652 research outputs found

    Dynamical Fermion Masses Under the Influence of Kaluza-Klein Fermions and a Bulk Abelian Gauge Field

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    The dynamical fermion mass generation on a 3-brane in the 5D space-time is discussed in a model with bulk fermions in interaction with fermions on the brane assuming the presence of a constant abelian gauge field component A5A_5 in the bulk. We calculate the effective potential as a function of the fermion masses and the gauge field component A5A_5. The masses can be found from the stationarity condition for the effective potential (the gap equation). We formulate the equation for the mass spectrum of the 4D--fermions. The phases with finite and vanishing fermion masses are studied and the dependence of the masses on the radius of the 5th dimension is analyzed. The influence of the A5A_5-component of the gauge field on the symmetry breaking is considered both when this field is a background parameter and a dynamical variable. The critical values of the A5A_5 field, the coupling constant and the radius are examined.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Radion stabilization from the vacuum on flat extra dimensions

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    Volume stabilization in models with flat extra dimension could follow from vacuum energy residing in the bulk when translational invariance is spontaneously broken. We study a simple toy model that exemplifies this mechanism which considers a massive scalar field with non trivial boundary conditions at the end points of the compact space, and includes contributions from brane and bulk cosmological constants. We perform our analysis in the conformal frame where the radion field, associated with volume variations, is defined, and present a general strategy for building stabilization potentials out of those ingredients. We also provide working examples for the interval and the Tn/Z2T^n/Z_2 orbifold configuration.Comment: Comments and clarifications added throughout the text. Typos corrected and references added. Final version, 27 pages, five figures include

    Quantum effects from a purely geometrical relativity theory

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    A purely geometrical relativity theory results from a construction that produces from three-dimensional space a happy unification of Kaluza's five-dimensional theory and Weyl's conformal theory. The theory can provide geometrical explanations for the following observed phenomena, among others: (a) lifetimes of elementary particles of lengths inversely proportional to their rest masses; (b) the equality of charge magnitude among all charged particles interacting at an event; (c) the propensity of electrons in atoms to be seen in discretely spaced orbits; and (d) `quantum jumps' between those orbits. This suggests the possibility that the theory can provide a deterministic underpinning of quantum mechanics like that provided to thermodynamics by the molecular theory of gases.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX jpconf.cls (Institute of Physics Publishing), 6 Encapsulated PostScript figures (Fig. 6 is 1.8M uncompressed); Presented at VI Mexican School on Gravitation and Mathematical Physics "Approaches to Quantum Gravity

    A Note on Segre Types of Second Order Symmetric Tensors in 5-D Brane-world Cosmology

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    Recent developments in string theory suggest that there might exist extra spatial dimensions, which are not small nor compact. The framework of most brane cosmological models is that in which the matter fields are confined on a brane-world embedded in five dimensions (the bulk). Motivated by this we reexamine the classification of the second order symmetric tensors in 5--D, and prove two theorems which collect together some basic results on the algebraic structure of these tensors in 5-dimensional space-times. We also briefly indicate how one can obtain, by induction, the classification of symmetric two-tensors (and the corresponding canonical forms) on n-dimensional spaces from the classification on 4-dimensional spaces. This is important in the context of 11--D supergravity and 10--D superstrings.Comment: 12 pages, to appear in Mod. Phys. Lett. A (2003) in the present for

    Limits of space-times in five dimensions and their relation to the Segre Types

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    A limiting diagram for the Segre classification in 5-dimensional space-times is obtained, extending a recent work on limits of the energy-momentum tensor in general relativity. Some of Geroch's results on limits of space-times in general relativity are also extended to the context of five-dimensional Kaluza-Klein space-times.Comment: Late

    Kaluza-Klein dimensional reduction and Gauss-Codazzi-Ricci equations

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    In this paper we imitate the traditional method which is used customarily in the General Relativity and some mathematical literatures to derive the Gauss-Codazzi-Ricci equations for dimensional reduction. It would be more distinct concerning geometric meaning than the vielbein method. Especially, if the lower dimensional metric is independent of reduced dimensions the counterpart of the symmetric extrinsic curvature is proportional to the antisymmetric Kaluza-Klein gauge field strength. For isometry group of internal space, the SO(n) symmetry and SU(n) symmetry are discussed. And the Kaluza-Klein instanton is also enquired.Comment: 15 page

    Multipole moments in Kaluza-Klein theories

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    This paper contains discussion of the problem of motion of extended i.e. non point test bodies in multidimensional space. Extended bodies are described in terms of so called multipole moments. Using approximated form of equations of motion for extended bodies deviation from geodesic motion is derived. Results are applied to special form of space-time.Comment: 11 pages, AMS-TeX, few misprints corrected, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Anisotropic evolution of 5D Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetime

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    We examine the time evolution of the five-dimensional Einstein field equations subjected to a flat, anisotropic Robertson-Walker metric, where the 3D and higher-dimensional scale factors are allowed to dynamically evolve at different rates. By adopting equations of state relating the 3D and higher-dimensional pressures to the density, we obtain an exact expression relating the higher-dimensional scale factor to a function of the 3D scale factor. This relation allows us to write the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker field equations exclusively in terms of the 3D scale factor, thus yielding a set of 4D effective Friedmann-Robertson-Walker field equations. We examine the effective field equations in the general case and obtain an exact expression relating a function of the 3D scale factor to the time. This expression involves a hypergeometric function and cannot, in general, be inverted to yield an analytical expression for the 3D scale factor as a function of time. When the hypergeometric function is expanded for small and large arguments, we obtain a generalized treatment of the dynamical compactification scenario of Mohammedi [Phys.Rev.D 65, 104018 (2002)] and the 5D vacuum solution of Chodos and Detweiler [Phys.Rev.D 21, 2167 (1980)], respectively. By expanding the hypergeometric function near a branch point, we obtain the perturbative solution for the 3D scale factor in the small time regime. This solution exhibits accelerated expansion, which, remarkably, is independent of the value of the 4D equation of state parameter w. This early-time epoch of accelerated expansion arises naturally out of the anisotropic evolution of 5D spacetime when the pressure in the extra dimension is negative and offers a possible alternative to scalar field inflationary theory.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, paper format streamlined with main results emphasized and details pushed to appendixes, current version matches that of published versio
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