26 research outputs found

    Heterogeneity in the processing of ClC-5 mutants related to Dent disease

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    International audienceMutations in the electrogenic Cl-/H+ exchanger ClC-5 gene CLCN5 are frequently associated with Dent disease, an X-linked recessive disorder affecting the proximal tubules. Here, we investigate the consequences in X. laevis oocytes and in HEK293 cells of 9 previously reported, pathogenic, missense mutations of ClC-5, most of them which are located in regions forming the subunit interface. Two mutants trafficked normally to the cell surface and to early endosomes, and displayed complex glycosylation at the cell surface like wild-type ClC 5, but exhibited reduced currents. Three mutants displayed improper N-glycosylation, and were non-functional due to being retained and degraded at the endoplasmic reticulum. Functional characterization of four mutants allowed us to identify a novel mechanism leading to ClC-5 dysfunction in Dent disease. We report that these mutant proteins were delayed in their processing and that the stability of their complex glycosylated form was reduced, causing lower cell surface expression. The early endosome distribution of these mutants was normal. Half of these mutants displayed reduced currents, whereas the other half showed abolished currents. Our study revealed distinct cellular mechanisms accounting for ClC-5 loss-of-function in Dent disease

    A di-arginine-based ER retention motif regulates the stability and maturation of NKCC2 and its disease causing mutants

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    ABSTRACTInternational audienceMutations in the apically located Na-K-2Cl cotransporter, NKCC2, lead to type I Bartter syndrome, a life-threatening kidney disease. Yet very little is known about NKCC2 biogenesis. We previously identified multiple evolutionarily conserved di-leucine like motifs in the carboxyl terminus that control the anterograde trafficking of NKCC2. Here, we sought to identify an ER retention and/or retrieval signal that could participate in the quality control of NKCC2 and its disease causing mutants. Interestingly, sequence analysis of NKCC2 protein revealed the presence of a potential di-arginine ER retention motif (57RLR59) in the cytoplasmic N-terminal region of the cotransporter. We therefore studied the role of this potential RXR-type ER retention signal in the stability and the biosynthetic processing of wild-type (WT) NKCC2 and its ER retained mutants E368G, Y477N and A628D, using a cycloheximide decay assay in HEK293 cells transiently expressing the cotransporter. Mutating the 57RLR59 motif in WT NKCC2 increased the stability of the core-glycosylated form of the cotransporter and strikingly facilitated its maturation, resulting in higher levels of the mature and hence membrane-expressed and functional form of NKCC2. Importantly, mutation of 57RLR59 in the disease-associated NKCC2 folding mutant Y477N increased its stability and restored the expression of its mature form. Intriguingly, mutating this RXR motif in the ER-retained mutants E368G and A628D strikingly increased also their expression and the stability of their core glycosylated forms but failed to significantly improve their maturation, suggesting that a mutant specific method would be required to rescue the functional expression of each NKCC2 mutant. To better explore the molecular mechanisms involved in 57RLR59 action on NKCC2 stability and maturation, we checked its effect on NKCC2 interaction with OS9, an ER resident protein that mediates the ER associated degradation (ERAD) of the cotransporter. Co-immunoprecipitation assays revealed that mutation of 57RLR59 motif inhibits the interaction of OS9 with NKCC2. Furthermore, OS9 knockdown reproduced the effect of 57RLR59 mutation on NKCC2 expression, suggesting a functional interaction between OS9 and this RXR motif in the ERAD of the cotransporter.In summary, we showed evidence for the presence of an RXR-type ER retention signal in the cytoplasmic N-terminal of NKCC2 that regulates the ER associated degradation of WT NKCC2 and its disease causing mutants, thereby revealing a new mode of regulating the co-transporter biogenesis and intracellular trafficking. Elucidating the molecular mechanisms of the motiffacilitated ER retention and/or export may help to develop therapeutic strategies targeting NKCC2 transport from the ER to the cell surface

    Differential Effects of STCH and Stress-Inducible Hsp70 on the Stability and Maturation of NKCC2

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    International audienceMutations in the Na-K-2Cl co-transporter NKCC2 lead to type I Bartter syndrome, a life-threatening kidney disease. We previously showed that export from the ER constitutes the limiting step in NKCC2 maturation and cell surface expression. Yet, the molecular mechanisms involved in this process remain obscure. Here, we report the identification of chaperone stress 70 protein (STCH) and the stress-inducible heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70), as two novel binding partners of the ER-resident form of NKCC2. STCH knock-down increased total NKCC2 expression whereas Hsp70 knock-down or its inhibition by YM-01 had the opposite effect. Accordingly, overexpressing of STCH and Hsp70 exerted opposite actions on total protein abundance of NKCC2 and its folding mutants. Cycloheximide chase assay showed that in cells over-expressing STCH, NKCC2 stability and maturation are heavily impaired. In contrast to STCH, Hsp70 co-expression increased NKCC2 maturation. Interestingly, treatment by protein degradation inhibitors revealed that in addition to the proteasome, the ER associated degradation (ERAD) of NKCC2 mediated by STCH, involves also the ER-to-lysosome-associated degradation pathway. In summary, our data are consistent with STCH and Hsp70 having differential and antagonistic effects with regard to NKCC2 biogenesis. These findings may have an impact on our understanding and potential treatment of diseases related to aberrant NKCC2 trafficking and expression

    OS9 Protein Interacts with Na-K-2Cl Co-transporter (NKCC2) and Targets Its Immature Form for the Endoplasmic Reticulum-associated Degradation Pathway

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    International audienceMutations in the renal specific Na-K-2Cl co-transporter (NKCC2) lead to type I Bartter syndrome, a life-threatening kidney disease featuring arterial hypotension along with electrolyte abnormalities. We have previously shown that NKCC2 and its disease-causing mutants are subject to regulation by endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD). The aim of the present study was to identify the protein partners specifically involved in ERAD of NKCC2. To this end, we screened a kidney cDNA library through a yeast two-hybrid assay using NKCC2 C terminus as bait. We identified OS9 (amplified in osteosarcomas) as a novel and specific binding partner of NKCC2. Co-immunoprecipitation assays in renal cells revealed that OS9 association involves mainly the immature form of NKCC2. Accordingly, immunocytochemistry analysis showed that NKCC2 and OS9 co-localize at the endoplasmic reticulum. In cells overexpressing OS9, total cellular NKCC2 protein levels were markedly decreased, an effect blocked by the proteasome inhibitor MG132. Pulse-chase and cycloheximide-chase assays demonstrated that the marked reduction in the co-transporter protein levels was essentially due to increased protein degradation of the immature form of NKCC2. Conversely, knockdown of OS9 by small interfering RNA increased NKCC2 expression by increasing the co-transporter stability. Inactivation of the mannose 6-phosphate receptor homology domain of OS9 had no effect on its action on NKCC2. In contrast, mutations of NKCC2 N-glycosylation sites abolished the effects of OS9, indicating that OS9-induced protein degradation is N-glycan-dependent. In summary, our results demonstrate the presence of an OS9-mediated ERAD pathway in renal cells that degrades immature NKCC2 proteins. The identification and selective modulation of ERAD components specific to NKCC2 and its disease-causing mutants might provide novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of type I Bartter syndrome

    AUP1 Regulates the Endoplasmic Reticulum-Associated Degradation and Polyubiquitination of NKCC2

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    Inactivating mutations of kidney Na-K-2Cl cotransporter NKCC2 lead to antenatal Bartter syndrome (BS) type 1, a life-threatening salt-losing tubulopathy. We previously reported that this serious inherited renal disease is linked to the endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD) pathway. The purpose of this work is to characterize further the ERAD machinery of NKCC2. Here, we report the identification of ancient ubiquitous protein 1 (AUP1) as a novel interactor of NKCC2 ER-resident form in renal cells. AUP1 is also an interactor of the ER lectin OS9, a key player in the ERAD of NKCC2. Similar to OS9, AUP1 co-expression decreased the amount of total NKCC2 protein by enhancing the ER retention and associated protein degradation of the cotransporter. Blocking the ERAD pathway with the proteasome inhibitor MG132 or the α-mannosidase inhibitor kifunensine fully abolished the AUP1 effect on NKCC2. Importantly, AUP1 knock-down or inhibition by overexpressing its dominant negative form strikingly decreased NKCC2 polyubiquitination and increased the protein level of the cotransporter. Interestingly, AUP1 co-expression produced a more profound impact on NKCC2 folding mutants. Moreover, AUP1 also interacted with the related kidney cotransporter NCC and downregulated its expression, strongly indicating that AUP1 is a common regulator of sodium-dependent chloride cotransporters. In conclusion, our data reveal the presence of an AUP1-mediated pathway enhancing the polyubiquitination and ERAD of NKCC2. The characterization and selective regulation of specific ERAD constituents of NKCC2 and its pathogenic mutants could open new avenues in the therapeutic strategies for type 1 BS treatment

    Golgi Alpha1,2-Mannosidase IA Promotes Efficient Endoplasmic Reticulum-Associated Degradation of NKCC2

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    International audienceMutations in the apically located kidney Na-K-2Cl cotransporter NKCC2 cause type I Bartter syndrome, a life-threatening kidney disorder. We previously showed that transport from the ER represents the limiting phase in NKCC2 journey to the cell surface. Yet very little is known about the ER quality control components specific to NKCC2 and its disease-causing mutants. Here, we report the identification of Golgi alpha1, 2-mannosidase IA (ManIA) as a novel binding partner of the immature form of NKCC2. ManIA interaction with NKCC2 takes place mainly at the cis-Golgi network. ManIA coexpression decreased total NKCC2 protein abundance whereas ManIA knock-down produced the opposite effect. Importantly, ManIA coexpression had a more profound effect on NKCC2 folding mutants. Cycloheximide chase assay showed that in cells overexpressing ManIA, NKCC2 stability and maturation are heavily hampered. Deleting the cytoplasmic region of ManIA attenuated its interaction with NKCC2 and inhibited its effect on the maturation of the cotransporter. ManIA-induced reductions in NKCC2 expression were offset by the proteasome inhibitor MG132. Likewise, kifunensine treatment greatly reduced ManIA effect, strongly suggesting that mannose trimming is involved in the enhanced ERAD of the cotransporter. Moreover, depriving ManIA of its catalytic domain fully abolished its effect on NKCC2. In summary, our data demonstrate the presence of a ManIA-mediated ERAD pathway in renal cells promoting retention and degradation of misfolded NKCC2 proteins. They suggest a model whereby Golgi ManIA contributes to ERAD of NKCC2, by promoting the retention, recycling, and ERAD of misfolded proteins that initially escape protein quality control surveillance within the ER

    Diacidic Motifs in the Carboxyl Terminus Are Required for ER Exit and Translocation to the Plasma Membrane of NKCC2

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    International audienceMutations in the apical Na-K-2Cl co-transporter, NKCC2, cause type I Bartter syndrome (BS1), a life-threatening kidney disease. We have previously demonstrated that the BS1 variant Y998X, which deprives NKCC2 from its highly conserved dileucine-like motifs, compromises cotransporter surface delivery through ER retention mechanisms. However, whether these hydrophobic motifs are sufficient for anterograde trafficking of NKCC2 remains to be determined. Interestingly, sequence analysis of NKCC2 C-terminus revealed the presence of consensus di-acidic (D/E-X-D/E) motifs, 949 EEE 951 and 1019 DAELE 1023 , located upstream and downstream of BS1 mutation Y998X, respectively. Di-acidic codes are involved in ER export of proteins through interaction with COPII budding machinery. Importantly, whereas mutating 949 EEE 951 motif to 949 AEA 951 had no effect on NKCC2 processing, mutating 1019 DAE 1021 to 1019 AAA 1021 heavily impaired complex-glycosylation and cell surface expression of the cotransporter in HEK293 and OKP cells. Most importantly, triple mutation of D, E and E residues of 1019 DAELE 1023 to 1019 AAALA 1023 almost completely abolished NKCC2 complex-glycosylation, suggesting that this mutant failed to exit the ER. Cycloheximide chase analysis demonstrated that the absence of the terminally glycosylated form of 1019 AAALA 1023 was caused by defects in NKCC2 maturation. Accordingly, co-immunolocalization experiments revealed that 1019 AAALA 1023 was trapped in the ER. Finally, overexpression of a dominant negative mutant of Sar1-GTPase abolished NKCC2 maturation and cell surface expression, clearly indicating that NKCC2 export from the ER is COPII-dependent. Hence, our data indicate that in addition to the di-leucine like motifs, NKCC2 uses di-acidic exit codes for export from the ER through the COPII-dependent pathway. We propose that any naturally occurring mutation of NKCC2 interfering with this pathway could form the molecular basis of BS1

    MAGED2 Is Required under Hypoxia for cAMP Signaling by Inhibiting MDM2-Dependent Endocytosis of G-Alpha-S

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    International audienceMutations in MAGED2 cause transient Bartter syndrome characterized by severe renal salt wasting in fetuses and infants, which leads to massive polyhydramnios causing preterm labor, extreme prematurity and perinatal death. Notably, this condition resolves spontaneously in parallel with developmental increase in renal oxygenation. MAGED2 interacts with G-alphaS (Gαs). Given the role of Gαs in activating adenylyl cyclase at the plasma membrane and consequently generating cAMP to promote renal salt reabsorption via protein kinase A (PKA), we hypothesized that MAGED2 is required for this signaling pathway under hypoxic conditions such as in fetuses. Consistent with that, under both physical and chemical hypoxia, knockdown of MAGED2 in renal (HEK293) and cancer (HeLa) cell culture models caused internalization of Gαs, which was fully reversible upon reoxygenation. In contrast to Gαs, cell surface expression of the β2-adrenergic receptor, which is coupled to Gαs, was not affected by MAGED2 depletion, demonstrating specific regulation of Gαs by MAGED2. Importantly, the internalization of Gαs due to MAGED2 deficiency significantly reduced cAMP generation and PKA activity. Interestingly, the internalization of Gαs was blocked by preventing its endocytosis with dynasore. Given the role of E3 ubiquitin ligases, which can be regulated by MAGE-proteins, in regulating endocytosis, we assessed the potential role of MDM2dependent ubiquitination in MAGED2 deficiency-induced internalization of Gαs under hypoxia. Remarkably, MDM2 depletion or its chemical inhibition fully abolished Gαs-endocytosis following MAGED2 knockdown. Moreover, endocytosis of Gαs was also blocked by mutation of ubiquitin acceptor sites in Gαs. Thus, we reveal that MAGED2 is essential for the cAMP/PKA pathway under hypoxia to specifically regulate Gαs endocytosis by blocking MDM2-dependent ubiquitination of Gαs. This may explain, at least in part, the transient nature of Bartter syndrome caused by MAGED2 mutations and opens new avenues for therapy in these patients