108 research outputs found

    Automatic epilepsy detection using fractal dimensions segmentation and GP-SVM classification

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    Objective: The most important part of signal processing for classification is feature extraction as a mapping from original input electroencephalographic (EEG) data space to new features space with the biggest class separability value. Features are not only the most important, but also the most difficult task from the classification process as they define input data and classification quality. An ideal set of features would make the classification problem trivial. This article presents novel methods of feature extraction processing and automatic epilepsy seizure classification combining machine learning methods with genetic evolution algorithms. Methods: Classification is performed on EEG data that represent electric brain activity. At first, the signal is preprocessed with digital filtration and adaptive segmentation using fractal dimensions as the only segmentation measure. In the next step, a novel method using genetic programming (GP) combined with support vector machine (SVM) confusion matrix as fitness function weight is used to extract feature vectors compressed into lower dimension space and classify the final result into ictal or interictal epochs. Results: The final application of GP SVM method improves the discriminatory performance of a classifier by reducing feature dimensionality at the same time. Members of the GP tree structure represent the features themselves and their number is automatically decided by the compression function introduced in this paper. This novel method improves the overall performance of the SVM classification by dramatically reducing the size of input feature vector. Conclusion: According to results, the accuracy of this algorithm is very high and comparable, or even superior to other automatic detection algorithms. In combination with the great efficiency, this algorithm can be used in real-time epilepsy detection applications. From the results of the algorithm's classification, we can observe high sensitivity, specificity results, except for the Generalized Tonic Clonic Seizure (GTCS). As the next step, the optimization of the compression stage and final SVM evaluation stage is in place. More data need to be obtained on GTCS to improve the overall classification score for GTCS.Web of Science142449243

    Effects of Oxime K203 and Oxidative Stress in Plasma of Tabun Poisoned Rats

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    The highly toxic nature of tabun has been known for many years, but there are still serious limitations to antidotal therapy. In this study, we used rats as an experimental model to evaluate the efficiency of bispyridinium para-oxime K203 as therapy against tabun poisoning as well as to examine if induction of oxidative stress is linked to organophosphate toxicity. K203 showed high potency in counteracting tabun poisoning. Either alone or in combination with atropine, this oxime significantly increased cholinesterase activity at 0.5 and 1 h compared to untreated rats poisoned with tabun. Simultaneous measurements of markers of oxidative stress (lipid peroxidation and superoxide dismutase) showed that tabun poisoning, but also therapy (oxime alone or oxime plus atropine) applied immediately after tabun poisoning, could generate free radical species that may cause oxidative stress in rats. (doi: 10.5562/cca1811

    The potential of medical device industry in technological and economical context

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    The high quality of public health improves not only healthy life expectancy, but also the productivity of labor. The most important part of the health care sector is the medical technology industry. The aim of this study is to analyze the current situation in the medical device industry in Europe, its potential strengths and weaknesses in the context of topical economic and demographic development. The contribution specifies an analysis of the economic state of the medical device industry in the context of demographic development of European Union's macroeconomic indicators and views of experts in the field of medical device development, concerning the opportunities for entities involved in the medical device market. There is fierce competition on the European market. The innovative activity is stable and well regulated by responsible authorities. Worldwide, the medical device market is expected to grow.Web of Science111514150

    Butirilkolinesteraza štiti štakore od inhalacijske izloženosti subletalnim dozama sarina

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    Protection experiments were conducted using different doses of equine serum butyrylcholinesterase (Eq BuChE) as pretreatment in rats. Cholinesterase activities were determined in blood [whole blood, red blood cells (RBC) acetylcholinesterase (AChE), and plasma BuChE] before and after sarin inhalation exposure in untreated rats and those pretreated with Eq BuChE. Brain AChE activity was also determined in the frontal cortex, basal ganglia and pontomedullar areas following exposure. Dose-dependent increases in plasma BuChE activity and no changes in the RBC and brain AChE activities were demonstrated following i.p. injection of different amounts of Eq BuChE. Decreases in plasma BuChE activity and RBC and brain AChE activities were observed in control rats following sarin inhalation exposure. In rats pretreated with Eq BuChE this inhibition was lower than in control animals. These results demonstrate protective effects of Eq BuChE pretreatment in rats intoxicated with sublethal concentrations of sarin by inhalation.U ovome su radu na štakorima istražene mogućnosti profilakse butirilikolinesterazom iz konjskog seruma (Eq BuChE) u različitim dozama. Aktivnost kolinesteraza izmjerena je u krvi (punoj krvi, eritrocitima i plazmi) prije i nakon inhalacije sarina u štakora koji su prethodno primili Eq BuChE. Također je nakon izlaganja sarinu mjerena aktivnost acetilkolinesteraze u tkivu uzetom iz čeonog režnja mozga štakora, bazalnih ganglija i pontomedularnog područja. Nakon primjene različitih doza Eq BuChE utvrđen je porast aktivnosti butirilkolinesteraze u plazmi koji je odgovarao dozi, ali nije bilo promjena u aktivnosti acetilkolinesteraze u eritrocitima i moždanom tkivu. U kontrolnih je štakora zamijećen pad aktivnosti butirilkolinesteraze u plazmi te acetilkolinesteraze u eritrocitima i moždanom tkivu nakon njihova izlaganja sarinu inhalacijskim putem. U štakora koji su primili profilaksu Eq BuChE ova je inhibicija bila slabija. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju zaštitna svojstva konjske butirilkolinesteraze kao profilakse pri otrovanju štakora subletalnim dozama sarina

    Complexity stage model of the medical device development based on economic evaluation-MedDee

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    The development of a new product is essential for the progress and success of any company. The medical device market is very specific, which is challenging. Therefore, this paper assesses an economic model for medical device evaluation using the economic, health, technology regulatory, and present market knowledge to enable the cost-time conception for any applicant. The purpose of this study is to propose a comprehensive stage model of the medical device development to subsequently describe the financial expenditure of the entire development process. The identification of critical steps was based on the literature review, and analysis, and a comparison of the available medical device development stages and directives. Furthermore, a preliminary assessment of the medical device development steps and procedures on the basis of the interviews was performed. Six interviews were conducted with an average duration of one hour, focusing on areas: relevance and level of detail of the medical device development stages, involvement of economic methods, and applicability of the proposed model. Subsequently, the improvement and modification of the medical device investment process, based on respondents' responses, were conducted. The authors have proposed the complexity model MedDee-Medical Devices Development by Economic Evaluation. This model is comprised of six phases: initiation, concept, design, production, final verification, and market disposition in which the economic methods are incorporated.Web of Science125art. no. 175

    Usporedno određivanje učinkovitosti bispiridinijevih oksima pri trovanju paraoksonom

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    The inability of standard therapy to provide adequate protection against poisoning by organophosphorus compounds (pesticides and nerve agents) motivated us to search for new, more effective oximes. We investigated the pharmacotoxicological properties of six experimental K-oximes (K027, K033, K048, K074, K075, and K203) in vivo. The therapeutic efficacy of K-oximes (at doses of 5 or 25 % of their LD50) combined with atropine was assessed in paraoxon-poisoned mice and compared with conventionally used oximes HI-6 and TMB-4. The bisoxime K074 was the most toxic (LD50=21.4 mg kg-1) to mice, while monoxime K027 was the least toxic (LD50=672.8 mg kg-1). With the exception of K033, all of the tested K-oximes showed better therapeutic efficiency than HI-6 and TMB-4. K027 and K048 stood out by demonstrating low acute toxicities and ensuring protective indices ranging from 60.0 to 100.0 LD50 of paraoxon. Taking into account that these two oximes showed a similar therapeutic efficacy regardless of the applied doses, our results suggest that K027 and K048 could be antidotes for paraoxon intoxication.Činjenica da standardna terapija ne omogućuje dovoljnu zaštitu pri otrovanju organofosfornim spojevima (pesticidima i živčanim bojnim otrovima) potaknula nas je na istraživanje novih, učinkovitijih oksima. U uvjetima in vivo ispitali smo farmakotoksikološka svojstva šest eksperimentalnih K-oksima (K027, K033, K048, K074, K075 i K203). Terapijski učinak kombinacije K-oksima (primjenjenih u dozi 5 ili 25 % njihove LD50) i atropina testiran je na miševima otrovanim paraoksonom i uspoređen s konvencionalnim oksimima HI-6 i TMB-4. Bisoksim K074 je bio najtoksičniji (LD50=21.4 mg kg-1) za miševe, dok je monooksim K027 bio najmanje toksičan (LD50=672.8 mg kg-1). Osim K033, svi K-oksimi pokazali su bolji terapijski učinak u miševa trovanih paraoksonom u odnosu na HI-6 i TMB-4. Iz skupine testiranih oksima istaknuli su se K027 i K048 koji su pokazali nisku akutnu toksičnost i osigurali protektivne indekse u rasponu od 60.0 do 100.0 LD50 paraoksona. Uzmemo li u obzir da su ta dva oksima pokazala sličan terapijski učinak bez obzira na primjenjenu dozu, prikazani rezultati upućuju na K027 i K048 kao perspektivne antidote u terapiji trovanja paraoksonom

    A friendly-environmental strategy: application of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to ornamental plants for plant growth and garden landscape

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    The demand for ornamental plants is increasing due to urban greening and rural construction, while the growing environment of plants, especially the soil environment, is deteriorating. Hence, sustainable methods of ornamental plant cultivation need to be developed quickly. The application of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) to ornamental plants can be one of the eco-friendly ways to achieve the objective. Soil AMF establish mycorrhizal symbiosis with roots of ornamental plants, which can develop a marvelous mycorrhizal mycelium network in the rhizosphere to stimulate nutrient and water acquisition of host plants. Numerous researches have proven that AMF improved the quality of ornamental plants, like fruit yield, height, biomass, seed quality, the size and number of flowers, leaf, and root. In addition, mycorrhizal fungi also improve nutrient uptake and endogenous hormone balance of host plants. Another important function of AMF is to regulate the physiological, biochemical, and molecular responses of host plants to adversity, including drought stress, temperature stress, heavy-metal stress, and insect and disease stress. From the perspective of the ecological garden landscape, AMF richness would maintain plant abundance, nutrient and energy balance, and higher productivity in normal and soil environment stress, thus, establishing a friendly-environmental ecosystem. This review also provides the basis to exploit and improve the commercial application of AMF in ornamental plants in the future

    Piriformospora indica: a root endophytic fungus and its roles in plants

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    Piriformospora indica is a discovered endophytic fungus colonizing in roots of plants in 1998. The fungus can form the mycelium, mycelial roll, and pear-shaped spores in intercellular and intracellular regions of roots. The fungus colonizes various host plants and also realizes the pure culture in vitro without roots of host plants. P. indica shows many positive effects on host plants, including the promotion of plant growth, the enhancement of nutrient acquisition and stress tolerance, the improvement of disease resistance, and the promoted accumulation of bioactive substances. The commercial production of the fungal spores is established in bioreactor with nanostructured materials “zinc oxide” as nano embedded fungus, which provides provides changes into confers. The review simply summarized the biological characteristics of P. indica, physiological roles in plants, and potential utilization as a biofertilizer

    Synthesis and disinfection effect of the pyridine-4-aldoxime based salts

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    PubMed ID: 25719739A set of new quaternary ammonium compounds based on pyridine-4-aldoxime was synthesized, characterized with analytical data (NMR, EA, HPLC, MS) and tested for in vitro antimicrobial activity (antibacterial, antifungal) and cytotoxicity. Quaternary pyridinium-4-aldoxime salts with length of alkyl side chain from C8 to C20 and belonging to the group of cationic surfactants were investigated in this work. An HPLC experimental protocol for characterization of mixtures of all homologues has been found. Antimicrobial evaluation found that yeast-type fungi were most sensitive towards C14 and C16 analogues, whereas the C16 analogue was completely ineffective against filamentous fungi. Antibacterial assessment showed versatility of C14 and relatively high efficacy of C16 against G+ strains and C14 against G− strains. Notably, none of the studied compounds exceeded the efficacy and versatility of the benzalkonium C12 analogue, and benzalkonium analogues also exhibited lower cytotoxicity in the cell viability assay.Web of Science2033696368