131 research outputs found

    Abuse of Law in the Context of EU Law

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    Kamanabrou S. Abuse of Law in the Context of EU Law. EUROPEAN LAW REVIEW. 2018;43(4):534-548.Abuse of law in the context of EU law has been a subject of some debate. In recent cases the European Court of Justice has shown a tendency towards mixing different approaches from earlier judgments. This article takes a critical view of this development. It points out that, relating to abuse in the context of EU law, two groups of cases can and should be distinguished: on the one hand, the inappropriate use of a provision of EU law, and, on the other hand, the inappropriate use of national law with the help of EU law. This differentiation has an impact on the handling of abuse cases. It is the decisive factor in deciding how to introduce the concept of abuse into the application of law. Furthermore, it affects the answer to the question if national law or a general principle of EU law is to be applied

    Successful Rules on Successive Fixed-Term Contracts?

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    Kamanabrou S. Successful Rules on Successive Fixed-Term Contracts? International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations. 2017;33(2):221-239.In 1999 the European social partners negotiated the framework agreement on fixed-term work which was then put into effect by Council Directive 1999/70/EC. It contains, inter alia, measures designed to prevent abuse of successive fixed-term contracts. As the relevant clause of the agreement is rather loosely framed, its effect on legislative approximation in the EU is debatable. However, a study of the law on successive fixed-term employment contracts of fifteen EU Member States showed that legislative approximation in this field of law has largely been achieved

    Länderbericht Spanien

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    Kamanabrou S. Länderbericht Spanien. In: Kamanabrou S, ed. Rechtsangleichung im Recht der Kettenbefristung in der EU. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck; 2016: 45

    Erga-Omnes-Wirkung von Tarifverträgen

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    Kamanabrou S. Erga-Omnes-Wirkung von Tarifverträgen. In: Kamanabrou S, ed. Erga-Omnes-Wirkung von Tarifverträgen. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck; 2011: 6-118

    Länderbericht Polen

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    Rupa J, Kamanabrou S. Länderbericht Polen. In: Kamanabrou S, ed. Rechtsangleichung im Recht der Kettenbefristung in der EU. Mohr Siebeck; 2016: 37

    Länderbericht Italien

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    Ebeling F, Kamanabrou S. Länderbericht Italien. In: Kamanabrou S, ed. Rechtsangleichung im Recht der Kettenbefristung in der EU. Mohr Siebeck; 2016: 34

    Länderbericht Belgien

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    Korth A, Kamanabrou S. Länderbericht Belgien. In: Kamanabrou S, ed. Rechtsangleichung im Recht der Kettenbefristung in der EU. Mohr Siebeck; 2016: 40

    Buchbesprechung: Alpay Hekimler/Gerhard Ring (Hrsg.): Tarifrecht in Europa, 2011

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    Kamanabrou S. Buchbesprechung: Alpay Hekimler/Gerhard Ring (Hrsg.): Tarifrecht in Europa, 2011. EuZA. 2012;2012(4):574-576

    Länderbericht Vereinigtes Königreich

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    Möller T, Kamanabrou S. Länderbericht Vereinigtes Königreich. In: Kamanabrou S, ed. Rechtsangleichung im Recht der Kettenbefristung in der EU. 2016: 45

    Richtlinienkonforme Auslegung im Rechtsvergleich. Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel des Urlaubsrechts

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    Kamanabrou S. Richtlinienkonforme Auslegung im Rechtsvergleich. Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel des Urlaubsrechts. Rechtsvergleichung und Rechtsvereinheitlichung. Vol 75. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck; 2021