140 research outputs found

    Letrozole or clomiphene citrate as first line for anovulatory infertility: a debate

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    Clomiphene citrate has been traditionally used as the drug of choice in treating women with anovulatory infertility. In the last decade letrozole, an aromatase inhibitor has emerged as alternative ovulation induction agent. Literature confirms that letrozole has a definitive role in anovulatory women who have not responded to the clomiphene therapy. However its role as an alternative to clomiphene as first line therapy continues to be debated. Although it is probable that the overall benefits of letrozole surpass clomiphene citrate, currently available data does not confirm this view. There is need for large well-designed trials

    Number of embryos for transfer following in vitro fertilisation or intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection

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    Acknowledgements: We would like to thank the following for their contributions to the 2020 update. All staff at the editorial base of the Cochrane Gynaecology and Fertility Review Group; and in particular, Helen Nagels (Managing Editor) and Information Specialist Marian Showell, for help with the literature searches. Drs Jeanette MacKenzie, Evi Vogiatzi and Rik van Eekelen who provided peer review comments. We also thank all the authors who replied to our email queries about their study: Dr Elisabet Clua, Dr Maria Luisa López‐Regalado and Dr OM Abuzeid. We also thank the following. Zabeena Pandian, who was the lead author of the original review and two subsequent updates. Other co‐authors for their contribution in the previous versions: Allan Templeton, Ozkan Ozturk, Gamal Serour, and Jane Marjoribanks. Statistician Andy Vail (University of Manchester University, UK) for methodological advice.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Endometrial scratch injury for women with one or more previous failed embryo transfers: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate endometrial scratch injury (ESI) as an intervention to improve IVF outcome in women with a history of ET failure. DESIGN: Systematic review and meta-analysis. SETTING: Not applicable. PATIENT(S): Infertile women undergoing IVF after one or more failed ET. INTERVENTION(S): We included all randomized controlled trials of women undergoing IVF after one or more failed ET, where the intervention group received ESI and controls received placebo or no intervention. Pooled results were expressed as relative risk (RR) with a 95% confidence interval (95% CI). The review protocol was registered in PROSPERO before starting the data extraction (CRD42017082777). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Live birth rate (LBR), clinical pregnancy rate (PR), multiple PR, miscarriage rate, ectopic pregnancy (EP) PR. RESULT(S): Ten studies were included (1,468 participants). The intervention group showed higher LBR (RR 1.38, 95% CI 1.05-1.80) and clinical PR (RR 1.34, 95% CI 1.07-1.67) in comparison to controls, without difference in terms of multiple PR, miscarriage rate, and EP PR. Double luteal ESI with pipelle was associated with the greatest effect on LBR (RR 1.54, 95% CI 1.10-2.16) and clinical PR (RR 1.30, 95% CI 1.03-1.65). The ESI was beneficial for patients with two or more previous ET failure, but not for women with a single previous failed ET. No effect was found in women undergoing frozen-thawed ET cycles. CONCLUSION(S): The ESI may improve IVF success in patients with two or more previous ET failures undergoing fresh ET. The ESI timing and technique seem to play a crucial role in determining its effect on embryo implantatio

    Knowledge, anxiety levels and attitudes of infertile couples towards COVID-19 and its impact on self-funded fertility treatment : a cross-sectional questionnaire survey

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    Acknowledgement We thank the couples who were willing to participate in the study. Funding This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Female subfertility

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    The WHO defines female subfertility as failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months of regular intercourse or due to impairment of a woman’s capacity to reproduce. This PrimeView highlights some of the mechanisms that may contribute to this condition

    In-orbit Performance of UVIT on ASTROSAT

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    We present the in-orbit performance and the first results from the ultra-violet Imaging telescope (UVIT) on ASTROSAT. UVIT consists of two identical 38cm coaligned telescopes, one for the FUV channel (130-180nm) and the other for the NUV (200-300nm) and VIS (320-550nm) channels, with a field of view of 28 arcminarcmin. The FUV and the NUV detectors are operated in the high gain photon counting mode whereas the VIS detector is operated in the low gain integration mode. The FUV and NUV channels have filters and gratings, whereas the VIS channel has filters. The ASTROSAT was launched on 28th September 2015. The performance verification of UVIT was carried out after the opening of the UVIT doors on 30th November 2015, till the end of March 2016 within the allotted time of 50 days for calibration. All the on-board systems were found to be working satisfactorily. During the PV phase, the UVIT observed several calibration sources to characterise the instrument and a few objects to demonstrate the capability of the UVIT. The resolution of the UVIT was found to be about 1.4 - 1.7 arcsecarcsec in the FUV and NUV. The sensitivity in various filters were calibrated using standard stars (white dwarfs), to estimate the zero-point magnitudes as well as the flux conversion factor. The gratings were also calibrated to estimate their resolution as well as effective area. The sensitivity of the filters were found to be reduced up to 15\% with respect to the ground calibrations. The sensitivity variation is monitored on a monthly basis. UVIT is all set to roll out science results with its imaging capability with good resolution and large field of view, capability to sample the UV spectral region using different filters and capability to perform variability studies in the UV.Comment: 10 pages, To appear in SPIE conference proceedings, SPIE conference paper, 201
