20 research outputs found
A pullback operation on a class of currents
For any holomorphic map between a complex manifold and a
complex Hermitian manifold we extend the pullback from smooth forms
to a class of currents in a cohomologically sound way. We provide a basic
calculus for this pullback. The class of currents we consider contains in
particular the Lelong current of any analytic cycle. Our pullback depends in
general on the Hermitian structure of but coincides with the usual pullback
of currents in case is a submersion. The construction is based on the Gysin
mapping in algebraic geometry.Comment: Theorem 1.2 is improve
Adjunction for the Grauert-Riemenschneider canonical sheaf and extension of L2-cohomology classes
In the present paper, we derive an adjunction formula for the
Grauert-Riemenschneider canonical sheaf of a singular hypersurface V in a
complex manifold M. This adjunction formula is used to study the problem of
extending L2-cohomology classes of dbar-closed forms from the singular
hypersurface V to the manifold M in the spirit of the Ohsawa-Takegoshi-Manivel
extension theorem. We do that by showing that our formulation of the
L2-extension problem is invariant under bimeromorphic modifications, so that we
can reduce the problem to the smooth case by use of an embedded resolution of V
in M. The smooth case has recently been studied by Berndtsson.Comment: 20 page
A note on smooth forms on analytic spaces
We prove that any smooth mapping between reduced analytic spaces induces a
natural pullback operation on smooth differential forms
One parameter regularizations of products of residue currents
We show that Coleff-Herrera type products of residue currents can be defined
by analytic continuation of natural functions depending on one complex
variable.Comment: 8 page
Segre numbers, a generalized King formula, and local intersections
Let be an ideal sheaf on a reduced analytic space with zero
set . We show that the Lelong numbers of the restrictions to of certain
generalized Monge-Amp\`ere products , where is a tuple
of generators of , coincide with the so-called Segre numbers of
, introduced independently by Tworzewski and Gaffney-Gassler. More
generally we show that these currents satisfy a generalization of the classical
King formula that takes into account fixed and moving components of Vogel
cycles associated with . A basic tool is a new calculus for
products of positive currents of Bochner-Martinelli type. We also discuss
connections to intersection theory
Presence or absence of analytic structure in maximal ideal spaces
We study extensions of Wermer's maximality theorem to several complex
variables. We exhibit various smoothly embedded manifolds in complex Euclidean
space whose hulls are non-trivial but contain no analytic disks. We answer a
question posed by Lee Stout concerning the existence of analytic structure for
a uniform algebra whose maximal ideal space is a manifold.Comment: Comments are welcome
On non-proper intersections and local intersection numbers
Given pure-dimensional (generalized) cycles and on a complex
manifold we introduce a product that is a
generalized cycle whose multiplicities at each point are the local intersection
numbers at the point. % If is projective, then given a very ample line
bundle we define a product \mu_1\bl \mu_2 whose multiplicities at
each point also coincide with the local intersection numbers. In addition,
provided that and are effective, this product satisfies a
B\'ezout inequality. If i\colon Y\to \Pk^N is an embedding such that
i^*\Ok(1)=L, then \mu_1\bl \mu_2 can be expressed as a mean value of
St\"uckrad-Vogel cycles on \Pk^N. There are quite explicit relations between
\di_Y and \bl