14 research outputs found

    Alternative economic indicators

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    Explores alternative economic performanc

    Clusters as the competitive advantages of regional economies

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    Текущие экономические исследования регионального развития развиваются с учетом кластерного подхода, сущность которого раскрыта в данной статьеКамышанченко, Е.Н.Растопчина, Ю.Л

    Metaphorical representation of soft power concept in the modern english language

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    The article is devoted to the analysis o f one o f the concepts o f new forms ofpolitical communication - SOFT POWER concept, introduced by Joseph Nye and representing a political metaphor. The authors analyze the history o f the emergence and encyclopedic information about this concep

    Modern technologies of digital economy as a catalyst for economic growth of regional markets of the Russian Federation

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    This article contains a conceptual framework that discloses the concept of the digital economy as a set of economic relations, which are mediated by information and computer technologies used by all participants in the socio-economic syste

    Gender peculiarities of color terms in French fashion magazines

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    The authors consider different approaches to the matter of color terms in linguistics and psychology. Perception of visual images by language consciousness in different cultures is determined by various factors: a feature of national thinking, originality of nature, culture, and as a consequence - different choice of the most typical prototype of any concept of color space. This article reviews a number of properties that are characteristic of basic and non-standard color terms. The article also considers some gender peculiarities of color terms in French fashion magazine

    Category of negation and its representation in language by the verbs of negativ semantics

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    The authors consider different approaches to the definition of the category of negation in philosophy, logic, linguistic. This article also considers the main strategies that languages use for solving the problem of expressing negation and analyses the interaction between the category of negation and negative seme of the English verb

    Alternative economic indicators

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    Explores alternative economic performanc

    Recommendations on enhancement of Ghana’s investment attractiveness

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    Ghana is endowed with natural resources and has a huge domestic market and a fast growing economy in Sub-Saharan Africa. There is every reason to believe that with updated and enforced reforms that improve institutions and economic policies, Ghana will serve as conducive climate to welcome foreign direct investment decisions. However, political instability, corruption, and several other elements make Ghana a far less attractive destination for direct foreign investmen

    Recommendations on enhancement of Ghana’s investment attractiveness

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    Ghana is endowed with natural resources and has a huge domestic market and a fast growing economy in Sub-Saharan Africa. There is every reason to believe that with updated and enforced reforms that improve institutions and economic policies, Ghana will serve as conducive climate to welcome foreign direct investment decisions. However, political instability, corruption, and several other elements make Ghana a far less attractive destination for direct foreign investmen

    Clusters as the competitive advantages of regional economies

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    Камышанченко, Е.Н.Растопчина, Ю.Л.Текущие экономические исследования регионального развития развиваются с учетом кластерного подхода, сущность которого раскрыта в данной стать