190 research outputs found

    Spin and orbital effects in a 2D electron gas in a random magnetic field

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    Using the method of superbosonization we consider a model of a random magnetic field (RMF) acting on both orbital motion and spin of electrons in two dimensions. The method is based on exact integration over one particle degrees of freedom and reduction of the problem to a functional integral over supermatrices Q(r,r)Q({\bf r},{\bf r^{\prime}}). We consider a general case when both the direction of the RMF and the g-factor of the Zeeman splitting are arbitrary. Integrating out fast variations of QQ we come to a standard collisional unitary non-linear σ\sigma-model. The collision term consists of orbital, spin and effective spin-orbital parts. For a particular problem of a fixed direction of RMF, we show that additional soft excitations identified with spin modes should appear. Considering δ\delta % -correlated weak RMF and putting g=2 we find the transport time τtr\tau_{tr} . This time is 2 times smaller than that for spinless particles.Comment: 9 pages, no figure

    Magnetoresistance of composite fermions at \nu=1/2

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    We have studied temperature dependence of both diagonal and Hall resistivity in the vicinity of ν=1/2\nu=1/2. Magnetoresistance was found to be positive and almost independent of temperature: temperature enters resistivity as a logarithmic correction. At the same time, no measurable corrections to the Hall resistivity has been found. Neither of these results can be explained within the mean-field theory of composite fermions by an analogy with conventional low-field interaction theory. There is an indication that interactions of composite fermions with fluctuations of the gauge field may reconcile the theory and experiment.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Chiral Spin Liquids and Quantum Error Correcting Codes

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    The possibility of using the two-fold topological degeneracy of spin-1/2 chiral spin liquid states on the torus to construct quantum error correcting codes is investigated. It is shown that codes constructed using these states on finite periodic lattices do not meet the necessary and sufficient conditions for correcting even a single qubit error with perfect fidelity. However, for large enough lattice sizes these conditions are approximately satisfied, and the resulting codes may therefore be viewed as approximate quantum error correcting codes.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetoresistance of Two-Dimensional Fermions in a Random Magnetic Field

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    We perform a semiclassical calculation of the magnetoresistance of spinless two-dimensional fermions in a long-range correlated random magnetic field. In the regime relevant for the problem of the half filled Landau level the perturbative Born approximation fails and we develop a new method of solving the Boltzmann equation beyond the relaxation time approximation. In absence of interactions, electron density modulations, in-plane fields, and Fermi surface anisotropy we obtain a quadratic negative magnetoresistance in the weak field limit.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, no figures, Nordita repor

    Electron Localization in a 2D System with Random Magnetic Flux

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    Using a finite-size scaling method, we calculate the localization properties of a disordered two-dimensional electron system in the presence of a random magnetic field. Below a critical energy EcE_c all states are localized and the localization length ξ\xi diverges when the Fermi energy approaches the critical energy, {\it i.e.} ξ(E)EEcν\xi(E)\propto |E-E_c|^{-\nu}. We find that EcE_c shifts with the strength of the disorder and the amplitude of the random magnetic field while the critical exponent (ν4.8\nu\approx 4.8) remains unchanged indicating universality in this system. Implications on the experiment in half-filling fractional quantum Hall system are also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex 3.0, 5 figures(PS files available upon request), #phd1

    Low-energy sector of the S=1/2 Kagome antiferromagnet

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    Starting from a modified version of the the S=1/2 Kagome antiferromagnet to emphasize the role of elementary triangles, an effective Hamiltonian involving spin and chirality variables is derived. A mean-field decoupling that retains the quantum nature of these variables is shown to yield a Hamiltonian that can be solved exactly, leading to the following predictions: i) The number of low lying singlet states increase with the number of sites N like 1.15 to the power N; ii) A singlet-triplet gap remains in the thermodynamic limit; iii) Spinons form boundstates with a small binding energy. By comparing these properties with those of the regular Kagome lattice as revealed by numerical experiments, we argue that this description captures the essential low energy physics of that model.Comment: 4 pages including 3 figure

    Universal Fluctuation of the Hall Conductance in the Random Magnetic Field

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    We show that the RMS fluctuation of the antisymmetric part of the Hall conductance of a planar mesoscopic metal in a random magnetic field with zero average is universal, of the order of e2/he^2/h, independent of the amplitude of the random magnetic field and the diffusion coefficient even in the weak field limit. This quantity is exactly zero in the case of ordinary scalar disorder. We propose an experiment to measure this surprising effect, and also discuss its implications on the localization physics of this system. Our result applies to some other systems with broken time-reversal ({\bf T}) symmetry.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex 3.0; added the paragraph regarding applicability to other systems with broken T-invariance, misc. minor change

    A Unified Model for Two Localisation Problems: Electron States in Spin-Degenerate Landau Levels, and in a Random Magnetic Field

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    A single model is presented which represents both of the two apparently unrelated localisation problems of the title. The phase diagram of this model is examined using scaling ideas and numerical simulations. It is argued that the localisation length in a spin-degenerate Landau level diverges at two distinct energies, with the same critical behaviour as in a spin-split Landau level, and that all states of a charged particle moving in two dimensions, in a random magnetic field with zero average, are localised.Comment: 7 pages (RevTeX 3.0) plus 4 postscript figure

    Wavefunction and level statistics of random two dimensional gauge fields

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    Level and wavefunction statistics have been studied for two dimensional clusters of the square lattice in the presence of random magnetic fluxes. Fluxes traversing lattice plaquettes are distributed uniformly between - (1/2) Phi_0 and (1/2) Phi_0 with Phi_0 the flux quantum. All considered statistics start close to the corresponding Wigner-Dyson distribution for small system sizes and monotonically move towards Poisson statistics as the cluster size increases. Scaling is quite rapid for states close to the band edges but really difficult to observe for states well within the band. Localization properties are discussed considering two different scenarios. Experimental measurement of one of the considered statistics --wavefunction statistics seems the most promising one-- could discern between both possibilities. A real version of the previous model, i.e., a system that is invariant under time reversal, has been studied concurrently to get coincidences and differences with the Hermitian model.Comment: 12 twocolumnn pages in revtex style, 17 postscript figures, to be published in PRB, send comments to [email protected]

    Antilocalization in a 2D Electron Gas in a Random Magnetic Field

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    We construct a supersymmetric field theory for the problem of a two-dimensional electron gas in a random, static magnetic field. We find a new term in the free energy, additional to those present in the conventional unitary sigma-model, whose presence relies on the long-range nature of the disorder correlations. Under a perturbative renormalization group analysis of the free energy, the new term contributes to the scaling function at one-loop order and leads to antilocalization.Comment: 4 pages, RevTe