642 research outputs found

    Gauged B-L Number and Neutron--Antineutron Oscillation: Long-range Forces Mediated by Baryophotons

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    Transformation of neutron to antineutron is a small effect that has not yet been experimentally observed. %\cite{Phillips:2014fgb}. In principle, it can occur with free neutrons in the vacuum or with bound neutrons inside the nuclear environment different for neutrons and antineutrons and for that reason in the latter case it is heavily suppressed. Free neutron transformation also can be suppressed if environmental vector field exists destinguishing neutron from antineutron. We consider here the case of a vector field coupled to B−LB-L charge of the particles (B−LB-L photons) and study a possibility of this to lead to the observable suppression of neutron to antineutron transformation. The suppression effect however can be removed by applying external magnetic field. If the neutron--antineutron oscillation will be discovered in free neutron oscillation experiments, this will imply limits on B−LB-L photon coupling constant and interaction radius few order of magnitudes stronger than present limits form the tests of the equivalence principle. If n−nˉn-\bar n oscillation will be discovered via nuclear instability, but not in free neutron oscillations in corresponding level, this would indicate to the presence of fifth-forces mediated by such baryophotons.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Neutron-Mirror Neutron Oscillations in Absorbing Matter

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    The possibility that a neutron can be transformed to a hidden sector particle remains intriguingly open. Proposed theoretical models conjecture that the hidden sector can be represented by a mirror sector, and the neutron n can oscillate into its sterile mirror twin n′, exactly or nearly degenerate in mass with n. Oscillations n−n′ can take place in vacuum or in an environment containing regular matter and a magnetic field, in which only the neutron will be subject to interactions with the environment. We describe the propagation of the oscillating n−n′ system in a cold neutron beam passing through dense absorbing materials in connection to the possible regeneration type of experiments, where the effect of n→n′→n transformation can be observed

    Neutron-antineutron transition search at HFIR reactor

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    A new experiment to search for neutron-antineutron transitions was recently proposed for High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). In this paper the physics motivation of a new search, the scheme and the discovery potential of the proposed HFIR-based experiment are discussed
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