533 research outputs found

    Poverty and its Alleviation Lessons for Nigeria

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    The study focused on the persistent poverty status in Nigeria in spite of all the actions and activities directly and indirectly put in place to reduce it. Nigerian poverty statistics and government actions in tackling poverty were examined. Few countries that have succeeded in reducing poverty position were briefly examined. Specifically, we highlighted how Malaysia, China and South Korea aspired and attained high level poverty alleviation. The lessons of their success stories were the basis for recommendations for Nigeria as a panacea for poverty reduction which has persevere in spite of every efforts over the years. Among the recommendations made include designing of poverty line for the entire geopolitical zone, stating target of poverty reduction within a time frame, and sincerely implementing and monitoring of strategies, programmes and policies. Kalu E. Uma | Paul C.Obidike | Frank O. Ozoh "Poverty and it's Alleviation: Lessons for Nigeria" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-1 | Issue-4 , June 201

    A critique of voluntary or debtor initiated bankruptcy adjudicatory process and the need for legislative reformation in Nigeria

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    This work will present a critique of the defect inherent in debtor initiated Bankruptcy adjudication as provided for in the Bankruptcy Act of Nigeria and will suggest remedies especially with regard to the use of same as an engine of frau

    Separation of powers in Nigeria: an anatomy of power convergences and divergences

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    There are presently in Nigeria disputes and controversies concerning the meeting points of the powers allotted the various organs of government. The executive arm of government today appears to dwarf the other arms of government in the amplitude and plenitude of powers of wields. The legislative and judicial arms of government appear to be at the receiving end it the endless erosion of their powers by a blossoming state bureaucracy or executive expediency. There are however certain salient areas in the interface or interplay of powers where the three arms of government must converge or meet for the orderly regulation or governance of our society. This paper reviewed the hallowed concept of separated powers of government, the meeting points of the powers and their areas of dislocation. It also examined the practice in the Nigerian polity vis-à-vis some other jurisdictions of the powers of government across the three arms of government in Nigeria. Some recommendations that will uplift the law and practice of separated powers in Nigeria were made.Keywords: Separation of Powers, Nigeria, Convergences, Divergence

    Charcoal Enterprise in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria

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    Charcoal enterprise has been adopted to meet some socio-economic benefits and energy needs of the people. The study was conducted to determine peoples’ involvement, uses and reasons for using charcoal,distribution channel as well as weekly sales and profit of the enterprise. The results revealed that people involved in sales of charcoal were 28.26%, 9% and 2% of the respondents for Igun Street, Oba  market/New Benin and Ikpoba Hill market respectively. The identified uses of charcoal were for roasting of maize (32. 75%), Suyapreparation and cooking of food accounted for 13.70% and 16.13% respectively, while Black Smiting and Bronze casting accounted for 13.70% of the respondents. ANOVA indicated that there were no significant differences (P >0.05) among the identified reasons for using charcoal as well as the weekly sales of the product. However,distribution channel of charcoal showed significant difference (P< 0.05) with dominant retail channel revealed using fishers least significant difference (LSD). The weekly profits of over N2,000 were confirmed by 48. 48% and 24.24% of the respondents for the rainy and dry seasons respectively. Research effort in charcoal enterprise needs to be focused in order to ensure sustainable development and realization of the desired potential of the enterprise

    Evaluation of forest policy in Nigeria: A case study of Edo state

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    The research was undertaken from 1997-2000 to investigate how forest policy has faired in meeting the set objectives in forestry contexts and development in study area. The result showed that deforestation and consolidation of forest reserves accounted for 73.64 and 3.10%, respectively. The result also revealed that there was significant difference in the participation of professional foresters and taskforce as well as regeneration and exploitation of forest resources (P&lt;0.05). It also revealed that there were significant differences among the threats to forest protection (P&lt;0.05) and further analysis with LSD identified trespass as the most dominant threats. The result also showed that the increase in employment, creation of man made forest and encouragement of private forestry accounted for 41.65, 19.85 and 10.19% respectively. It was observed that there was no significant difference among the various rates of decline of the forest estates under review.Keywords: Policy evaluation, environmental protection, consolidation, exploitation, pervasive issue

    Impact of Intellectual Capital on Financial Reporting Quality of Selected Banks in Nigeria

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    The study examined the impact of intellectual Capital on Financial reporting quality of selected Banks in Nigeria. The specific objective of the study was to investigate the impact of Intellectual capital on financial reporting quality on selected Banks. A total of ten banks were selected for the study from 2006-2017. Regression analysis was used to do the analysis. They study made use of Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC) to ascertain the extent of intellectual capital indices while Fincial reporting quality is proxy by accrual which was calculated using Dechow and Dichev’s(2002) model. The result indicated a positive impact on Fincial reporting quality. The study therefore concludes that Banks should pay more attention to the three intellectual capital variables to improve their financial reporting quality. The study recommends that the three variables of intellectual capital should be well handled in other to have higher quality of financial reporting quality and also provide enabling environment needed to achieve a vital human capital in their system. Keywords: Intellectual Capital, Financial Reporting Quality, Nigeria Banks, Value Intellectual Coefficient, Dechow and Dichev model (2002) DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-16-09 Publication date:June 30th 201

    Measuring housing affordability: the two approaches

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    Measuring housing affordability has become an important field of research and an essential step in housing policy response. Through a review of previous studies from the early 1990s, this study provides a description of the two main approaches to measuring affordability – the ratio and the residual income measures. The objective is to present descriptions of the measures from the perspectives of different authors and the ongoing debate on their relative suitability as affordability measures. The review revealed lack of consensus on the most suitable approach. Some researchers advocate replacement of the ratio approach with the residual income approach while some argue for continued use of the ratio approach. Yet others advocate modified measures that account for the short-comings of the two main measures. Some scholars have actually developed and applied such modified measures. By bringing the diverse views of scholars on the subject over a relatively long period to a single platform, the paper has made valuable contribution to the housing affordability literature. The implication for research is the need to develop methodologies for measuring housing affordability which reflect the housing market practices of developing countries.Keywords: Housing affordability; housing costs; housing expenditure-to-income ratio; ratio approach; residual income approac

    Assessment of Afforestation and Reforestation Efforts by Forestry Department, Ministry of Environment, Imo State

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    The study examined Afforestation and Reforestation Efforts by the Department of Forestry, Ministry of Environment with the use of data collected from both primary and secondary sources. Seventy copies of well structured questionnaire were administered to respondents in 11 charges in the Department to elicit information on afforestation and reforestation efforts by the department. Data were analyzed with the use of descriptive statistic of frequency, percentage and inferential statistic using ANOVA. Results showed that 100% of the respondents affirmed the existence of afforestation and reforestation in the State. There were significant difference (P&lt;0.05) among afforestation and reforestation activities, where the dominant activity was raising of seedlings. Permanent and temporary nurseries accounted for 61.43 and38.5% respectively. Gmelina arborea dominated the five timber species raised in the nurseries between the year 1985 and 2013. About 42.9% of the respondents were aware that deforestation had negative impacts on afforeatation and reforestation while 51.1% of the respondents were not aware not aware of the negative impacts. Results showed that there was significant difference (p&lt;0.05) among the identified activities that impeded afforestation and reforestation, where agriculture was the dominant activity that impeded forest decline in the State. Results revealed that three principal forest policy objectives implemented by the State were delineation of forest reserves (DER), provision of fund (POF), and forest policy implementation which accounted for 28.59, 21.43 and 50% respectively. It is expedient that the government should fashion out policies on tree planting and establishment of a financial inducement and encouragement that will improve upon the forest status of the State.Key: Afforestation, deforestation, forest Area, forest estates, reforestation

    Dynamic-Threshold-Limited Timed-Token (DTLTT) Protocol

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    An improved version of the Static-Threshold-Limited On-Demand Guaranteed Service Timed-Token (STOGSTT) Media Access Control (MAC) protocol for channel capacity allocation to the asynchronous trac in Multiservice Local Area Network (MLANs) was developed and analyzed. TLODGSTT protocol uses static value of threshold bandwidth to allocate available bandwidth to the asynchronous trac, as such, the throughput of STLODGSTT protocol drops signi cantly under non-uniform heavy load of asynchronous trac. The DTLTT protocol dynamically adjusts the threshold bandwidth in response to the variations in the load distribution of the asynchronous trac. In view of this dynamic mechanism, under various load distributions of the asynchronous trac, the DTLTT protocol maintains higher throughput than the STLODGSTT protocol. The improvement is demonstrated through analytical computations and simulation results.Keywords: multi-access, multiservice, network, synchronous, asynchronous, trac, timed-toke

    Economic Potential of Taungya Farming System in Edo State, Nigeria

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    The study examined the economic potential of taungya system in Edo state, using of data obtained from both primary and secondary sources with the aid of well structured questionnaires administered to 230 respondents in eight the Local Government Areas practicing taungya farming in government reserved forests. The research was based on sampling intensities of 30, 20 and 5% for farmers&#8217; population of below 100, between 100 and 200 and over 200 respectively, to elicit information on socioeconomic issues. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistic of frequency and percentages and inferential statistic using &#8220;t&#8221; test and ANOVA. The results showed that 43.3% of the respondents affirmed that it was easy to obtain fuelwood, while 41.1% of them believed that was very easy to obtain fuelwood in the taungya farm system. Results showed that there was significant difference (P&lt;0.05) among the income generated from benefits like food, fuelwood, fruits/vegetable/roots, bushmeat, medicinal plants. The results also revealed that the revenues government generated from allocation of taungya plots differed significantly among revenues types and (P&lt;.05) various periods considered. Retention fees and April 2009 to date dominated the types of revenues and period respectively. It is expedient to enhance the economic potential of taungya so as to convert all the possible potentials to reality. This is done by following values premises for the adoption of taungya system in the real sense of it in most of the forest estates in the state.Keywords: Taungya, economic potential, income, revenues, concessionJournal of Agriculture and Social Research (JASR) Vol. 11, No. 1, 201