4 research outputs found

    Some of Wood Properties of Narrow Leaved Ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl.) From Natural and Plantation Stands in Turkey

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    Ash wood is very important for forest products industry. Because of its fast growing property it was planting for severeal years. Wood quality may change with several factors which one of the important factor is site conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate the anatomical, physical properties and compression strength paralell to grain of natural and planted narrow leaved ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl.) wood at different sites in Turkey. It was shown that there was a significant difference between natural and planted trees and between regions for all wood properties. Planted trees had higher density which had thicker double fiber cell wall, lower earlywood vessel frequency, higher and/or similar ray width, shorter earlywood vessels, lower multiseriate ray high number and length. The maximum oven-dry densities were 0.773 gr.cm-3 in Sinop and 0.719 gr.cm-3 in Adapazarı for planted trees. Higher shrinkage values were observed in denser planted trees. Planted trees exhibited higher compression strength parallel to grain (53.32 N.mm-2 in Adapazarı and 55.32 N.mm-2 in Sinop) than natural trees (51.02 N.mm-2 in Adapazarı and 50.05 N.mm- 2 in Sinop). As a result; planted NLA wood showed better wood properties except shrinkage values


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    Odunun anatomik yapısı birçok bilim dalları içerisinde geçmekte ve farklı kaynaklarda bölümler halinde yeralmıştır. Ülkemizde bugüne kadar odunun anatomik özelliklerinin anlatıldığı Türkçe dilinde sadece 5 kitap yazılmıştır.Kitaplar; gerek çeviri gerekse yapılmış çalışmalar ışığında yazılmış olup içerdiği terimler, mevcut biyoloji terimlerindenya da, doğrudan çevrildiği dilden doğrudan alınmış, çevrildiği dilden dilimizde okunduğu gibi ya da yazan tarafındanoluşturulma şeklinde kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmada mevcut kaynaklarda karşılaşılan kavramlara verilmiş farklı terimlertespit edilerek meydana gelen karmaşaya dikkat çekilmiştir. İnceleme sonucu 70 adet terimde terimsel farklılık ve 7 adetterimde de yazım farklılığına rastlanmıştır. Mevcut karmaşaya yol açan terimlerin tespit edilmesi ile bu konuya dikkatçekilmiş, terimlerin kullanımı konusunda ilgili bilim insanları ile birlikte ortak karar verilmesi ve çalışmaların başlatılmasıkonusunda önerilerde bulunulmuştur.The anatomical structure of wood is in many branches of science and has been included in different sources in sections. In our country, only 5 books have been written in Turkish, describing the anatomical features of wood. Books; it has been written in the light of both translation and studies, and the terms it contains are taken directly from the existing biology terms or directly from the language into which it was translated, as it is read from the translated language or used in the form of creation by the author. In this study, different terms given to the concepts encountered in the existing sources were determined and attention was drawn to the confusion that occurred. With the determination of the terms that cause the current confusion, attention was drawn to this issue, and suggestions were made to make a joint decision with the relevant scientists on the use of the terms and to initiate the studies

    Macroscopic and Microscopic Diagnosis of Three Entandrophragma Species Traded in Türkiye

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    The anatomical characteristics are highlighted for Entandrophragma cylindricum, Entandrophragma utile, and Entandrophragma angolense. Wood samples, which were previously obtained from commercial timber industries in the Marmara region of Türkiye and used as course materials, were used. Qualitative and quantitative anatomical characteristics were determined. Qualitatively, characters such as distinct growth rings, diffuse-porous wood, deposits in vessel elements, simple perforation plates, alternate intervessel pits, heterogeneous ray type, and septate fibres, were common to all species. The quantitative evaluation showed that there were differences between species. Entandrophragma species differ in some wood characteristics such as the tangential diameter of the vessel, ray height, ray width, and fibre lumen diameter. E. utile had higher values of the mean tangential vessel diameter (180 μm) and fiber lumen diameter (18.4 μm) than the other two species. It is possible to say that the anatomical features of E. cylindricum differ from that of other species and that it will be easier to diagnose among other species. E. cylindricum had the lowest values of the mean tangential vessel diameter (147 μm) and ray height (361 μm).  Distinctive characters for E. utile and E. angolense are tangential vessel diameter, vessel length, ray height, ray width, and all fibre dimensions

    Türkiye’de Doğal ve Plantasyon Meşcerelerinde Yetişen Dar Yapraklı Dişbudak (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl.) Ağaçlarının Bazı Odun Özellikleri

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    Ash wood is very important for forest products industry. Because of its fast growing property it was planting for severeal years. Wood quality may change with several factors which one of the important factor is site conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate the anatomical, physical properties and compression strength paralell to grain of natural and planted narrow leaved ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl.) wood at different sites in Turkey. It was shown that there was a significant difference between natural and planted trees and between regions for all wood properties. Planted trees had higher density which had thicker double fiber cell wall, lower earlywood vessel frequency, higher and/or similar ray width, shorter earlywood vessels, lower multiseriate ray high number and length. The maximum oven-dry densities were 0.773 gr.cm-3 in Sinop and 0.719 gr.cm-3 in Adapazarı for planted trees. Higher shrinkage values were observed in denser planted trees. Planted trees exhibited higher compression strength parallel to grain (53.32 N.mm-2 in Adapazarı and 55.32 N.mm-2 in Sinop) than natural trees (51.02 N.mm-2 in Adapazarı and 50.05 N.mm- 2 in Sinop). As a result; planted NLA wood showed better wood properties except shrinkage values