342 research outputs found
The Study of History Based on Local Antiquity: a Case Study of Existence of Kampar River in Analyzing the Past Maritime in Teaching History
This paper describes the history-based learning local history, which takes the case of the existence of the Kampar River as local aspects in the learning of the maritime history in Indonesia. The data obtained through the triangulation by collecting interviews, observation, documentation study and refered to articles, journals, textbooks and data other documents in the library that supported the teaching of history based on local history in the analyzing of maritime history in Indonesia, then it was investigated and drawn as a conclusion that the Kampar River was able to be used as the study of history in the local context in understanding of the teaching history in Indonesia related to maritime history. The results in this study show that first, Kampar River is a river that is loaded with historical events of the Kingdom of Sriwijaya, The Kingdom of Islamic until the independence of Indonesia. Second, the existence of Kampar River as a aspect of emergence of history / local aspect which is able to be used as information about the maritime historyto the learners. For learning process, it involves local aspects of learners to connect, internalize and develop cooperation in analyzing of the concept aspects practicely in teaching maritime history. The concept of local history-based teaching history is contextually-learning learning concept that emphasizes the relevance of teaching materials with real world of learners. The existence of Kampar River is a means emergence of history / local aspect can be used as information about the maritime history to assist in the understanding of teaching maritime history on the learner, for learning involving local aspects for learners to connect, internalize and develop cooperation in analyzing aspects of the concept to praxis in teaching maritime history. The concept of local history-based teaching history is contextually-learning learning concept that emphasizes the relevance of teaching materials with real world of learners. The existence of Kampar River is a means emergence of history / local aspect can be used as information about the maritime history to assist in the understanding of teaching maritime history on the learner, for learning involving local aspects for learners to connect, internalize and develop cooperation in analyzing aspects of the concept practically in learning the maritime history. The concept of local history-based learning is contextually-learning that emphasizes the relevance of teaching materials with real world of learners
Opini Tokoh Masyarakat Terhadap Kebijakan Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Sebagai Center Point of Indonesia (CPI)
The Association of Indonesian Municipalities (APEKSI) which is formed in 2000 aimed to bridge the interests and needs of the city level. The association acts as a unifying, facilitation, mediation and city governments in managing and organizing their governance. This study aims to understand the perspective of the organization APEKSI in communication, both in the review of information systems and communication networks. This type of research is qualitative. The results showed that the system uses the information in APEKSI most mobile and sms, but not so with the use of social media. APEKSI communication network in such activities seminars, workshops, technical assistance, and other activities ensure the sustainability of APEKSI. It can be concluded that membership in APEKSI have followed the dynamics of the development of information technology and structured communications networks
Penerapan Energi Surya dalam Proses Termal Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian
Baru-baru ini Gustav Grob (1996) mengingatkan lagi prediksi Club of Rome di awal tahun 1970-an bahwa bahan bakar fossil, yang sifatnya meneemarkan lingkungan, dan tak terbarukan kian berkurang keberadaannya dan dalam waktu dekat harus diganti dengan sumber energi terbarukan yang lebih bersahabat dengan lingkungan seperti sumber-sumber energi surya, biomassa, angin, hidro, dll. Ketergantungan kita atas bahan bakar fosil mungkin akan berlanjut sampai beberapa dekade lagi tetapi dalam jumlah yang jauh lebih kecil dari apa yang di konsumsikan sebelum tahun 2000 seperti terlihat pada Gambar 1 (Grob, 1996
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Type Make a Match Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Sejarah Siswa Kelas VII C SMPN I Koto Kampar Hulu
The problem in this research is that students do not understand the explanation given by the teacher, because the teacher teaching only give lectures, so that students are not motivated to learn and ignore the student activity. To improve learning outcomes IPS History class VII C Senior High School 1 Koto Kampar Hulu through the Cooperative Model Type Make A Match. This research was held on 7 April to 21 April 2016yang done as much as two cycles. Subjects in this study were students of class VII C amounting to 23 students who serve as a source of data. Data collection instrument in this essay is to test students' achievements and activity observation sheet teachers and students. In this thesis presented student learning outcomes through the final test results cycle I and II. The improvement that occurred in the first cycle with an average daily quiz 66.30% and 80.65% second cycle. Learning outcome is supported by the increased activity of the teachers and students. In the first cycle of increased activity of teachers by 80% to 95%. While improving student activity increased from 75% to 92.5%. From the research results obtained show that the students managed to increase IPS History with good learning outcomes so that the implementation of cooperative models Type Make A Match in this study is proven and can be accepted in improving learning outcomes IPS History class VII C Senior High School 1 Koto Kampar Hulu
Sejarah Perkembangan Tari Zapin Desa Meskom Kecamatan Bengkalis Kabupaten Bengkalis
The area is located in the traffic lane Riau International trade, facilitating contacts with various ethnic cultures. So ongoing cultural values espoused mainly dance Zapin society. This situation began to gradually causes the loss of symbols and the intrinsic meaning contained in Zapin dance. he purpose of this research is to know the background of the existence of Zapin dance Village Meskom Bengkalis District of Bengkalis, To know the meaning of Clothing used in the Dance Village Zapin Meskom Bengkalis District of Bengkalis, To know the meaning of the Movement in Dance Zapin Bengkalis District Subdistrict Village Meskom Bengkalis, To know Zapin Tari development Meskom Rural District of Bengkalis . The method used is the method Historically, data were collected through observation, interviews, kepustaka studies and documentation. In analyzing the data using qualitative descriptive. When the study began in the submission title until the completion of a revised proposal last essay writer. Results from this study indicate that the Zapin dance comes from the Arabic and then disseminated disiak and finally in Bengkalis Meskom village. Zapin dance Meskom has been progressing in accordance with people\u27s daily life Meskom. However, fixed in accordance with the rules and norms of customary resam Malay culture itself. Plus Zapin Tari was formerly intended for the symbols of Da\u27wa, cheerfully invites also behave politely to anyone this is shown in every meaning of the Zapin dance movement itself
Makna Simbolis dalam Tradisi Maccera' Tappareng di Danau Tempe Kabupaten Wajo
Maccera' tappareng tradition, as the part of culture heritage from Buginese decendant has symbolic meaning practically and also theoritically, especially for fishermen community at Tempe lake. Practically, symbolic meaning can be seen on: sacrifice ceremony namely to sink a buffalo’s head in the middle of Tempe lake; the special way in sacrificing buffalo’s head to the king of lake (punna wae) which is only known by maccua tappareng; the presentation of walasuji (the name of sacrifice tools) equipments which being a place for putting buffalo’s head and also the others sacrifice; the drum music which become a special code in the running the tradition of maccera’ tappareng; the formation of rules about the obligation and the prohibition which should be obeid by the fishermen. In cultural area, maccera' tappareng tradition is the descedant culture heritage which should be kept everlasting as local culture resources. Maccera’ tappareng tradition has role in keeping Tempe lake ecosystem and social cohesion of fishermen communit
Strategi Kepala Sekolah Dalam Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter Pada Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Julok
: The ability of a principal in leading a school is highly influential in increasing the motivation of teachers. The implementation of character education is a strategy to improve the quality of education. The purpose of this study was to determine the efforts made by the principal in the implementation of character education in state Senior High School 1 of Julok. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive method. The data were collected through interviews, observation and documentation. Subjects of this study were principal, vice principal, board of teachers and the committee at Senior High School 1 of Julok. The result showed that the principal has also prepared a program to implement character education. The implementation of character education improvement program requires each subject to make learning material according to the latest curriculum ang adjust textbooks of study field. The abstacles faced by the principal in implementing the character education were as follows: teachers still used the old teaching methods, tools and media, and the teacher did not dare to express desires and weaknesses in learning. On way performed by the principal of Senior High School 1 of Julok to overcome these obstacles is to call a meeting with the board of teachers, hat is monthly meeting, annual or emergency meeting if it is needed
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