7 research outputs found

    Uptake of halloysite clay nanotubes by human cells: Colourimetric viability tests and microscopy study

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    © 2018 This study is a systemic investigation of the uptake and toxicity of halloysite nanotubes using human adenocarcinoma epithelial cells (A549). A549 cells were chosen as a popular model of cancer cells extensively studied in nanotoxicity and drug delivery research. The adverse effects of a range of halloysite concentrations were evaluated. The viability of A549 cells was determined using several colourimetric assays. Dark-field microscopy was used to visualize the uptake and distribution of halloysite nanotubes in cells. The morphology of the cells was evaluated using dark-field, transmission electron and atomic force microscopies. The results showed that halloysite had a dose-dependent effect on human cells at concentrations of 5–900 μg per 105 cells in the MTT assay. The reduced toxicity of halloysite nanotubes at lower concentrations (5–75 μg per 105 cells) was additionally supported by the results of other colorimetric assays. Microscopy assays have demonstrated that the nanotubes, though affecting the biochemical processes, do not alter the morphology of the cells and do not penetrate into the nuclei

    Интеграция высокотемпературного топливного элемента с системой улавливания СО2 в энергетический цикл тепловой электрической станции

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    The molten carbonate fuel cell allows for capturing, separating and concentrating CO2 as it passes through the carbonate melt from the cathode side to the anode side, while simultaneously generating electricity and heat. The article presents the technology and flow diagram of a system for capturing CO2 from flue gases of a thermal power plant in a high-temperature fuel cell on molten carbonates with subsequent conversion and utilization of gaseous combustible products in the energy cycle of a thermal power plant. The fuel cell runs on natural gas with internal reforming. After the fuel cell, the gas leaving the anode is sent to the conversion unit where, in reaction with carbon at high temperatures, combustible gases are formed that are suitable for re-combustion in the turbine. For power plants and a system for capturing and converting carbon dioxide, thermodynamic, technical and economic calculations were carried out. The efficiency of a high-temperature fuel cell is 42 %. In the baseline scenario, the net energy efficiency of the plant is 61 % while a CO2 capture ration is 80–85 %. The return of fuel gases after the conversion of carbon dioxide, taking into account their calorific value, makes it possible to additionally increase the electric power of the thermal power plant up to 20 %. With a unit cost of a fuel cell of 1300 EUR/kW and a price of natural gas of 0.04 EUR/kW, the total electricity cost of the plant is 0.074 EUR/kW. The results show that the proposed system is attractive for natural gas power generation with CO2 capture.Топливный элемент на расплавленных карбонатах позволяет улавливать, сепарировать и концентрировать углекислый газ во время перехода его через расплав карбонатов от катодной стороны к анодной, одновременно генерируя электричество и теплоту. В статье представлены технология и технологическая схема системы улавливания СО2 из дымовых газов тепловой электрической станции в высокотемпературном топливном элементе на расплавленных карбонатах с последующей конверсией и утилизацией газообразных горючих продуктов в энергетическом цикле тепловой электрической станции. Топливный элемент работает на природном газе с внутренним риформингом. После топливного элемента выходящий с анода газ направляется в блок конверсии, где в реакции с углеродом при высоких температурах образуются горючие газы, пригодные для повторного сжигания в турбине. Для энергетических установок, системы улавливания и конверсии углекислого газа проводились термодинамические, технико-экономические расчеты. Коэффициент полезного действия высокотемпературного топливного элемента 42 %. В базовом сценарии чистая энергоэффективность станции 61 % при степени улавливания CO2 80–85 %. Возврат топливных газов после конверсии СО2 с учетом их теплотворной способности позволяет дополнительно увеличить электрическую мощность тепловой электрической станции до 20 %. При удельной стоимости топливного элемента 1300 евро/кВт и цене на природный газ 0,04 евро/кВт полная стоимость электроэнергии установки составляет 0,074 евро/кВт. Результаты показывают, что предложенная система привлекательна для производства электроэнергии на природном газе с улавливанием углекислого газа

    Uptake of halloysite clay nanotubes by human cells: Colourimetric viability tests and microscopy study

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    © 2018 This study is a systemic investigation of the uptake and toxicity of halloysite nanotubes using human adenocarcinoma epithelial cells (A549). A549 cells were chosen as a popular model of cancer cells extensively studied in nanotoxicity and drug delivery research. The adverse effects of a range of halloysite concentrations were evaluated. The viability of A549 cells was determined using several colourimetric assays. Dark-field microscopy was used to visualize the uptake and distribution of halloysite nanotubes in cells. The morphology of the cells was evaluated using dark-field, transmission electron and atomic force microscopies. The results showed that halloysite had a dose-dependent effect on human cells at concentrations of 5–900 μg per 105 cells in the MTT assay. The reduced toxicity of halloysite nanotubes at lower concentrations (5–75 μg per 105 cells) was additionally supported by the results of other colorimetric assays. Microscopy assays have demonstrated that the nanotubes, though affecting the biochemical processes, do not alter the morphology of the cells and do not penetrate into the nuclei

    The Image of the Garden in the Creativity of Ravil Bukharaev and Lydia Grigorieva in the Context of Dialogue of Cultures

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    One of the research aspects in this direction is considered in this article: the question of semantic and functional features of the garden image in Ravil Bukharayev and Lydia Grigorieva's poetry. The concept of dialogue of cultures which allows considering the garden image in Bukharayev and Grigorieva's poetry in the aspect of semiosis and broad inter-textual communications including various texts and cultural codes which are present in them became the basis of this research. Having considered specifics of artistic realization of the garden image in Bukharayev and Grigorieva's creativity authors of article came to the following conclusions: there are essential differences in attitudes of the poets reflected in their art creativity. If for R. Bukharayev the image of a garden as a rule is associated with the homeland, the native language from which isolation is sharply experienced by the poet (in the cycles "Kazan Snow", "Agony in the Garden", etc.), then Grigorieva organically fits into the English literary environment, its acceptance of the English world, cultures occurs without visible efforts, is harmonious and creative. Grigorieva learns philosophy of garden not only by means of traditional poetic means of expression, but also creating and proving the new synthetic genre determined by it as "film poetry", "photo poetry"

    Cartographic assay of nozoareal bovine tuberculosis in the Republic of Tatarstan

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    The paper presents the results of studying the dynamics of the number of cattle unsuccessful for tuberculosis in the Republic of Tatarstan for the period from 2000 to 2018. As a result of the analysis of this cartogram, we found that the unsuccessful points for tuberculosis are geographically confined to a certain area: i.e. settled mainly in the south, and scattered (in small groups – “foci”) in the central part of the republic. A steady decline in the incidence of cattle with tuberculosis has been observed since 2016. By the end of 2018, no new foci of tuberculosis in the territory of the republic were identified, systematically conducted anti-epizootic measures ensure stabilization of the epizootic situation