16 research outputs found

    Vibrational structure in magnetic circular dichroism spectra of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

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    Abstract Absorption and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectroscopies are powerful and simple methods to discriminate among various compounds. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons provide particularly strong signal, which, for example, facilitates their detection in the environment. However, interpretation of the spectra is often based on quantum-chemical simulations, providing a limited precision only. In the present work, we use time-dependent density functional theory and complete active space second-order perturbation theories to understand spectral features observed in a series of naphthalene, anthracene, phenanthrene, and three larger compounds. The electronic computations provided reasonable agreement with the experiment for the smaller molecules, while a large error persisted for the bigger ones. However, many discrepancies could be explained by vibrational splitting of the electronic transitions across the entire spectral range. Compared to plain absorption, MCD spectral bands and their vibrational splitting were more specific for each aromatic molecule. The computational tools allowing simulations of detailed vibrational features in the electronic spectra thus promise to open a qualitatively new chapter in the spectroscopy of aromatic compounds

    Theoretical Modeling of Magnesium Ion Imprints in the Raman Scattering of Water

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    Hydration envelopes of metallic ions significantly influence their chemical properties and biological functioning. Previous computational studies, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and vibrational spectra indicated a strong affinity of the Mg2+ Cation to water. We find it interesting that, although monatomic ions do not vibrate themselves, they cause notable changes in the water Raman signal. Therefore, in this Study, We used a combination of Raman spectroscopy and computer modeling to analyze the magnesium hydration shell and origin of the signal. In the measured spectra of several salts (LiCl, NaCl, KCl, MgCl2, CaCl2 MgBr2, and MgI2 Water Solutions), only the spectroscopic imprint of the hydrated Mg2+ Cation Could clearly be identified as an exceptionally distinct peak at similar to 355 cm(-1). The assignment of this band to the Mg-O stretching motion could be confirmed oil the basis of several models involving quantum chemical computations on metal/water clusters. Minor Raman spectral features could also be explained. Ab initio and Fourier transform (FT) techniques Coupled with the Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics were adapted to provide the spectra from dynamical trajectories. The results Suggest that even in concentrated Solutions magnesium preferentially forms a [Mg(H2O)(6)](2+) complex of a nearly octahedral symmetry; nevertheless, the Raman signal is primarily associated with the relatively strong metal-H2O bond. Partially covalent character of the Mg-O bond was confirmed by a natural bond orbital analysis. Computations oil hydrated chlorine anion did not provide a specific signal. The FT techniques gave good spectral profiles in the high-frequency region, whereas the lowest-wavenumber vibrations were better reproduced by the cluster models. Both dynamical and cluster computational models provided a useful link between spectral shapes and specific ion-water interactions