49 research outputs found

    Persistence exponents for fluctuating interfaces

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    Numerical and analytic results for the exponent \theta describing the decay of the first return probability of an interface to its initial height are obtained for a large class of linear Langevin equations. The models are parametrized by the dynamic roughness exponent \beta, with 0 < \beta < 1; for \beta = 1/2 the time evolution is Markovian. Using simulations of solid-on-solid models, of the discretized continuum equations as well as of the associated zero-dimensional stationary Gaussian process, we address two problems: The return of an initially flat interface, and the return to an initial state with fully developed steady state roughness. The two problems are shown to be governed by different exponents. For the steady state case we point out the equivalence to fractional Brownian motion, which has a return exponent \theta_S = 1 - \beta. The exponent \theta_0 for the flat initial condition appears to be nontrivial. We prove that \theta_0 \to \infty for \beta \to 0, \theta_0 \geq \theta_S for \beta 1/2, and calculate \theta_{0,S} perturbatively to first order in an expansion around the Markovian case \beta = 1/2. Using the exact result \theta_S = 1 - \beta, accurate upper and lower bounds on \theta_0 can be derived which show, in particular, that \theta_0 \geq (1 - \beta)^2/\beta for small \beta.Comment: 12 pages, REVTEX, 6 Postscript figures, needs multicol.sty and epsf.st

    Evaporation and Step Edge Diffusion in MBE

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    Using kinetic Monte-Carlo simulations of a Solid-on-Solid model we investigate the influence of step edge diffusion (SED) and evaporation on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE). Based on these investigations we propose two strategies to optimize MBE-growth. The strategies are applicable in different growth regimes: during layer-by-layer growth one can reduce the desorption rate using a pulsed flux. In three-dimensional (3D) growth the SED can help to grow large, smooth structures. For this purpose the flux has to be reduced with time according to a power law.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, latex2e (packages: elsevier,psfig,latexsym

    Spatial distribution of persistent sites

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    We study the distribution of persistent sites (sites unvisited by particles AA) in one dimensional A+AA+A\to\emptyset reaction-diffusion model. We define the {\it empty intervals} as the separations between adjacent persistent sites, and study their size distribution n(k,t)n(k,t) as a function of interval length kk and time tt. The decay of persistence is the process of irreversible coalescence of these empty intervals, which we study analytically under the Independent Interval Approximation (IIA). Physical considerations suggest that the asymptotic solution is given by the dynamic scaling form n(k,t)=s2f(k/s)n(k,t)=s^{-2}f(k/s) with the average interval size st1/2s\sim t^{1/2}. We show under the IIA that the scaling function f(x)xτf(x)\sim x^{-\tau} as x0x\to 0 and decays exponentially at large xx. The exponent τ\tau is related to the persistence exponent θ\theta through the scaling relation τ=2(1θ)\tau=2(1-\theta). We compare these predictions with the results of numerical simulations. We determine the two-point correlation function C(r,t)C(r,t) under the IIA. We find that for rsr\ll s, C(r,t)rαC(r,t)\sim r^{-\alpha} where α=2τ\alpha=2-\tau, in agreement with our earlier numerical results.Comment: 15 pages in RevTeX, 5 postscript figure

    Finite Temperature Depinning of a Flux Line from a Nonuniform Columnar Defect

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    A flux line in a Type-II superconductor with a single nonuniform columnar defect is studied by a perturbative diagrammatic expansion around an annealed approximation. The system undergoes a finite temperature depinning transition for the (rather unphysical) on-the-average repulsive columnar defect, provided that the fluctuations along the axis are sufficiently large to cause some portions of the column to become attractive. The perturbative expansion is convergent throughout the weak pinning regime and becomes exact as the depinning transition is approached, providing an exact determination of the depinning temperature and the divergence of the localization length.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 3 EPS figures embedded with epsf.st

    Stochastic growth equations on growing domains

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    The dynamics of linear stochastic growth equations on growing substrates is studied. The substrate is assumed to grow in time following the power law tγt^\gamma, where the growth index γ\gamma is an arbitrary positive number. Two different regimes are clearly identified: for small γ\gamma the interface becomes correlated, and the dynamics is dominated by diffusion; for large γ\gamma the interface stays uncorrelated, and the dynamics is dominated by dilution. In this second regime, for short time intervals and spatial scales the critical exponents corresponding to the non-growing substrate situation are recovered. For long time differences or large spatial scales the situation is different. Large spatial scales show the uncorrelated character of the growing interface. Long time intervals are studied by means of the auto-correlation and persistence exponents. It becomes apparent that dilution is the mechanism by which correlations are propagated in this second case.Comment: Published versio

    Persistence and survival in equilibrium step fluctuations

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    Results of analytic and numerical investigations of first-passage properties of equilibrium fluctuations of monatomic steps on a vicinal surface are reviewed. Both temporal and spatial persistence and survival probabilities, as well as the probability of persistent large deviations are considered. Results of experiments in which dynamical scanning tunneling microscopy is used to evaluate these first-passage properties for steps with different microscopic mechanisms of mass transport are also presented and interpreted in terms of theoretical predictions for appropriate models. Effects of discrete sampling, finite system size and finite observation time, which are important in understanding the results of experiments and simulations, are discussed.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figures, review paper for a special issue of JSTA

    Unconventional MBE Strategies from Computer Simulations for Optimized Growth Conditions

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    We investigate the influence of step edge diffusion (SED) and desorption on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) using kinetic Monte-Carlo simulations of the solid-on-solid (SOS) model. Based on these investigations we propose two strategies to optimize MBE growth. The strategies are applicable in different growth regimes: During layer-by-layer growth one can exploit the presence of desorption in order to achieve smooth surfaces. By additional short high flux pulses of particles one can increase the growth rate and assist layer-by-layer growth. If, however, mounds are formed (non-layer-by-layer growth) the SED can be used to control size and shape of the three-dimensional structures. By controlled reduction of the flux with time we achieve a fast coarsening together with smooth step edges.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Growth of Patterned Surfaces

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    During epitaxial crystal growth a pattern that has initially been imprinted on a surface approximately reproduces itself after the deposition of an integer number of monolayers. Computer simulations of the one-dimensional case show that the quality of reproduction decays exponentially with a characteristic time which is linear in the activation energy of surface diffusion. We argue that this life time of a pattern is optimized, if the characteristic feature size of the pattern is larger than (D/F)1/(d+2)(D/F)^{1/(d+2)}, where DD is the surface diffusion constant, FF the deposition rate and dd the surface dimension.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, uses psfig; to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Spatial Persistence of Fluctuating Interfaces

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    We show that the probability, P_0(l), that the height of a fluctuating (d+1)-dimensional interface in its steady state stays above its initial value up to a distance l, along any linear cut in the d-dimensional space, decays as P_0(l) \sim l^(-\theta). Here \theta is a `spatial' persistence exponent, and takes different values, \theta_s or \theta_0, depending on how the point from which l is measured is specified. While \theta_s is related to fractional Brownian motion, and can be determined exactly, \theta_0 is non-trivial even for Gaussian interfaces.Comment: 5 pages, new material adde

    Denaturation of Heterogeneous DNA

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    The effect of heterogeneous sequence composition on the denaturation of double stranded DNA is investigated. The resulting pair-binding energy variation is found to have a negligible effect on the critical properties of the smooth second order melting transition in the simplest (Peyrard-Bishop) model. However, sequence heterogeneity is dramatically amplified upon adopting a more realistic treatment of the backbone stiffness. The model yields features of ``multi-step melting'' similar to those observed in experiments.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX, text and figures also available at http://matisse.ucsd.edu/~hw