35 research outputs found
Educational outsourcing as a mechanism of the international competitiveness of the russian higher economic education assurance
Effective use of educational outsourcingyesBelgorod State Universit
The different forms of the higher professional education internationalization in the conditions of globalization : on the EXAMPLE of the NRU BelSU
This article gives a brief description of the main forms of internationalization in the sphere of the higher professional education with the foreign and Russian experience, including the example of the NRU Belgorod State UniversityyesБелгородский государственный университе
National strategy of the integration of the system of higher professional education of Russia into the international educational market
Интеграция системы высшего экономического образования России на международный рынокyesBelgorod State Universit
The world market of higher education services: current indicators and trends
The purpose of this paper is to examine current trends in the world market of higher education and exposure to different countries for its developmentye
International experience of the higher economic education realization: models of education
The characteristic feature o f the higher economic education model, realized in the most of the European countries nowadays, is the co-existence o f the German and American modelsyesBelgorod State Universit
International cooperation of russia and germanys universities in the sphere of the higher economic education
Особенности международного сотрудничества России и университетов Германии в сфере высшего экономического образованияye
Conditions of the effektive integration of the russian higher economic education in the globalizing market of educational services
In this paper we study the conditions under which the process of integration in the field of higher economic education can be effective, consider the forms, methods and conditions of integrationye
Analysis of the Change in Position of the Countries' Sets of Leading Universities and Research Centers in the World Webometrics Ranking (with the Mediterranean and the Black Sea Region Taken as an Example)
The article describes the study into the change in position of the countries' sets comprising equal quantity of leading universities and research centers in the world Webometrics Ranking, representation of the countries' sets in the lists of wider scope in these rankings as well as distribution of the universities and research centers by countries and cities, with the Mediterranean and the Black Sea region taken as an exampl
Clusters as the competitive advantages of regional economies
Текущие экономические исследования регионального развития развиваются с учетом кластерного подхода, сущность которого раскрыта в данной статьеКамышанченко, Е.Н.Растопчина, Ю.Л
Metaphorical representation of soft power concept in the modern english language
The article is devoted to the analysis o f one o f the concepts o f new forms ofpolitical communication - SOFT POWER concept, introduced by Joseph Nye and representing a political metaphor. The authors analyze the history o f the emergence and encyclopedic information about this concep