14 research outputs found

    The role of CD247 polymorphisms in Bulgarian patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Decreased expression of the TCR ζ-chain has been reportedin several autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Recent evidence suggeststhat this deficiency may be due to polymorphisms in the CD247gene. A total 52 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and95 healthy controls of Bulgarian ethnicity were genotyped for 837C&gt;G,rs1052230, 844A&gt;T, and rs1052231 using a TaqMan genotyping assay.None of the two polymorphisms appeared associated with the diseases.On the other hand, we have found that the -837GG genotype and the Gallele were associated with hematological disease. The -844AA genotypeand the A allele appeared associated with the hematological disease aswell. The -843AA genotype and the A allele were found to be associatedwith antinuclear antibody (ANA) tests and immunological disease. Anassociation was found between the -837G allele and arthritis. The AGhaplotype was found to be associated with hematological disease, ANA,and immunological disease. Our preliminary data confirm the previousfindings that the CD247 polymorphisms are mainly associated with theclinical outcome of the disease and less with susceptibility.</p

    Chemical Composition of Corallina mediterranea Areschoug and Corallina granifera Ell. et Soland

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    Abstract The composition of sterols, volatiles and some polar compounds from three Corallina samples (C. granifera and C. mediterranea from the Black Sea and C. mediterranea from the Mediterranean Sea) was established. The sterol composition of the Black Sea samples was similar but it differs from that of the Mediterranean sample. The composition of the volatiles was very complex. The main groups of constituent were hydrocarbons, alcohols, carbonyl compounds, acids and their esters, terpenes. The composition of the polar components, soluble in n-butanol, was also established. There were some differences in the chemical composition of the two Black Sea species, which may be due to the biodiversity between them, while the differences in the composition of the two C. mediterranea samples could be due to the differences in the environment (salinity, temperature, pollution, etc.)

    Chemical composition and biological activities of the Black Sea algae Polysiphonia denudata (Dillw.) Kutz. and Polysiphonia denudata f. fragilis (Sperk) Woronich.

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    Abstract The two investigated algae had almost identical sterol composition, but there were signifi­cant differences in the com position of the polar components and especially in the composi­tion of the volatiles. P. denudata f. fragilis extracts possessed a stronger biological activity (antibacterial, antifungal and toxicity against Artemia salina). Despite the minute morpholog­ical differences between the two algae, we recommend P. denudata f. fragilis to be regarded as P. denudata subsp. fragilis

    IL-1RN VNTR Polymorphism in Adult Dermatomyositis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    Polymorphisms in the cytokine genes and their natural antagonists are thought to influence the predisposition to dermatomyositis (DM) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). A variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) polymorphism of 86 bp in intron 2 of the interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RN) gene leads to the existence of five different alleles which cause differences in the production of both IL-1RA (interleukin-1 receptor antagonist) and IL-1 . The aim of this case-control study was to investigate the association between the IL-1RN VNTR polymorphism and the susceptibility to DM and SLE in Bulgarian patients. Altogether 91 patients, 55 with SLE and 36 with DM, as well as 112 unrelated healthy controls, were included in this study. Only three alleles were identified in both patients and controls ((1) four repeats, (2) two repeats, and (3) five repeats). The IL-1RN * 2 allele ( = 0.02, OR 2.5, and 95% CI 1.2-5.4) and the 1/2+2/2 genotypes were found prevalent among the SLE patients ( = 0.05, OR 2.6, and 95% CI 1-6.3). No association was found between this polymorphism and the ACR criteria for SLE as well as with the susceptibility to DM. Our results indicate that the IL-1RN VNTR polymorphism might play a role in the susceptibility of SLE but not DM

    Review: Monoclonal Antibody Drugs for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus / Моноклональные Антитела При Лечении Системной Красной Волчанки

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    Системная красная волчанка (СКВ) является гетерогенным аутоиммунным заболеванием, в патогенезе которого принимают участие разные иммунные механизмы. За последние годы накопилось достаточно большое количество данных о применении иммунных препаратов, содержащих антитела против TNF- α, BlyS, CD20, CD22, IL-6R и комплимента в лечении СКВ, в которых независимо от сообщаемых хороших результатов отсутствуют категорические данные об их эффективности и безопасности. Данное обозрение стремится обобщить результаты в этой области и поискать перспективы новых, более эффективных терапевтических стратегий в лечении данного заболевания в комбинации с другими иммуномодулирующими препаратами

    A comparative study on the sterol composition of some brown algae from the Black Sea

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    The sterol composition of the brown algae Stilophora rhizodes (Turner) J. Agardh, Punctaria latifolia Grev. and Punctaria plantaginea (Roth.) Grev. from the Black Sea was investigated. Fifteen sterols were identified in the sterol fractions. The main ones were cholesterol and 24-methylenecholesterol. Characteristic for brown algae, fucosterol was present in low concentrations. The results obtained were compared with recent data for the sterol composition of other Black Sea brown algae. Some conclusions concerning the evolutionary position of brown algae are made

    IL-1RN VNTR Polymorphism in Adult Dermatomyositis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    Polymorphisms in the cytokine genes and their natural antagonists are thought to influence the predisposition to dermatomyositis (DM) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). A variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) polymorphism of 86 bp in intron 2 of the interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RN) gene leads to the existence of five different alleles which cause differences in the production of both IL-1RA (interleukin-1 receptor antagonist) and IL-1β. The aim of this case-control study was to investigate the association between the IL-1RN VNTR polymorphism and the susceptibility to DM and SLE in Bulgarian patients. Altogether 91 patients, 55 with SLE and 36 with DM, as well as 112 unrelated healthy controls, were included in this study. Only three alleles were identified in both patients and controls ((1) four repeats, (2) two repeats, and (3) five repeats). The IL-1RN*2 allele (P=0.02, OR 2.5, and 95% CI 1.2–5.4) and the 1/2+2/2 genotypes were found prevalent among the SLE patients (P=0.05, OR 2.6, and 95% CI 1–6.3). No association was found between this polymorphism and the ACR criteria for SLE as well as with the susceptibility to DM. Our results indicate that the IL-1RN VNTR polymorphism might play a role in the susceptibility of SLE but not DM

    Role of the Promoter Polymorphism IL-6 −174G/C in Dermatomyositis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    The promoter polymorphism −174G/C within the interleukin-6 gene (IL-6) has been reported to have a functional importance through the modulation of IL-6 gene expression in vitro and in vivo. IL-6 is thought to play an important role in autoimmune diseases and the effect of its receptor inhibitor—tocilizumab—has been recently studied. The aim of this case-control study was to investigate the association between the interleukin-6 −174G/C single nucleotide polymorphism and the susceptibility to dermatomyositis (DM) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in Bulgarian patients. Altogether, 87 patients—52 with SLE and 35 with DM—as well as 80 unrelated healthy controls were included in this study. All of them were analyzed by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (RFLP). The GG genotype and the G allele appeared to be associated with SLE, especially in women. None of the genotypes showed an association with DM. However, the G allele appeared to be associated with muscle weakness and it is a risk factor for elevated muscle enzymes. Our results indicate that IL-6 −174G/C polymorphism might be associated with the susceptibility to SLE especially in women. Although it is not associated with DM, it seems that IL-6 −174G/C polymorphism could modulate some clinical features in the autoimmune myopathies