2,073 research outputs found

    Dynamical Fermion Masses Under the Influence of Kaluza-Klein Fermions and a Bulk Abelian Gauge Field

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    The dynamical fermion mass generation on a 3-brane in the 5D space-time is discussed in a model with bulk fermions in interaction with fermions on the brane assuming the presence of a constant abelian gauge field component A5A_5 in the bulk. We calculate the effective potential as a function of the fermion masses and the gauge field component A5A_5. The masses can be found from the stationarity condition for the effective potential (the gap equation). We formulate the equation for the mass spectrum of the 4D--fermions. The phases with finite and vanishing fermion masses are studied and the dependence of the masses on the radius of the 5th dimension is analyzed. The influence of the A5A_5-component of the gauge field on the symmetry breaking is considered both when this field is a background parameter and a dynamical variable. The critical values of the A5A_5 field, the coupling constant and the radius are examined.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Surface Geometry of 5D Black Holes and Black Rings

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    We discuss geometrical properties of the horizon surface of five-dimensional rotating black holes and black rings. Geometrical invariants characterizing these 3D geometries are calculated. We obtain a global embedding of the 5D rotating black horizon surface into a flat space. We also describe the Kaluza-Klein reduction of the black ring solution (along the direction of its rotation) which relates this solution to the 4D metric of a static black hole distorted by the presence of external scalar (dilaton) and vector (`electromagnetic') field. The properties of the reduced black hole horizon and its embedding in \E^3 are briefly discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, Revtex

    Second order brane cosmology with radion stabilization

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    We study cosmology in the five-dimensional Randall-Sundrum brane-world with a stabilizing effective potential for the radion and matter localized on the branes. The analysis is performed by employing a perturbative expansion in the ratio rho/V between the matter energy density on the branes and the brane tensions around the static Randall-Sundrum solution (which has rho=0 and brane tensions +-V). This approach ensures that the matter evolves adiabatically and allows us to find approximate solutions to second order in \rho/V. Some particular cases are then analyzed in details.Comment: 17 pages, RevTeX4, 4 figures, final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Analytic pulse design for selective population transfer in many-level quantum systems: maximizing amplitude of population oscillations

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    State selective preparation and manipulation of discrete-level quantum systems such as atoms, molecules or quantum dots is a the ultimate tool for many diverse fields such as laser control of chemical reactions, atom optics, high-precision metrology and quantum computing. Rabi oscillations are one of the simplest, yet potentially quite useful mechanisms for achieving such manipulation. Rabi theory establishes that in the two-level systems resonant drive leads to the periodic and complete population oscillations between the two system levels. In this paper an analytic optimization algorithm for producing Rabi-like oscillations in the general discrete many-level quantum systems is presented.Comment: Published in Phys.Rev.A. This is the final published versio

    Topological Properties from Einstein's Equations?

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    In this work we propose a new procedure for to extract global information of a space-time. We considered a space-time immersed in a higher dimensional space and we formulate the equations of Einstein through of the Frobenius conditions to immersion. Through of an algorithm and the implementation into algebraic computing system we calculate normal vectors from the immersion to find out the second fundamental form. We make a application for space-time with spherical symmetry and static. We solve the equations of Einstein to the vacuum and we obtain space-times with different topologies.Comment: 7 pages, accepted for publication in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    A Note on Segre Types of Second Order Symmetric Tensors in 5-D Brane-world Cosmology

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    Recent developments in string theory suggest that there might exist extra spatial dimensions, which are not small nor compact. The framework of most brane cosmological models is that in which the matter fields are confined on a brane-world embedded in five dimensions (the bulk). Motivated by this we reexamine the classification of the second order symmetric tensors in 5--D, and prove two theorems which collect together some basic results on the algebraic structure of these tensors in 5-dimensional space-times. We also briefly indicate how one can obtain, by induction, the classification of symmetric two-tensors (and the corresponding canonical forms) on n-dimensional spaces from the classification on 4-dimensional spaces. This is important in the context of 11--D supergravity and 10--D superstrings.Comment: 12 pages, to appear in Mod. Phys. Lett. A (2003) in the present for

    High-energy effective theory for matter on close Randall Sundrum branes

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    Extending the analysis of hep-th/0504128, we obtain a formal expression for the coupling between brane matter and the radion in a Randall-Sundrum braneworld. This effective theory is correct to all orders in derivatives of the radion in the limit of small brane separation, and, in particular, contains no higher than second derivatives. In the case of cosmological symmetry the theory can be obtained in closed form and reproduces the five-dimensional behaviour. Perturbations in the tensor and scalar sectors are then studied. When the branes are moving, the effective Newtonian constant on the brane is shown to depend both on the distance between the branes and on their velocity. In the small distance limit, we compute the exact dependence between the four-dimensional and the five-dimensional Newtonian constants.Comment: Updated version as published in PR

    Dimensional Reduction without Extra Continuous Dimensions

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    We describe a novel approach to dimensional reduction in classical field theory. Inspired by ideas from noncommutative geometry, we introduce extended algebras of differential forms over space-time, generalized exterior derivatives and generalized connections associated with the "geometry" of space-times with discrete extra dimensions. We apply our formalism to theories of gauge- and gravitational fields and find natural geometrical origins for an axion- and a dilaton field, as well as a Higgs field.Comment: 23 page

    A Quasi-Spherical Gravitational Wave Solution in Kaluza-Klein Theory

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    An exact solution of the source-free Kaluza-Klein field equations is presented. It is a 5D generalization of the Robinson-Trautman quasi-spherical gravitational wave with a cosmological constant. The properties of the 5D solution are briefly described.Comment: 10 pages Latex, Revtex, submitted to GR

    On Dimensional Degression in AdS(d)

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    We analyze the pattern of fields in d+1 dimensional anti-de Sitter space in terms of those in d dimensional anti-de Sitter space. The procedure, which is neither dimensional reduction nor dimensional compactification, is called dimensional degression. The analysis is performed group-theoretically for all totally symmetric bosonic and fermionic representations of the anti-de Sitter algebra. The field-theoretical analysis is done for a massive scalar field in AdS(d+d′^\prime) and massless spin one-half, spin one, and spin two fields in AdS(d+1). The mass spectra of the resulting towers of fields in AdS(d) are found. For the scalar field case, the obtained results extend to the shadow sector those obtained by Metsaev in [1] by a different method.Comment: 30 page
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