17 research outputs found

    ACF plot for Risk<sub>Self</sub> and Risk<sub>Others</sub>.

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    The blue line represents the cutoff points for correlations that are significant at p = .05.</p

    Summary of linear mixed-models with Risk<sub>Self</sub>, Risk<sub>Others</sub> and C<sub>index</sub> as dependant variables, "Restrictions" as a fixed effect and "ID" as a random effect.

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    Summary of linear mixed-models with RiskSelf, RiskOthers and Cindex as dependant variables, "Restrictions" as a fixed effect and "ID" as a random effect.</p

    Line plot of changes in risk estimates over time.

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    Each dot represents mean risk estimates for “Self” (blue) and “Other” (red) at a given time. Bars represent standard errors of means. Frames above the graph describe the most important events in the timeline of the pandemic.</p

    Fig 2 -

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    Natural logarithm of daily new cases vs. RiskOthers (left panel) and RiskSelf (right panel)—Visualization of locally weighted regression (‘loess’).</p

    Correlation coefficients (r<sub>τ</sub>) between COVID-19 daily cases/deaths, risk estimates for “Self” and “Others”, and intensity of UO.

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    Correlation coefficients (rτ) between COVID-19 daily cases/deaths, risk estimates for “Self” and “Others”, and intensity of UO.</p