250 research outputs found

    The nature of X-ray spectral variability in MCG-6-30-15

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    The flux-flux plot (FFP) method can provide model-independent clues regarding the X-ray variability of active galactic nuclei. To use it properly, the bin size of the light curves should be as short as possible, provided the average counts in the light curve bins are larger than 200\sim 200. We apply the FFP method to the 2013, simultaneous XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observations of the Seyfert galaxy MCG-6-30-15, in the 0.3-40 keV range. The FFPs above 1.6\sim 1.6 keV are well-described by a straight line. This result rules out spectral slope variations and the hypothesis of absorption driven variability. Our results are fully consistent with a power-law component varying in normalization only, with a spectral slope of 2\sim 2, plus a variable, relativistic reflection arising from the inner accretion disc around a rotating black hole. We also detect spectral components which remain constant over 4.5\sim 4.5 days (at least). At energies above 1.5\sim 1.5 keV, the stable component is consistent with reflection from distant, neutral material. The constant component at low energies is consistent with a blackbody spectrum of kTBB100kT_{\rm BB} \sim 100 eV. The fluxes of these components are 1020%\sim 10-20\% of the average continuum flux (in the respective bands). They should always be included in the models that are used to fit the spectrum of the source. The FFPs below 1.6 keV are non-linear, which could be due to the variable warm absorber in this source.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Testing the accuracy of reflection-based supermassive black hole spin measurements in AGN

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    X-ray reflection is a very powerful method to assess the spin of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in active galactic nuclei (AGN), yet this technique is not universally accepted. Indeed, complex reprocessing (absorption, scattering) of the intrinsic spectra along the line of sight can mimic the relativistic effects on which the spin measure is based. In this work, we test the reliability of SMBH spin measurements that can currently be achieved through the simulations of high-quality XMM-Newton and NuSTAR spectra. Each member of our group simulated ten spectra with multiple components that are typically seen in AGN, such as warm and (partial-covering) neutral absorbers, relativistic and distant reflection, and thermal emission. The resulting spectra were blindly analysed by the other two members. Out of the 60 fits, 42 turn out to be physically accurate when compared to the input model. The SMBH spin is retrieved with success in 31 cases, some of which (9) are even found among formally inaccurate fits (although with looser constraints). We show that, at the high signal-to-noise ratio assumed in our simulations, neither the complexity of the multi-layer, partial-covering absorber nor the input value of the spin are the major drivers of our results. The height of the X-ray source (in a lamp-post geometry) instead plays a crucial role in recovering the spin. In particular, a success rate of 16 out of 16 is found among the accurate fits for a dimensionless spin parameter larger than 0.8 and a lamp-post height lower than five gravitational radii.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    Variability of the soft X-ray excess in IRAS 13224-3809

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    We study the soft excess variability of the narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxy IRAS 13224-3809. We considered all five archival XMM-Newton observations, and we applied the 'flux-flux plot' (FFP) method. We found that the flux-flux plots were highly affected by the choice of the light curves' time bin size, most probably because of the fast and large amplitude variations, and the intrinsic non-linear flux--flux relations in this source. Therefore, we recommend that the smallest bin-size should be used in such cases. Hence, We constructed FFPs in 11 energy bands below 1.7 keV, and we considered the 1.7-3 keV band, as being representative of the primary emission. The FFPs are reasonably well fitted by a 'power-law plus a constant' model. We detected significant positive constants in three out of five observations. The best-fit slopes are flatter than unity at energies below 0.9\sim 0.9 keV, where the soft excess is strongest. This suggests the presence of intrinsic spectral variability. A power-law-like primary component, which is variable in flux and spectral slope (as ΓNPL0.1\Gamma\propto N_{\rm PL}^{0.1}) and a soft-excess component, which varies with the primary continuum (as FexcessFprimary0.46F_{\rm excess}\propto F_{\rm primary}^{0.46}), can broadly explain the FFPs. In fact, this can create positive `constants', even when a stable spectral component does not exist. Nevertheless, the possibility of a stable, soft--band constant component cannot be ruled out, but its contribution to the observed 0.2-1 keV band flux should be less than 15\sim 15 %. The model constants in the FFPs were consistent with zero in one observation, and negative at energies below 1 keV in another. It is hard to explain these results in the context of any spectral variability scenario, but they may signify the presence of a variable, warm absorber in the source.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 10 pages, 7 figure

    A physical model for the broadband energy spectrum of X-ray illuminated accretion discs: fitting the spectral energy distribution of NGC 5548

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    We develop a new physical model for the broadband spectral energy distribution (SED) of X-ray illuminated accretion discs, that takes into account the mutual interaction of the accretion disc and the X-ray corona, including all relativistic effects. We assume a Keplerian, optically thick and geometrically thin accretion disc and an X-ray source in the lamp-post geometry that emits an isotropic power-law spectrum with a high-energy cut-off. We assume that all the energy that would be released by thermal radiation in the standard disc model in its innermost part, is transported to the corona, effectively cooling the disc in this region. We include the disc heating due to thermalisation of the absorbed part of the disc illumination by X-ray corona. The X-ray reflection from the disc is also included. We compute the X-ray luminosity and the low-energy X-ray cut-off through an iterative process, taking full account of the interplay between the X-ray illumination of the disc and the resulting accretion disc spectrum which enters the corona so that the energy balance is preserved. The corona radius is also computed from the conservation of the photon's number during Comptonization. We discuss the model SEDs and their dependence on system parameters. The disc-corona interaction has profound effects - it constrains the X-ray luminosity and changes the shape and normalisation of the UV/optical blue bump. We use the new code to fit the broad-band SED of a typical Seyfert 1 galaxy, NGC 5548. We infer a high black-hole spin, an intermediate system inclination, and an accretion rate below 10% of Eddington. The X-ray luminosity in this source could be supported by 45-70% of the accretion energy dissipated in the disc. The new model, named KYNSED, is publicly available to be used for fitting AGN SEDs inside the XSPEC spectral analysis tool.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Revisiting UV/optical continuum time lags in AGN

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    In this paper, we present an updated version of our model (KYNXiltr) which considers thermal reverberation of a standard Novikov-Thorne accretion disc illuminated by an X-ray point-like source. Previously, the model considered only two cases of black hole spins, and assumed a colour correction factor fcol=2.4f_{\rm col} = 2.4. Now, we extend the model to any spin value and colour correction. In addition, we consider two scenarios of powering the X-ray corona, either via accretion, or external to the accretion disc. We use KYNXiltr to fit the observed time lags obtained from intense monitoring of four local Seyfert galaxies (NGC 5548, NGC 4395, Mrk 817, and Fairall 9). We consider various combinations of black hole spin, colour correction, corona height, and fraction of accretion power transferred to the corona. The model fits well the overall time-lags spectrum in these sources (for a large parameter space). For NGC 4593 only, we detect a significant excess of delays in the U-band. The contribution of the diffuse BLR emission in the time-lags spectrum of this source is significant. It is possible to reduce the large best-fitting parameter space by combining the results with additional information, such as the observed Eddington ratio and average X-ray luminosity. We also provide an update to the analytic expression provided by Kammoun et al., for an X-ray source that is not powered by the accretion process, which can be used for any value of colour correction, and for two values of the black hole spin (0 and 0.998).Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA