1 research outputs found

    New Norm Documentation: Solidarity of solitary in art making

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    Positive Covid-19 instances are becoming more common every day. To reduce everyday cases, the government has taken a variety of actions. It logically follows from the absence of cohesiveness among the community. This work of art aims to provide social commentary by using assemblage paintings as a record to promote communal cohesion. Overall, the results demonstrate that a few social groups' steadfast contempt for Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) has led to the failure of countless programmes. In order to reduce the incidence of infection, the populace must be united and accept government orders. Keywords: Painting, Mixed Media, Assemblage, Covid-19 eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by E-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC  BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behavior Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioral Researchers on Asians), and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behavior Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v7iSI9.393