity and reliability of active ROM measurements using a smartphone application goniometer that can be used by patients in a standing position. [Methods] The dominant shoulders of 19 healthy participants were included in the study. The 2 observers who were physical therapists used the UG, whereas the participants used a smartphone application goniometer to measure the shoulder ROM. A recorder, who is a physical therapist independent of the observer and participant, read and recorded the shoulder ROM measurements. The order of the measurement movements and devices used was randomized. [Results] Agreement between the smartphone application goniometer and UG (percentage of participants for whom the difference between the UG and application measurements was within ±20% of the mean of the goniometer and application measurements) ranged between 42% and 100%. The intraclass correlation coefficient values (3, 1) for the agreement between the smartphone application goniometer and UG was between 0.72 and 0.97, showing significant and approximately perfect correlations. [Conclusion] High agreement with the UG showed excellent validity, indicating that the smartphone application goniometer used by the participants in the standing position is an excellent method and instrument. The results suggest a simpler, more reliable, practical, and inexpensive method for measuring ROM required for telerehabilitation

    Definition of target antigens for naturally occurring CD4+ CD25+ regulatory T cells

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    The antigenic targets recognized by naturally occurring CD4+ CD25+ regulatory T cells (T reg cells) have been elusive. We have serologically defined a series of broadly expressed self-antigens derived from chemically induced mouse sarcomas by serological identification of antigens by recombinant expression cloning (SEREX). CD4+ CD25+ T cells from mice immunized with SEREX-defined self-antigens had strong suppressive activity on peptide-specific proliferation of CD4+ CD25− T cells and CD8+ T cells. The suppressive effect was observed without in vitro T cell stimulation. Foxp3 expression in these CD4+ CD25+ T cells from immunized mice was 5–10 times greater than CD4+ CD25+ T cells derived from naive mice. The suppressive effect required cellular contact and was blocked by anti-glucocorticoid–induced tumor necrosis factor receptor family–related gene antibody. In vitro suppressive activity essentially disappeared 8 wk after the last immunization. However, it was regained by in vitro restimulation with cognate self-antigen protein but not with control protein. We propose that SEREX-defined self-antigens such as those used in this study represent self-antigens that elicit naturally occurring CD4+ CD25+ T reg cells

    Change in Daily Steps and Self-efficacy of Online Interactive Exercise Classes for Community-dwelling Older Adults in Japan: A Preliminary Study

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    Aims: This study aimed to (1) examine the feasibility of an online interactive exercise class for community-dwelling older adults and (2) preliminarily examine changes in physical activity and self-efficacy. Methods: Participants were 25 community-dwelling older adults aged 65 years or older, but due to 5 dropouts, the final number of participants for analysis was 20 (mean age 76.9 ± 5.7 years). The intervention program was conducted for 40 minutes each session, twice a week for four consecutive weeks, using the LINE group call (LINE Corporation, Japan). An online questionnaire was used to assess participant characteristics, modified Fall Efficacy Scale score, modified Gait Efficacy Scale (m-GES) score, self-rated health, and daily steps, which were compared pre- and post-intervention using the Wilcoxon signed-rank sum and chi-square tests. Results: The Wilcoxon signed-rank sum test showed significant improvement in the m-GES score and daily steps. The chi-square test showed that self-rated health was significantly greater in the maintenance/increase group. Conclusions: Online interactive exercise classes are feasible for community-dwelling older individuals. These results also suggest the possibility of using telehealth to improve physical activity and self-efficacy

    Involvement of mTOR pathway in neurodegeneration in NSF-related developmental and epileptic encephalopathy

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    Membrane fusion is mediated by soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) proteins. During neurotransmitter exocytosis, SNARE proteins on a synaptic vesicle and the target membrane form a complex, resulting in neurotransmitter release. N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF), a homohexameric ATPase, disassembles the complex, allowing individual SNARE proteins to be recycled. Recently, the association between pathogenic NSF variants and developmental and epileptic encephalopathy (DEE) was reported; however, the molecular pathomechanism of NSF-related DEE remains unclear. Here, three patients with de novo heterozygous NSF variants were presented, of which two were associated with DEE and one with a very mild phenotype. One of the DEE patients also had hypocalcemia from parathyroid hormone deficiency and neuromuscular junction impairment. Using PC12 cells, a neurosecretion model, we show that NSF with DEE-associated variants impaired the recycling of vesicular membrane proteins and vesicle enlargement in response to exocytotic stimulation. In addition, DEE-associated variants caused neurodegenerative change and defective autophagy through overactivation of the mTOR pathway. Treatment with rapamycin, an mTOR inhibitor, or overexpression of wild-type NSF ameliorated these phenotypes. Furthermore, neurons differentiated from patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells showed neurite degeneration, which was also alleviated by rapamycin treatment or gene correction using genome editing. Protein structure analysis of NSF revealed that DEE-associated variants might disrupt the transmission of the conformational change of NSF monomers and consequently halt the rotation of ATP hydrolysis, indicating a dominant negative mechanism. In conclusion, this study elucidates the pathomechanism underlying NSF-related DEE and identifies a potential therapeutic approach

    Increased glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein-deficient granulocytes define a benign subset of bone marrow failures in patients with trisomy 8

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    Trisomy 8 (+8), one of the most common chromosomal abnormalities found in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), is occasionally seen in patients with otherwise typical aplastic anemia (AA). Although some studies have indicated that the presence of +8 is associated with the immune pathophysiology of bone marrow (BM) failure, its pathophysiology may be heterogeneous. We studied 53 patients (22 with AA and 31 with low-risk MDS) with +8 for the presence of increased glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein-deficient (GPI-AP-) cells, their response to immunosuppressive therapy (IST), and their prognosis. A significant increase in the percentage of GPI-AP- cells was found in 14 (26%) of the 53 patients. Of the 26 patients who received IST, including nine with increased GPI-AP- cells and 17 without increased GPI-AP- cells, 14 (88% with increased GPI-AP- cells and 41% without increased GPI-AP- cells) improved. The overall and event-free survival rates of the +8 patients with and without increased GPI-AP- cells at 5 yr were 100% and 100% and 59% and 57%, respectively. Examining the peripheral blood for the presence of increased GPI-AP- cells may thus be helpful for choosing the optimal treatment for +8 patients with AA or low-risk MDS. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S