4 research outputs found

    Adverse effects of maternal age, weight and smoking during pregnancy in Pleven, Bulgaria

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    Aim: This paper aims to study the relationship between mothers’ age, body mass index (BMI), gestational weight gain (GWG) and smoking and the risk for premature birth in Pleven, Bulgaria. Methods: A case-control study was conducted in Pleven in 2007. The study was comprehensive for all premature children (N=58) and representative for full-term infants (N=192, or 10.4% of all of the 1827 full-term children) born in 2007 at the University Hospital of Pleven and resident in the city of Pleven. Retrospective data on determinants under study were collected from all the mothers included in this study (N=250). Results: Mothers of premature children were more likely to be above 35 years old (27.6%), with a BMI ≥25 kg/m2 (23.1%), GWG below the recommended value (38.5%) and to smoke during pregnancy (37.9%). The odds of being a smoker during pregnancy were five times higher among mothers with low birth weight (LBW) newborns compared with their counterparts with normal birth weight newborns (OR=5.1, 95%CI=2.4-10.6). There was a positive association between BMI and LBW in infants whose mothers were overweight (OR=2.1, 95%CI=1.0-4.0). The risk of LBW increased when GWG was less than recommended (OR=1.8, 95%CI=1.0-3.1). Conclusion: Our results indicate that pre-pregnancy BMI ≥25 kg/m2, less than recommended GWG and smoking during pregnancy are risk factors for premature birth in Pleven region. Findings from this study suggest the need for active health and educational actions by health professionals in order to avoid premature births in Bulgaria

    Adverse effects of maternal age, weight and smoking during pregnancy in Pleven, Bulgaria

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    Aim: This paper aims to study the relationship between mothers’ age, body mass index (BMI), gestational weight gain (GWG) and smoking and the risk for premature birth in Pleven, Bulgaria.Methods: A case-control study was conducted in Pleven in 2007. The study was comprehensive for all premature children (N=58) and representative for full-term infants (N=192, or 10.4% of all of the 1827 full-term children) born in 2007 at the University Hospital of Pleven and resident in the city of Pleven. Retrospective data on determinants under study were collected from all the mothers included in this study (N=250).Results: Mothers of premature children were more likely to be above 35 years old (27.6%), with a BMI ≥25 kg/m2 (23.1%), GWG below the recommended value (38.5%) and to smoke during pregnancy (37.9%). The odds of being a smoker during pregnancy were five times higher among mothers with low birth weight (LBW) newborns compared with their counterparts with normal birth weight newborns (OR=5.1, 95%CI=2.4-10.6). There was a positive association between BMI and LBW in infants whose mothers were overweight (OR=2.1, 95%CI=1.0-4.0). The risk of LBW increased when GWG was less than recommended (OR=1.8, 95%CI=1.0-3.1).Conclusion: Our results indicate that pre-pregnancy BMI ≥25 kg/m2, less than recommended GWG and smoking during pregnancy are risk factors for premature birth in Pleven region. Findings from this study suggest the need for active health and educational actions by health professionals in order to avoid premature births in Bulgaria


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    BACKGROUND: Health promotion is a modern concept for public health improvement applied in different fields of community life. By the international network of Health promoting schools the school community acquires a main role to reach the potential of this concept. The aim of this paper is to draw a parallel between the main principles of the concept and its actual fulfilment in Bulgarian school.   MATERIAL AND METHOD: A comprehensive medico-social survey over representative sample of schools in Pleven district has been conducted. Data were collected by self-administered questionnaire among 78 school nurses, 30 health promotion experts, 279 teachers, 519 students, 374 parents; interview with school principals and documental review. Data analysis and interpretation were consistent with the concept of Health Promoting School.   RESULTS: The study found safety school environment with strict control over its physical components. There is a necessity of better opportunities for sports and nutrition services in about of two thirds of schools. Over 90% of school staff and about two thirds of students report high level of stress which requires attention to the emotional and social well-being at school. A correlation between higher satisfaction of staff with their career and occupational settings and evaluation of school environment as safety has been established (pContext: Promovarea sănătății este un concept modern pentru îmbunătățirea sănătății publice aplicat în diferite domenii ale vieții comunității. Prin rețeaua internațională de promovare a sănătății școlare, comunitatea școlară dobândește un rol principal în atingerea potențialului acestui concept. Scopul acestei lucrări este acela de a trasa o paralelă între principiile majore ale conceptului și realizarea sa efectivă în școala bulgară. Material și metodă: S-a efectuat o anchetă medicalo-socială pe un eșantion reprezentativ de școli din raionul Pleven. Colectarea datelor s-a realizat prin intermediul  unui chestionar autoadministrat în rândul a 78 de asistente școlare, 30 de experți în promovarea sănătății, 279 cadre didactice, 519 de elevi și 374 de părinți; interviu cu directorii școlilor și revizie de literatură. Analiza și interpretarea datelor au fost în concordanță cu conceptul de Promovare a Sănătății în școală. Rezultate: Studiul a constatat existența unui mediu școlar sigur, cu un control strict asupra componentelor sale fizice. Se conturează necesitatea unor oportunități mai bune pentru activități sportive și de nutriție în aproximativ două treimi dintre școli. Peste 90% din personalul școlilor și aproximativ două treimi dintre elevi raportează un nivel ridicat de stres ceea ce  necesită o atenție sporită la bunăstarea emoțională și socială a acestora la școală. A fost stabilită o corelație între satisfacția sporită a personalului cu cariera profesională și facilitățile ocupaționale și evaluarea mediului școlar din punct de vedere al siguranței (p <0,005). Educația școlară în domeniul sănătății nu corespunde nevoilor de informare ale elevilor, conform celor 80% dintre respondenți. Factorii de risc comportamentali sunt frecvent întâlniți în rândul elevilor (48,2% tutun, 36,6% inactivitate fizică) și încep de la o vârstă fragedă. Există o atitudine pozitivă pentru parteneriatul familie-școală, dar există unele dificultăți în îndeplinirea acestuia. Concluzii: Rezultatele studiului precum și experiența internațională arată atât succesul, cât și dificultățile de a pune în practică acest concept. Cuvinte cheie: factori de risc comportamentali, educație pentru sănătate, promovarea sănătății, model de promovare a sănătății în școl

    50 години Катедра „Социална медицина и организация на здравеопазването`

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    22 Май 201