177 research outputs found

    The car industry, developments in China and implications for Latin America

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    Due to its dimensions and global scope the car industry is in the center of investment promotion policies, insertion strategies for productive chains, and transfer of technology. This industry currently combines three important elements, (i) it is the leader in productive globalization (electronic commerce, subcontracting, and commercialization), (ii) the production of vehicles in China and in East Asia is adding dynamism to the market and provoking strategy changes, and (iii) the division between original producers and suppliers is consolidating the number of main producers but multiplying the number of subcontractors. These new tendencies that include productive globalization, China and the new production chains require the formulation of a production strategy on behalf of the private companies and an adequate promotion on behalf of the governments.China, Latin America, Car Industry, Production Networks, Globalization

    Análise de acordos institucionais e programas de desenvolvimento produtivo em América Latina e o Caribe: Proposta metodológica e resultados de prova

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    Este documento apresenta uma contribuição para o desenvolvimento de análises de programas de desenvolvimento produtivo (PDP). A proposta metodológica do Mapeamento e Índice de Desempenho Institucional (MIDI) constitui um esforço para quantificar e mensurar os aspectos institucionais que contribuem para um melhor equilíbrio entre o custo e os benefícios dos PDP. O objetivo do MIDI é avaliar a qualidade dos programas e dos acordos institucionais que os sustentam e que influenciam sua capacidade de alcançar os resultados esperados. A partir dessa perspectiva, fica evidente a importância de se formularem métricas para a análise das funções de concepção, execução e monitoramento desses programas, bem como dos acordos institucionais que os abrigam.Política Industrial, Business Development, SME, Public Administration & Policy Making, política empresarial; avaliação institucional; política institucional; políticas de desenvolvimento produtivo; estrutura; alcance; desempenho do Governo

    El análisis de arreglos institucionales y programas de desarrollo productivo en América Latina y el Caribe: Propuesta metodológica y resultados de prueba

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    Este documento presenta una contribución al desarrollo de una herramienta de análisis de programas de desarrollo productivo (PDP). La propuesta metodológica del Mapeo e Índice de Desempeño Institucional (MIDI) constituye un esfuerzo para cuantificar y medir los aspectos institucionales que contribuyen a un mejor balance entre el costo y los beneficios de los PDP. El objetivo del MIDI es la evaluación de la calidad de los programas y los arreglos institucionales que los sustentan e influyen en su capacidad de lograr los resultados esperados. Desde esta perspectiva, es evidente la importancia de formular métricas para el análisis de las funciones de diseño, ejecución y monitoreo de estos programas y los arreglos institucionales que los hospedan.Desarrollo empresarial, Política industrial, PYME, Administración pública y definición de políticas, política de empresa, evaluación institucional, política industrial, políticas de desarrollo productivo, política pública, desempeño del gobierno

    Japanese investment in Peru: limits of developmental investment

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    Japanese Investment in Latin America was considerable in the 1960s and 1970s, but the investment never took off in the developmental style as in East Asia. The author examines why Japanese Foreign Direct Investment in Peru did not follow the pattern of developmental investment, analyzing the elements involved regarding policies in Peru and particular circumstances in Japan in the 1990 decade

    Japanese investment in Peru: limits of developmental investment

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    Japanese Investment in Latin America was considerable in the 1960s and 1970s, but the investment never took off in the developmental style as in East Asia. The author examines why Japanese Foreign Direct Investment in Peru did not follow the pattern of developmental investment, analyzing the elements involved regarding policies in Peru and particular circumstances in Japan in the 1990 decade

    The automotive industry, developments in China and implications for Latin America

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    Due to its dimensions and global scope the automotive industry is often a subject of debate when investment promotion policies, insertion strategies for productive chains, and mechanisms of technology transfer are being discussed. The automotive industry combines three important elements: (i) it is leading the globalization of production (e-commerce, subcontracting, and commercialization), (ii) the production of vehicles in China and East Asia is vitalizing the market and provoking changes in strategies, and (iii) the division between original producers and suppliers is consolidating the number of producers but increasing the number of subcontractors. These new trends, which include productive globalization, China and new production chains, make necessary the formulation of a production strategy by private businesses and appropriate promotion by governments

    La industria automotríz: desarrollos en China e implicaciones para Latinoamérica

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    Due to its size and global reach, the automotive industry raises debate when discussing investment attraction policies, strategies for the insertion of productive chains and technology transfer mechanisms. Today this industry combines three important elements: a) it is a leader in productive globalization (e-commerce, subcontracting and commercialization), b) the production of vehicles in China and East Asia is boosting the market and causing changes in strategies and c) the division between original producers and suppliers is consolidating the number of main producers multiplying the number of subcontractors. These new trends, which include productive globalization, China's preponderant role, and new production chains, force private companies to formulate production strategies; and to governments, to offer a successful promotion.Por sus dimensiones y alcance global, la industria automotriz suscita debate cuando se discuten políticas de atracción de inversión, estrategias de inserción de cadenas productivas y mecanismos de transferencia de tecnología. Hoy esta industria combina tres elementos importantes: a) es líder en la globalización productiva (comercio electrónico, subcontratación y comercialización), b) la producción de vehículos en China y el Este de Asia está dinamizando el mercado y originando cambios de estrategias y c) la división entre productores originales y proveedores está consolidando el número de principales productores pero multiplicando el número de subcontratistas. Estas nuevas tendencias, que incluyen globalización productiva, papel preponderante de China y nuevas cadenas de producción, obligan a las empresas privadas a formular estrategias de producción; y a los gobiernos, a ofrecer una acertada promoción

    The automotive industry, developments in China and implications for Latin America

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    Due to its dimensions and global scope the automotive industry is often a subject of debate when investment promotion policies, insertion strategies for productive chains, and mechanisms of technology transfer are being discussed. The automotive industry combines three important elements: (i) it is leading the globalization of production (e-commerce, subcontracting, and commercialization), (ii) the production of vehicles in China and East Asia is vitalizing the market and provoking changes in strategies, and (iii) the division between original producers and suppliers is consolidating the number of producers but increasing the number of subcontractors. These new trends, which include productive globalization, China and new production chains, make necessary the formulation of a production strategy by private businesses and appropriate promotion by governments

    La industria automotora, desarrollos en China e implicaciones para Latinoamérica

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    Due to its dimensions and global scope the car industry is in the center of investment promotion policies, insertion strategies for productive chains, and transfer of technology. This industry currently combines three important elements, (i) it is the leader in productive globalization (electronic commerce, subcontracting, and commercialization), (ii) the production of vehicles in China and in East Asia is adding dynamism to the market and provoking strategy changes, and (iii) the division between original producers and suppliers is consolidating the number of main producers but multiplying the number of subcontractors. These new tendencies that include productive globalization, China and the new production chains require the formulation of a production strategy on behalf of the private companies and an adequate promotion on behalf of the governments