4 research outputs found

    Sterilization and preservation for aortic-valve transplantation

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    Recent advances in modern technology1 expertise and surgical enterprise hove contributed to the solution of may problems in the field of cardiovascular and thoracic surgery. Among these the surgical treatment of heart-valvedysfunctionby valve replacement has become possible (Murray, 1956; Ross, 1962; Starr and Edwards, 1961; Barrett-Boyes, 1964). Today transplantation of valves is an accepted surgical treatment next to corrective valve surgery and conservative therapy in the management of heart-valve disease. Heart-valve replacement becomes a necessity in case of congenital or aquired stenosis or insufficiency, if conservative treatment cannot prevent a progression of the lesions. In the decision for valve replacement the degree of invalidity experienced by ti-e patient is a major factor together with myocardial performance, No valve currently available for valve replacement fulfils the criteria for an ideal valve

    The distribution and characterization of HNK-1 antigens in the developing avian heart

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    The heart originates from splanchnic mesoderm and to a lesser extent from neural crest cells. The HNK-1 monoclonal antibody is a marker for early migrating neural crest cells, but reacts also with structures which are not derived from the neural crest. We investigated whether heart structures are HNK-1 positive before neural crest cells colonize these target tissues. To that end, we determined the HNK-1 antigen expression in the developing avian heart on immunohistochemical sections and on Western blots. The HNK-1 immunoreactivity in the developing chick heart is compared with data from literature cm the localization of neural crest cells in chick/quail chimeras. Structures with neural crest contribution, including parts of the early outflow tract and the related endocardial cushions, the primordia of the semilunar valve leaflets and the aorticopulmonary septum were HNK-1 positive. Furthermore, other structures were HNK-1 positive, such as the atrioventricular cushions, the wall of the sinus venosus at stage HH 15 through 21, parts of the endocardium at E3, parts of the myocardium at E6, and the extracellular matrix in the myocardial base of the semilunar valves at E14. HNK-1 expression was particularly observed in morphologically dynamic regions such as the developing valves, the outflow tract cushion, the developing conduction system and the autonomie nervous system of the heart. We observed that atrioventricular endocardial cushions are HNK-1 positive. We conclude that: a HNK-1 immunoreactivity does not always coincide with the presence of neural crest cells or their derivatives; (2) the outflow tract cushions and atrioventricular endocardial cushions are HNK-1 positive before neural crest cells are expected (stage HH 19) to enter the endocardial cushions of the outflow tract; (3) the observed spatio-temporal HNK-1 patterns observed in the developing heart correspond with various HNK-1 antigens. Apart from a constant pattern of HNK-1 antigens during development, stage-dependent HNK-1 antigens were also found

    Human plasma phospholipid transfer protein increases the antiatherogenic potential of high density lipoproteins in transgenic mice

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    Plasma phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) transfers phospholipids between lipoprotein particles and alters high density lipoprotein (HDL) subfraction patterns in vitro, but its physiological function is poorly understood. Transgenic mice that overexpress human PLTP were generated. Compared with wild-type mice, these mice show a 2.5- to 4.5-fold increase in PLTP activity in plasma. This results in a 30% to 40% decrease of plasma levels of HDL cholesterol. Incubation of plasma from transgenic animals at 37 degrees C reveals a 2- to 3-fold increase in the formation of pre-beta-HDL compared with plasma from wild-type mice. Although pre-beta-HDL is normally a minor subfraction of HDL, it is known to be a very efficient acceptor of peripheral cell cholesterol and a key mediator in reverse cholesterol transport. Further experiments show that plasma from transgenic animals is much more efficient in preventing the accumulation of intracellular cholesterol in macrophages than plasma from wild-type mice, despite lower total HDL concentrations. It is concluded that PLTP can act as an antiatherogenic factor preventing cellular cholesterol overload by generation of pre-beta-HDL

    Regulation of chloride transport in cultured normal and cystic fibrobis keratinocytes

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    Abstract Cultured normal (N) and cystic fibrosis (CF) keratinocytes were evaluated for their Cl−-transport properties by patch-clamp-, Ussing chamber- and isotopic efflux-measurements. Special attention was paid to a 32 pS outwardly rectifying Cl− channel which has been reported to be activated upon activation of cAMP-dependent pathways in N, but not in CF cells. This depolarization-induced Cl− channel was found with a similar incidence in N and CF apical keratininocyte membranes. However, activation of this channel in excised patches by protein kinase (PK)-A or PK-C was not successfull in either N or CF keratinocytes. Forskolin was not able to activate Cl− channels in N and CF cell-attached patches. The Ca2+-ionophore A23187 activated in cell-attached patches a linear 17 pS Cl− channel in both N and CF cells. This channel inactivated upon excision. No relationship between the cell-attached 17 pS and the excised 32 pS channel could be demonstrated. Returning to the measurement of Cl− transport at the macroscopic level, we found that a drastic rise in intracellular cAMP induced by forskolin did in N as well as CF cells not result in a change in the short-circuit current (Isc) or the fractional efflux rates of 36Cl− and 125I−. In contrast, addition of A23187 resulted in an increase of the Isc and in the isotopic anion efflux rates in N and CF cells. We conclude that Cl−-transport in cultured human keratinocytes can be activated by Ca2+, but not by cAMP-dependent pathways