5 research outputs found

    VaTEST III : validation of 8 potential super-earths from TESS data

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    Funding: The ULiege’s contribution to SPECULOOS has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) (grant Agreement n◦ 336480/SPECULOOS). This research is in part funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grants agreements n◦ 803193/BEBOP), and from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC; grant n◦ ST/S00193X/1, and ST/W000385/1).NASA’s all-sky survey mission, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), is specifically engineered to detect exoplanets that transit bright stars. Thus far, TESS has successfully identified approximately 400 transiting exoplanets, in addition to roughly 6 000 candidate exoplanets pending confirmation. In this study, we present the results of our ongoing project, the Validation of Transiting Exoplanets using Statistical Tools (VaTEST). Our dedicated effort is focused on the confirmation and characterisation of new exoplanets through the application of statistical validation tools. Through a combination of ground-based telescope data, high-resolution imaging, and the utilisation of the statistical validation tool known as TRICERATOPS, we have successfully discovered eight potential super-Earths. These planets bear the designations: TOI-238b (1.61 +0.09−0.10 R ⊕ ), TOI-771b (1.42 +0.11−0.09 R ⊕ ), TOI-871b (1.66 +0.11−0.11 R ⊕ ), TOI-1467b (1.83 +0.16−0.15 R ⊕ ), TOI-1739b (1.69 +0.10−0.08 R ⊕ ), TOI-2068b (1.82 +0.16−0.15 R ⊕ ), TOI-4559b (1.42 +0.13−0.11 R ⊕ ), and TOI-5799b (1.62 +0.19−0.13 R ⊕ ). Among all these planets, six of them fall within the region known as ‘keystone planets’, which makes them particularly interesting for study. Based on the location of TOI-771b and TOI-4559b below the radius valley we characterised them as likely super-Earths, though radial velocity mass measurements for these planets will provide more details about their characterisation. It is noteworthy that planets within the size range investigated herein are absent from our own solar system, making their study crucial for gaining insights into the evolutionary stages between Earth and Neptune.Peer reviewe

    Shadows and precession of orbits in rotating Janis–Newman–Winicour spacetime

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    In this paper, we construct the rotating Janis–Newman–Winicour (JNW) naked singularity spacetime using Newman–Janis Algorithm (NJA). We analyse NJA with and without complexification methods and find that the energy conditions do satisfied when we skip the complexification step. We study the shadows cast by rotating JNW naked singularity and compare them with the shadows cast by the Kerr black hole. We find that the shadow of the rotating naked singularity can be distinguished from the shadow of the Kerr black hole. While we analyse the precession of timelike bound orbits in rotating JNW spacetime, we find that it can have a negative (or opposite) precession, which is not present in the Kerr black hole case. These novel signatures of the shadow and orbital precession in rotating JNW naked singularity spacetime could be important in the context of the recent observation of the shadow of the M87 galactic center and the stellar dynamics of ‘S-stars’ around Milkyway galactic center

    VaTEST III:validation of 8 potential super-earths from TESS data

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    NASA’s all-sky survey mission, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), is specifically engineered to detect exoplanets that transit bright stars. Thus far, TESS has successfully identified approximately 400 transiting exoplanets, in addition to roughly 6 000 candidate exoplanets pending confirmation. In this study, we present the results of our ongoing project, the Validation of Transiting Exoplanets using Statistical Tools (VaTEST). Our dedicated effort is focused on the confirmation and characterisation of new exoplanets through the application of statistical validation tools. Through a combination of ground-based telescope data, high-resolution imaging, and the utilisation of the statistical validation tool known as TRICERATOPS, we have successfully discovered eight potential super-Earths. These planets bear the designations: TOI-238b (1.61 +0.09−0.10 R ⊕ ), TOI-771b (1.42 +0.11−0.09 R ⊕ ), TOI-871b (1.66 +0.11−0.11 R ⊕ ), TOI-1467b (1.83 +0.16−0.15 R ⊕ ), TOI-1739b (1.69 +0.10−0.08 R ⊕ ), TOI-2068b (1.82 +0.16−0.15 R ⊕ ), TOI-4559b (1.42 +0.13−0.11 R ⊕ ), and TOI-5799b (1.62 +0.19−0.13 R ⊕ ). Among all these planets, six of them fall within the region known as ‘keystone planets’, which makes them particularly interesting for study. Based on the location of TOI-771b and TOI-4559b below the radius valley we characterised them as likely super-Earths, though radial velocity mass measurements for these planets will provide more details about their characterisation. It is noteworthy that planets within the size range investigated herein are absent from our own solar system, making their study crucial for gaining insights into the evolutionary stages between Earth and Neptune